Chapter 7 : Middlemist Red
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I stood up with a gasp. Lucien and Sorcha looked at me in amazement.

My heart was beating very fast. Sweat was pouring down my temples, and my chest was rumbling with the anger I had just vented on the 5 Zoldhagy knights. How annoying.

In my previous life, I hated it the most when anger overcame me. It feels so tight and my head gets dizzy. However, if I keep it bottled up, it's not good for my mental health either. This body seems to have the same problem. I didn't expect that.

"Wow, I didn't expect that. You're that strong to hit 5 trained knights with just a wooden stick!" Lucien started to speak up.

"Shut up! I'm still angry. That disgusting knight should have learned some manners first before getting that honorary title. Damn it!" I turned around while swearing and walked into the greenhouse.

"Hey, is Lady Riley really like this?" Lucien whispered to Sorcha.

She whispered, but I still heard her. Oh, my.

“No, that’s why I was surprised by her attitude towards the knights, sir!” Sorcha laughed softly.

That’s because the Riley who’s with you isn’t the Riley who can only stay silent when she’s treated badly by people. Dear.

I’m sure Andre will spread strange rumors in the Zoldhegy residence after this incident. I don’t care. To hell with reputation, Riley Gallagher I’m going to make you count in front of everyone.

As I stepped into this greenhouse, my eyes were presented with a view of blooming flowers. My forehead furrowed.

One month after Riley was locked up underground, this greenhouse didn't seem neglected at all. It looked very well maintained. I turned around and looked at Sorcha. She was the only one who sincerely helped Riley.

"Thank you for taking care of my flowers, Sorcha!" I smiled at the girl.

Sorcha was surprised to see my smile. Did Riley never show her smile to anyone?

"You're welcome, My Lady. This is all I can do while you are locked up underground." Sorcha replied with a smile.

Her face looked very happy.

[Sorcha Lotair]

[Level: 7] [Experience Point.: 60%]

[Concern: 30] [Nonchalant: 5]

[Trust: 41] [Doubt: 5]

Oh, the positive points’ relation is increasing. My positive point’ control is controlled by my positive attitude too apparently. I wonder Andre’s negative points’ must have increased as well.

I walked back, this greenhouse wasn’t too big. It’s only 10 x 7 m. Well, what can Ervin expect from his youngest daughter.

I tried searching for middlemist red. The system showed me a picture of the flower. I stopped when I saw how beautiful the flower was.

No wonder so many nobles were eyeing it. I wasn’t familiar with the flower species, so I certainly wasn’t interested in this type of ornamental plant.

For me, learning about medicine and surviving the chaos of war were more important than occupying myself with spending time tending to plants.

I stepped my feet in search of the flower while looking at the flowers in bloom. Almost all the plants here were exactly the same as in my old world.

It didn’t take long before I saw the flower in question. Almost 2 meters tall, I could see the middlemist flowers blooming. I sighed, then walked over to the flower and stood before it.

If this was such a rare flower, it should at least be in good hands. I turned around and saw Sorcha.

"I need your help, Sorcha!" I said to Sorcha.

The girl bowed. "I'd be happy to help."

"Take the middlemist seedlings and put them in the cottage, do it quickly before that bastard knight comes and destroys this greenhouse!" I ordered with a chuckle.

Without asking why I asked her to do that, Sorcha immediately did what I told her to do. Then I looked at Lucien.

"And you, go to Diana! I don't need to be watched. It's less work if I disturb and even threaten the life of the Crown Princess-to-be." I said with emphasis as I said Diana's title while waving my hand like someone was shooing away the bully in front of her.

“I was ordered to watch you, not watch Lady Diana.” Lucien answered my orders calmly.

“I know, but that woman will bother me all the time if you’re still around!” I said uncertainly. Would Diana do that? Just remembering how she had to get what she wanted annoyed me.

“Absolutly.” Merea nodded with their arms crossed.


“I will report to the Crown Prince about it!”

