Chapter 2 – Goblins Attack
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Just as I was about to do anything, the girl I was with ran as fast as she could while holding my hand. The blue goblins didn't let us escape as they chased us while waving around their clubs in craziness. 

"Uosadegin!" The girl screamed as she took my hand. We ran aimlessly through the hallway of the school as the four goblins chased us. We ran as fast as we could going left and right, however even with all of that effort, the goblins still managed to follow us with ease. 

I managed to run without a hitch as I was used to running every morning as my daily routine, however the girl in front of me started to slow down. Her breath started to flow out of rhythm; she couldn't keep up any longer. 

I thought of a destination to let us face this predicament, like hiding in the classroom or locking ourselves into the gym locker room. Just as I was about to notify the running girl, she fell down out of nowhere in the hallway. 

One of the goblins laughed at her fall as they slowed down their chase, walking towards us slowly while holding giant clubs compared to their sizes. Nevertheless, the goblins exuded a cocky aura as they all started to laugh at the girl's embarrassing fall. 

The girl glanced back towards me as her tears started falling down, "Etekusat…" The girl cried out, her eyes were filled with complete fear. 


A sharp vibration of sound filled the air fiercely, followed by a high pitch screech from the girl near me. One of the goblins that followed us suddenly dropped down with lifeless eyes. The other goblins stared at their fallen comrade with a confused look. A green splatter of liquid splashed the hallway from where the fallen goblin stood. 

The remaining goblins changed their pace from walking into rushing towards us chaotically; the girl besides me closed her eyes with a fearful expression. I continued to aim the handgun I grabbed from the thigh hilt. 

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 

A barrage of bullets mowed down the remaining goblins mercilessly as I tried to control the recoil of my handgun; I used all the bullets I had on my handgun. Each shot gave a glamorous loud noise that scared the naked girl besides me. 

I immediately hugged the girl immediately to calm down her shakiness from the gunshots. Her breath was uneven as she tried to open her eyes. I tried to take a deep breath, she understood my gesture; she calmed herself down by slowly composing her short breath.

Seeing her scared expression was strangely erotic, though I quickly dispelled my warped mind as the girl looked at me closely. She was the first person I've met in a long time. I wouldn't want bad things to happen to her. 

I continued to hug her while patting her in the back. Her skin was too smooth to touch. Her hair was somewhat unkempt, yet it doesn't deter her beautiful facial features. If this keeps up, I might as well fall in love with her. 


It had been too long, I had forgotten what common senses were. What humans should do or whatnot. The only things I did for months were wasting my life watching anime, studying at this school alone, or putting random voice recorders on places I visited to feel a little less lonely. 

Perhaps… the life I led currently wasn't too different compared to the day when everyone still existed in this world. In the end, the word 'meaningless' described my life perfectly. If she was still here, she would probably laugh at my self-deprecating words while smiling gently. After all, my meaningless existence was what made me able to follow her. 

Slowly but surely, the girl calmed down. She glanced at the pool of green blood left by the goblins' deceased corpses. She then looked at me with an amazed expression.

I followed her gaze. The goblins' grotesque corpses were enough to give me a butterfly stomach. I tried to hold down my urge to vomit.

"Ubuojiad used ak?" The girl said with a concerned look. I could feel her kindness in her eyes as she stroked my hair. Before I noticed it, I started crying uncontrollably. I was still alive. The way the goblins simply just died was something I couldn't process for a minute. 

The girl let go of the hug I gave to her for a moment. She gave me a worried look. I stared at the empty handgun I was holding with a rather pale expression. A dizzying headache struck me mercilessly as it tricked my brain into seeing the gun as a knife, followed by a ray of unpleasant memories. I let go of the gun as it fell down to the floor.

I tried to compose myself by taking a deep breath, yet, my lungs won't listen to me. Images of a pretty girl with a middle school uniform struck my mind. The words 'murderer' and 'human trash' suddenly sprung into me. 

My hands were shaking. The naked girl took notice of that as she instantly grabbed both of my hands firmly. She smiled at me preciously. She used her slim fingers to wipe away tears from my eyes. 

The girl hugged me sincerely as she rubbed my hair, "Ihsoy-ihsoy," The girl said with a comforting tone. The same words she used to comfort me from before at the rooftop. 

A few moments had passed until I finally stopped shaking. I shoved away any distressing memories as I smiled. It's been too long since I felt happy to show someone else my sincere expression. 

"Thank you," I said, with a smile. 
