Chapter 5
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With a bang, I flew into my room almost pulling the door off its hinges. The room is of average size, sufficient to accommodate most of the things that a standard person needs, not counting the kitchen or the bathroom which, of course, for us as players did not even come to mind. How good it was that I only distributed levels in ghost type races.

The walls, ceiling and floor are made of smoothed dark stone with a few cracks here and there. Opposite the door is a double luxurious bed next to which is a desk and chair. As for the lighting, there is a small chandelier in the middle of the ceiling with magic stones that glow a bluish colour.

However, what interests me at the moment is the soybean on which the tsurugi is suspended. This is a straight blade compared to the katana or other traditional swords, it is simply a long sword. Personally, I have no idea where Tabula got the idea to use this type of sword specifically, but I think he said something about it being considered a symbol of power or something. It would fit with the concept.

The scabbard of the sword is made of dark wood with an engraved shimmering symbol of a dragon with holes in its wings.

I grabbed the hilt with one hand and the other end lifting the sword closer to me. As soon as I grabbed it the whole thing started to shake and almost fell out of my hand. Then I saw darkness in front of my eyes, nothing at all, and I could have sworn that I heard a strange and frightening voice. It sounded like there were actually thousands of people of different ages or genders talking at the same time. But what stunned me was what the voice was saying, if she hadn't misheard it sounded like "What the fuck is going on!".

This one, I definitely misheard. It's impossible for this being to say something like that. Granted, we've never described how it behaves or what kind of personality it has, but looking at what it's supposed to be, nobody would believe me.

After a few seconds, I returned to my initial state still confused as to what had even happened. I grabbed the sword that had stopped shaking and took it out of the scabbard to see what it looked like now that it had become a reality.

The hilt is completely black covered with a slightly lighter rough material, the handguard on the other hand is small and apart from the also black surface you can see some light blue details here and there. As for the blade itself, it is of the usual metallic colour along with similar blue lines on it.

Okay come to think of it, it took me about ten to fifteen minutes to get here. So there's still plenty of time until that 'gathering' at the coliseum. Maybe I'll go outside to see? Sounds cool.

With this idea in mind, I teleported to the exit of the tomb using a special ring allowing free movement inside the great tomb. With my skills and techniques learnt both during the game and in real life, I managed to exit the tomb undetected.

On the other side, I see a sight that I have only seen in pictures and books. The night sky, stars, trees and beautiful stretches of green as far as the eye can see. It is something our tainted and damaged world has not seen for a long time. Admittedly, there are some stretches of green land here and there, but they are generally owned by the wealthiest few.

I am pulled out of my awe by a voice coming from behind me.

"My lady, what are you doing here alone without a guard?"

I turn around noticing one of the Pleiades, Narberal Gamma. She is a member of the Doppelgänger race and one of the 'battle maids'. I can never understand why Nishikirenai and the rest of the guys were so fixated on the maids, once they even wanted to push me into a costume to dress up for fun. 

By being caught in the act, I am trying to negate any potential problem that I may have caused.

"I, I just came to get some air. And I didn't see anyone on the way so I figured it was okay. How did you know I was here, by the way?"

Her eyebrows furrowed evidently not reacting well to this. Knowing how npc's were 'coded' it's unlikely she's not upset with me but with others for not doing their jobs properly.

"Lord momonga somehow noticed that you were moving away from the tomb and asked for someone to be sent. I happened to be the closest to the place."

Ah, I see. I didn't take that into account after all, momo could see me on the mini-map.

Before I could respond by trying to get rid of her I was silenced with the argument that she could not let me go anywhere alone without her and that it was dangerous. The worst thing is that it makes sense. We are in a low-lying place where the natives could potentially be much stronger than us, and here I am walking around as if nothing had happened.

And so, Narberal and I walk around the tomb without exchanging a word between us. Very awkward. The good thing is that she takes her work very seriously and is constantly on the lookout for danger.

At one point I notice movement and several wolves jump out of the bushes. I don't think it could be any more clichéd. Of course, instead of avoiding us as wolves normally do, they attack us, the poor things must be hungry. All in all, it gives me options to test something.

I pull my sword from its scabbard and in two fluid movements kill a couple of beasts while the maid disposes of the rest by.... kick.

Then a curious phenomenon appeared. A sort of fuzzy and transparent form that looked just like them came out of the bodies of the beasts and was sucked into the sword I was holding.

Heh just as I thought. According to the description the being in the sword is supposed to sleep but when it wakes up it is weakened and must devour the souls of slain enemies to grow to its former level.

"Ok, we've done what I wanted we can go back."

I said lying as easily as breathing and walking away towards the tomb.