Chapter 1
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I open my eyes feeling very strange. It feels like I am sitting on a hard but comfortable chair. The last thing I remember is that I was chilling with my brother at his wedding. It was a really great party, his newlywed wife is a great person but quite strange in my opinion. She always wears that hat and glasses of hers. I'm sure she would have worn them over that wedding dress if they were getting married in the traditional way, but who am I to judge her?

By the way, I can't remember her name or what she looks like or anything. Same with my brother and the rest of the family. That’s very concerning.

Puzzled by the situation I look around to see where I am and I see.... nothing. Literally a black void. Interestingly, when I look at myself I see that I am dressed in some kind of strange uniform. It looks a bit like WW1 military clothing combined with metal armour in some places.

A mirror or something would be useful.

Then, a holographic screen appeared in front of me, depicting a figure. Of course, it's me and...

Oh shit!

I have a light grey complexion with medium-length white hair with blue highlights. The interesting thing is the eyes, black sclera with blue pupils. But what caught my attention was something else. Those ears! I am some kind of weird ass mutated elf. Am I some kind of dark elf or something like that? Before I had time to rock up with my guesses I noticed an icon along with the words 'true form' next to my character.

And soon the figure of the elf changed into a gigantic dragon with blue scales, and identically coloured eyes to its previous form. In addition, you can see lightning shooting from the body of the beast, but the most important thing is that this dragon is undoubtedly some kind of undead. In some places the flesh is missing leaving a skeleton, not even mentioning that its horns appear to be immaterial.

What the fuck am I!?

I started to panic and after a while when I calmed down I noticed the 'sealed' notation next to the character. So it looks like I don't yet meet the requirements to take this form.

Well, what about a status or something? if I remember correctly most systems have such a function.



true name:

Tareal Illitris


0 (0)















So it's a typical system with stats, classes and that's it. Typical but why souls instead of exp? And what's with the names?

In the end, not getting any answers, I decided to look around and noticed... nothing. There is literally nothingness all around me, darkness with no one, but despite this, I am able to see as if this emptiness is fully illuminated. The only object I notice is that big stone throne on which I was sitting a moment ago. By the way, how come I am levitating, probably another strange and fucked up thing that happened today.

Anyway, without thinking too much about it, I decided to choose a character class and was a bit surprised. There are only three typical classes available and they have a maximum achievable level and tiers. I guess this means that once a class is maxed out, the next class is unlocked and you can choose another, more powerful class. To start I have a choice of mage, rogue and warrior. Yes, I know, very original. Normally I would choose the mage, but I do not know the details of this class and I am afraid that I will have problems learning spells. Rogue also seems to be ok but is usually tricky and not very tough. I therefore chose the warrior.

Quite boring but you have to start somewhere.



true name:

Tareal Illitris


0 (10)


Warrior (1/50)












So I get two strength points, three vitality points and one agility point every level. I guess that wisdom and intelligence are responsible for magical abilities and other such things.

Having settled this matter, I decided to explore the area. I found nothing, of course, but discovered that the place was not infinite. If I focus, I can sense the 'boundaries'. The whole thing is not that huge, being only twenty kilometres (12.5 miles) in diameter.

After this, I sat down on the throne and began to reflect on my situation. Partial amnesia? Check. Safe area? same. I'm missing a description and details about my situation. I would like to know who I am now and what I am doing here.

Would the host like a presentation of the situation and general issues relating to the current situation? This is a single-time use for the host to receive information.

Hm. So the system functions exactly as I need. Suspicious, I don't believe in coincidences. Unfortunately, I have no other choice. It is the only option for me at the moment. I have to take the risk.

Akumu also known as Tareal Illitris, I continue to ponder this unusual predicament while seating on the enigmatic stone throne in the vast, illuminated void. I've chosen the path of a warrior, a somewhat mundane choice considering the extraordinary circumstances, but one that offered familiarity and strength. As I inspected my newly acquired attributes, the souls, and the class progression, I couldn't help but wonder about the purpose and origin of this bizarre system.

The offer for a presentation of the situation intrigued me. It was a one-time opportunity, and given his complete lack of knowledge about the current state, so I decided to take the risk.

"Yes," I replied, my voice echoing through the void. "I'd like to receive a presentation of the situation and any general information related to it."

As soon as I uttered these words everything went black. I lost my sense of touch, hearing, sight and I cannot move. Instead, information began to seep into my consciousness as if I had always known it.

I was not able to determine how much time had passed, but when my senses returned I could only do one thing in the shock I had experienced through my newfound knowledge.

"I'm a fucking what!"

I shouted with all my might hoping for an answer.


Let's try it again. This time with first-person narration .