Chapter 10 – Hungry Hungry Humanoids
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“I definitely have body issues, but everybody does. When you come to the realization that everybody does that—even the people that I consider flawless—then you can start to live with the way you are.”

—Taylor Swift


The new world awaits! You’ve gotten past negotiations with the gods and common information dumps (often called info dumps) which may or may not have been poured into your mind like a cup of soda into a gallon of perfectly good distilled water. However, not all that glitters is gold - at least in the beginning. 


When you enter the new world, there are two options: 

  1. You have kept your past body. This is typically due to having transmigrated, as addressed in an earlier chapter. 
  2. You have not kept your past body. This is typically due to having reincarnated or at least having your body incredibly modified upon arrival to the new world. 

Subject no 2. is going to be the topic for the next few chapters, as not always will you be blessed (or cursed, depending on your viewpoint) with keeping your past-world body. 


Human, and humanoid bodies, are relatively common for isekai-ers to isekai into, even those which are not theirs. When push comes to shove, many universes use the “default” human frame, then work off of that to bring about more. Dwarves, elves, and a myriad of other favorite fantasy races tend to be shaped similarly to humans, even if the in-lore of the universe may state that humans are not the superior race. There are multiple main types of humanoid bodies you may isekai into, and their common pros and cons shall be discussed here:


  • Human 


The standard fare in which most isekai-ers will isekai into, the human model is the expected model and also one of the more popular models. 


It comes with the inherent easier adaptability since presumably the reader is human and thus will not have as much trouble adapting to a new human body. There is a chance of gender-bending, but not guaranteed. 


Human models tend to initially start as a jack-of-all-trades, their social position depending on the socioeconomic factors present in the reality you have isekai’d into. Not abnormally good at anything, but not abnormally bad at anything. You have your work cut out for you to become a master at anything, or make an impression on other races, but you will not have any racial disadvantages. 


The human model reproduces at a face pace, approximately once every 10-30 years, and thus its reproductive model is dependent on the presence of other races with possibly differing systems, but it favors the faster timings in general. It also tends to die relatively quickly compared to other races, but not as quickly as the fastest of reproduction rates, living on average approximately 40-70 years depending on your luck. 


  • Elf


A somewhat popular model of humanoids, the elf model is known for its many benefits and consequences, regardless of the world they are in. 


It is considerably easier to adapt to when compared to other common races when isekai’d into. Their bodies tend to be quite similar to that of a human, along with the standard chance of gender-bending. They are known for their long ears and taller heights across the realities, and thus are still a relatively common template. Do keep an eye out for other body modifications though, such as an organ dedicated to magic. 


Elf models tend to start as a model which specializes in the usage of magic, typically either through intrinsic higher amounts of “mana” (a common word used to describe a fuel type of magic) or instinctive control over “mana.” Specifically, they may specialize in “earth,” “light,” or “wind” magic, although “water” and “spirit” magic are often common specializations as well. They may also have enhanced physical abilities, such as superstrength and supersight, due to the model’s tendency to use follow lifestyles such as archery. 


The elf model reproduces at one of the slowest known rates, besides those of non-humanoid models. Varying from world to world, the common fact is that elves tend to live for centuries, far longer than your average human or beastkin. They may even live longer than the dwarves, upwards of millennia depending on the world. However, their numbers are often lowered due to their long lifespans, often numbering in the lowest besides the dwarves. 


  • Dwarf


A coveted model for those interested in the art of craft (but not much else), the dwarf model has been famed since the release of Tolkien across the realities. 


Adapting to this model may be somewhat difficult, due to the general changes in physiology, when isekai’d into. Their bodies tend to be shorter and stockier than that of a human, albeit with a higher muscle-weight ratio. There is very little chance of gender-bending with this model. They may also have lower endurance/stamina compared to other races, but in return may have abilities such as improved intellect and night vision. 


Dwarf models tend to start as a model which specializes in the physical aspect of fighting, due to their higher levels of overall strength compared to most other races and low statutes allowing for greater chances of hitting the lower parts. Their primary weapon may be a hammer or the assorted craft they produce, such as swords and shields (due to smithing being a popular craft among dwarf models). There is also the chance of having the intrinsic advantage to use earth- or fire-based magic, albeit this is not as common as the previously mentioned traits. 


