Chapter 4 – Bath Time
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"U-um… Miss Sayoko, are you an angel?" Asked Hinako, I accidentally bit my tongue when hearing her question.

"Why do you think that?" I replied to her question with another question.

"I-I thought I died, and you're the first person I saw. Also, you're beautiful, have big breasts, attractive, stunning, and magnificent," Hinako answered. I had the desire to retort back 'I could say the same thing to you!', nevertheless, I stopped that train of thought.

I simply replied, "Unfortunately, I'm not an angel. I'm just a normal human born in the 2030s without any special quirk and abilities."

Hinako tilted her head in confusion while nodding as she muttered, "I see…"

I took a glance outside the window, the sky was filled with tinted orange color; Indicating the time to be afternoon. The sound of crows could be heard from the sky as they flew away without any care in the world.

"U-um, Miss Sayoko, you see, I was-" Said Hinako as I cut her mid-sentence. 

"Let's talk later in my house, the day is getting darker. In the first place, aren't you cold without any outfit?" I asked with a casual tone, which was met by a blushing Hinako trying to hide her private parts with embarrassed eyes. 

We left the school ground as we walked towards my house. I left my bag in my class and only carried my handgun inside my thigh hilt. Hinako looked around the road with a curious and amazed look. She glanced at every corner of the building and infrastructure she could find. 

If there were still people around, they would probably view Hinako as some kind of weird perverts, the police would probably have stopped Hinako by now. Hinako was covering her breasts and other private parts as we walked. I reassured her that no one would see her right now, but she didn't seem to believe me. 

It only took us less than 20 minutes to reach my house, and we entered inside. The sun was at its setting point, so I lit up my house to combat the darkness of the night. Click! I switched the light switch which made Hinako surprised at the sudden appearance of light.

"Make yourself at home," I said, while preparing for dinner. 

Hinako was observing every single detail of the furniture inside my house. She took a closer look at all the random pieces of technology that could be normally found in parts of the world, like TV, air conditioners, etc. 

"U-um, Miss Sayoko… can I borrow some clothing please?" Hinako asked shyly. I reflexively smiled at her behavior as I was cooking for dinner. 

"Sure. But first, let's take a bath first," I said, as I led Hinako towards the bathroom. She looked hesitant at first, but nevertheless, she went to the bathroom alone. 

Meanwhile, I was enjoying myself making dinner with two portions for two people. The fragrance aroma was coming nicely, until I heard steps from the bathroom. 

"U-um, Miss Sayoko… I don't know how to use the bath…" Hinako peeked from the bathroom door as she said that, her cheek reddened. I suddenly remembered her odd behavior whenever she saw a common technology from the modern world, perhaps she was a sheltered kid. 

"Just give me a moment," I said, while searching for something that was moving inside the living room, cleaning around the dust pile not leaving a single trace of dust around. I said, "Chloe, take care of the cooking for me," to a cute kitten robot that could take care of chores and cooking. It's a useful helper whenever I feel lazy to do anything. 

I followed Hinako to the bathroom while taking off my school uniform. Hinako was waiting for me as she was standing there patiently near the bathtub. I turned on the bathtub faucet as the water flowed into the tub. 

Hinako looked at the flow of water curiously, "Whoa! Is this magic?" Hinako asked, in which I replied with a simple, "No," As I thought, she might be sheltered from any modern technology.

"In the meantime, should I wash your back?" I said with a teasing manner, expecting a denial retort from Hinako. 

"U-um, please," Hinako responded. 

I didn't expect her to agree so easily. Hinako sat down as she waited for me, I washed her back gently. It had been too long since the last time I ever washed someone's back before. Her skin felt so smooth, I felt a strange blessing every time I touched her back. 

"Thank you, let me wash your back now, Miss Sayoko," Hinako said.

I responded, "You don't have to."

Hinako forced her way in by wagging her imaginary puppy tail as her eyes were begging me to let her wash my back. I sighed, and let myself in her service. She smiled at my resignation. 

"Your skin is so smooth, Miss Sayoko," Said Hinako. I felt embarrassed hearing it, however I maintained my poker face. 

"Thank you. Also, you could stop calling me 'Miss'," I said. 

"I see, if that's the case, please call me Hinako without honorific," Hinako replied.

"Okay, Hinako."

Suddenly, Hinako's eyes were filled with an adorable outburst of happiness. She looked unusually happy for someone to simply call her name. Nevertheless, her smile was beaming with a radiance of purity.

"You see, I always wanted to do this," Hinako said as she washed my back. Her hands felt silky whenever she touched my back. She continued, "Back home, there were maids similar to my age that took care of me. I always requested them to let me wash their back, but they always refused."

'Maid'? Could that mean this girl was a rich girl or something along the line? In the first place, I didn't think anyone else was alive up until this point. 

"And then… and then…" Hinako tried to continue, however her voice was stuck. She stopped washing my back. Her eyes were filled with despair and dread, as if she was inside a nightmare. 

"Well then, it looks like the water is ready. Let's hop into the bathtub," I said, trying to switch the topic. Hinako smiled at my words. 

Hinako smiled, "Thank you, Sayoko, for your consideration."