I sighed, “Whatever, the important thing is that he doesn’t interfere with my life!” I turned around and saw Sorcha very painstakingly transplanting some middlemist red seedlings into flower pots.

I wanted to do it too. However, fear was still eating away at me. My hands are used for killing, if I were to transplant the seedlings, would you be able to survive, middlemist?

I looked at the flowers. They were very beautiful. Then I glanced somewhere, my eyes widened at the flowers in the corner of the greenhouse.

“Peony?” Gosh, I haven’t seen this flower in a long time.

My feet stepped closer to the pale pink flowers. I feel nostalgic seeing you again, Peon.

I raised my hand and gently stroked the peony blossoms.

“What a beautiful flower, My Lady!” Lucien who was standing beside me also looked at the flower.

“Well, it reminds me of someone.”

“Your lover?”

I glanced at Lucien, then chuckled. “Is it polite to ask that question to a girl who is neglected among the nobility?”

Lucien was stunned. “Forgive my impertinence, My Lady.” He bowed apologetically.

I held my head. "No, not a lover. It's just a little boy who became my savior! He gave me peonies because he thought they were very pretty and suitable for me."

Lucien's body stiffened, his eyes widened. He seemed to have forgotten to breathe.

"What is it Sir?"

Lucien gasped. Then he smiled slightly. "No, sorry I was pensive for a moment!"

"Stay alert Sir, you are a knight. If you lose your focus, your life and the lives of your men could be lost because of your carelessness!"

"Yes, My Lady. I am so sorry!"

"Never mind. Let's go to Sorcha's place!" I walked over to Sorcha who had taken out 10 pots of middlemist seeds.

“Is this enough, My Lady?”

“More than enough, Dear!” I replied with a smile.

Sorcha looked surprised. Did I say something wrong? I frowned.

“Riley never addresses someone with the word ‘Dear’. Have you forgotten your position as a noble princess?” They laughed while explaining why Sorcha’s reaction was like that.

I pursed my lips with a frown, trying to hold back a bitter smile at my own stupidity. Did my senility carry over as well? I should have been more careful talking to people.

Honestly, I don’t know how to behave, what should a normal teenager do? I don’t know at all. Blame the country’s officials who want to take away the childhood of children in conflict areas.

I sighed. “Bring the seedlings to the cottage!” I ignored the girl’s expression, then I picked up two pots and carried them carefully to the cottage.

“You should rest in the cottage instead, My Lady!” Lucien followed me at the side while carrying two pots of middlemist red seedlings.

“Well, you carry the rest with Sorcha. I’ll rest after this.”

My head was really spinning. After my anger subsided, my head started throbbing. Thankfully it didn’t make me faint.

Back at the cottage, I placed the seedling close to the sunlight. Sorcha and Lucien followed what I was doing.

The cottage is made of wood, not too big. There are only gardening tools and one ugly mattress where I fell asleep earlier. There was a small table with some books neatly arranged near the window.

This cottage reminds me of an incident in my first life. In a forest, my troops and I attacked a village where guerrillas were hiding. It was there that I met the child.

The child I took in after an argument with my superiors was placed in an orphanage. I became his guardian until he was old enough to live on his own. Little did I know that he had the potential to become a law enforcer.

I dropped my butt on the mattress, sighed and massaged my head. It still hurt. I shouldn’t have moved much today and that old man Ervin should have come to me instead of me coming to him.

How did he educate his daughter? Rude, selfish, and arrogant. I’m sure even if a noble approached her, it would most likely be a sycophant.

How could the emperor decide to marry the crown prince to such a crazy woman?

I dropped my body on the bed. Hopefully, Diana will change after becoming the Crown Princess. Otherwise the balance of the empire could be one-sided. I can just imagine what it would be like if a woman like Diana ascended to the throne.

It must be very chaotic.

My body does need a lot of rest. My eyes slowly closed. My body felt light and my consciousness began to fade.

At that moment, I felt someone’s hand stroking my head and he whispered.

“Riley, I finally found you.”

Found me? Who is it?