The dwarf model also tends to live longer lives (generally a few centuries, at most a millennia) and thus is accompanied by a lower reproduction rate (perhaps twice the duration of a human, or longer). Their lifespans are second longest only to the elves, and so are their reproduction rates, and thus may also be relatively low in number compared to other models. 


  • Beastkin


A model greatly desired in the modern day, albeit not so much in the past, the beastkin model is known for its animal-like characteristics which can vary from sub-model to sub-model. 


Adapting to a beastkin model is varied depending on the model, given the wide variety the term “beastkin” encompasses. The most common difference is the replacement of human ears with animal ears, and the addition of a tail near the waist, but other modifications such as extra fur, claws, and other organs are possible as well. Winged beastkin models are particularly popular among those from southeast Asia, but cat- and fox-based beastkin models are popular in Japan and China. 


Beastkin models tend to start almost entirely specializing in physical fighting, whether it be claws, jaws, or draws (since beastkin also tend to be hot-blooded, so draws may be used as a catalyst for more fights to determine who is stronger). Approximately the same size as a human, but with far weaker magical abilities to the point of being near negligible in some cases, the magic a beastkin may be able to utilize tends to be related to its race, to complement its animal-like abilities. Weaponry usage is uncommon, but claw gauntlets may be usable for cat-kin or similar sub-models. 


 Their lifespans are similar to humans, if not longer due to their enhanced physical physiques. However, it will not be lengthened as long as the dwarves or elves, perhaps due to their lessened use of magic. (The explanation may vary from reality to reality) The reproductive rate of the beastkin model is similar to that of humans too, albeit perhaps slightly slower due to the longer lifespans and thus a lessened need to mate. Their population numbers will be similar to that of humans, assuming common socioeconomic factors such as the advent of slavery do not come into play. 


  • Goblin


The least popular model for isekai-ers to isekai into, due to the many downsides of running a goblin model. However, it is important to know how it works in case you do enter this model. 


Adapting to the goblin model is … difficult, for most isekai-ers, even professional isekai-ers with countless lifetimes under their belt. They tend to be shorter than humans, colored mottled green (depending on the reality), and are considerably faster and have more stamina than normal humans. They still do tend to be social humanoids, making the model somewhat bearable for the tough of mind. 


Goblin models tend to start weak in virtually almost every area, whether it be physical strength, magical power, or intelligence in general. They are known as small fry in the video games and literature of today’s world, and this is usually true in most others. (Do keep an eye out for the universes with more robust variants of goblins though, they tend to be even more difficult.) However, goblins have good raw survival instincts, possibly better compared to almost any other species, assuming they are familiar with their environment, due to their lack of capability in practically every other field. 


However, the model’s real power comes into play in terms of reproduction, making it one of the shortest-lived, if not fastest-reproducing, models to isekai into - for both humanoid and non-humanoid models. While the specific numbers vary from reality to reality, goblins are by far one of the most promiscuous, and thus tend to engage in sexual acts whenever they can. Their lifespans are short, due to either genetics or being hunted down for their high libido, and thus are generally seen as dangerous pests for the untrained arm. 


There may be other humanoid models out there, such as those with multiple arms, or other such differences which may not have been mentioned here. If you do enter one such model, follow the below steps:

  1. Identify the known parts
    • Legs, arms, eyes, insect exoskeletons, furry paws, etc
  2. Identify their purposes 
    • Increased laceration power, increased defenses, increased sight, etc
  3. Test for magic
    • Some races are more naturally inclined to use magic than others, this will be vital for determining your power level and where you stand overall when combined with the purposes of the body parts

Know these three, which can even be applied to the models mentioned above, and you will hopefully gain enough information to produce a perspective of who you are in this world. 


Ultimately, these are just the most common or the most important models one needs to look out for when isekai-ing into a new world. Your new humanoid body comes with both pros and cons, and thus you can then plan how to incorporate its benefits while minimizing the consequences. Magic and physical strength are both extremely important in a fantasy world, but so is being able to reproduce quickly or having large numbers of your model (if you have a reproduction-based or number-based ability.)

AN: I prefer elf models since ultimately isekais are going to be about YOU. Longer life = more waifus and more power. 


EN: Ignore the author, the only good model is the dwarf model because then you don’t have to go out and fight. Stay home, make good weapons, and drink beer. 


AN: Ay, smaller chance of gender-bending if you run the dwarf model. Who needs to read yuri when you can BE the yuri?


EN: Shush, gender-bending means nothing when you can make artifacts to do that for you.