Chapter 4
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After reflecting for a while on the past and the adventures we had gone through together with our companions, we walked closer to the throne, or more precisely to the npc standing next to it. We are talking about Albedo, a succubus who is one of the two tallest guardians of the tomb. In general, at first her creator Tabula Smaragdina wanted her to be the only one, but after the changes to her backstory that we made together later changed the concept. The second guardian overseer in turn became Demiurge.

He never told me what he wanted to do with her but knowing him... I'm scared. He has an overwhelming talent for creating characters with completely twisted personalities. For example, a muscleman who looks like a typical barbarian but loves puppies and going on picnics with his friends. Something like this makes you only able to think 'what the hell is going on?'

After ordering all npcs to kneel before the momonga throne, he sat on it and I stood beside him. This is already a habit we have worked out for ourselves because while the skeleton-boi is the guild master I am something like his deputy. After touch-me's 'abdication' from his position, no one wanted the position of master because it involved a lot of work to manage the resources owned by the guild and organise everything. Nevertheless, momonga was chosen because he is the only one who actually knows it. I got this position after I decided to help him a few times when he was sitting around all day thinking about who to send, where to send resources, etc.

We waited like this, talking and wondering if another good game like this might be made. We hoped that one day we would all get together again, but we know full well that this is not true.

When the countdown to the end reached zero, we were not greeted by any message about the loss of connection, nor were we simply forced to log out of the game. Instead, it felt strange.

My body feels strange, feeling much better than usual. I am full of energy and seemingly lighter. As I look around I notice that the environment looks much more realistic with more detail than usual.

Could it be that it's not a game shutdown but a graphical update or something?

These are the thoughts that come to me. Looking at Momonga, I notice that the same thing is probably on his mind. They were drawn out of their reveries by a voice.

"My lords what has happened? Is everything all right?"

I looked in the direction from which the voice came and I notice Albedo looking at me with eyes showing confusion and worry.

I am sure that if momo had normal eyes they would be as wide as mine. This is unbelievable. How can npcs, which so far have only been able to follow strictly defined orders, not even been able to speak, let alone show emotions or think for themselves, suddenly behave like real living beings.

Okay, calm down Atsune, I'm sure it's some kind of joke by the creators. They probably released a new patch or something.

With this thought in mind, I completely ignore the skeleton, which starts saying something to the others in the room while I, in a panic, try to open the menu but cannot.

“I can’t open the menu!”

In a panic, I prepare for an attack that could come from any direction. In my line of 'work' it is obvious that the targets are not cooperative, so whenever something strange, sudden or suspicious happens, alarm bells go off in the head that it could be a trap.

You could say that this has become a habit.

"Hey Atsune, wake up."

The guild master's voice pulled me out of my search for a hidden threat, making me realise I was exaggerating and there was nothing like that here. At least I don't think there is.

I look around and no one but the two of us are here anymore. I had to think terribly hard not to notice all the maids, Sebas and of course, Albedo walking out of the throne room.

"Are you alright?"

Said momo to me most likely concerned with my distraction.

"Yes. I was thinking for a bit."

The skeleton nodded and began to explain his own thoughts.

"Well, it's like this. We've most likely been transported to another world. And before you start bombarding me with questions let me finish. First of all, as you noticed we don't have access to the menu. Everything looks more real somehow and we, well probably you looking at my situation have full feeling in this body. Not to mention the npc's that have become completely alive or the fact that something is strenuously calming me from all emotions."

After hearing this I stared at him for a few dozen seconds without changing my expression.

"Normally I'd call you a weeb and mentally ill but it makes a bit of sense and I don't really have a different idea myself. So, what now?"

Why am I so calm about this, I should be freaking out. On the other hand I have no family and my job is… less than ideal so there is nothing keeping me there.

"Well, while you were busy doing whatever you were doing I ordered the guards to assemble in the coliseum on the sixth floor in about an hour."

Wait a minute, If the npc descriptions we added are true then does that mean the objects are too? And if so...

"In an hour yes? I'll see you then."

Without waiting for his reply, I run out of the room, passing someone on the way. I did not pay attention and I have more important things on my mind right now.

I need to get to my private quarters on the ninth floor as soon as possible. If what we thought up together with Ulbert and Tabula has become a reality then.... I don't even want to think about the possible consequences.