Chapter 9.6
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That night, Illius lay awake in his bed as footsteps echoed overhead. Every which way he rolled, he heard the click-clack of Hireth’s short stride. Despite having no idea what time it was, he got up and made his way into the kitchen.

Eric was already there, brewing tea. The other man smiled slightly when he saw Illius. “Couldn’t sleep either?”

He shook his head.

Eric sighed. “I’m making her some tea. It usually helps.”

Illius leaned against the cupboard and yawned. The clock said it was past midnight.

“You want some?” Eric asked. “There’s extra water.”


Eric filled another cup and set it to brew. “There was this time back in Debendorf. She’d gone to this meeting, and someone showed up there…” His voice trailed off before he steeled himself and said, “She came home and paced almost the entire night. I finally got her to go to bed after like five. Let’s hope we’re more successful this time.”

He picked up the tea, handing Illius his mug, and then they made their way upstairs.

“Hireth,” Eric called as they got close.

Illius paused. Particles of Hireth’s magic swept through the library, charged and dangerous.

“Hireth!” Eric called even louder.

The particles disappeared, and the witch’s footsteps came closer. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Eric held out the mug. “Illius and I were having some tea and thought you might like a cup.”

“Oh.” She glanced at Illius quickly and then back to Eric. “I didn’t keep you up, did I?”

“Nah,” her nephew lied. “What are you doing up here, though?”

Hireth walked over to one of the desks in the library and set her tea down, then hopped up on it, her legs swinging off the edge.

“Once upon a time…” she started, a bitter smile crossing her face, “I had a best friend. We did everything together—he was the one I trusted to always have my back—but he asked me to do something I wasn’t comfortable with, and I said no.” She paused to drink her tea and think. “He saw it as a betrayal and threatened me… I don’t exactly take threats well, so I left. That’s why I left the war.”

“I thought you left because of my uncle?” There was a little twinkle in Eric’s eyes.

“That too.” Hireth waved her hand.

Eric pinched the bridge of his nose and let it go. “So… that’s who sent the letter?”

She nodded. “I’ve been picking it apart, and… there’s this one sentence where he references our past, and I can’t tell if it’s facetious or genuine and…”

“This is truly a novel idea,” Eric said, “but have you tried reading it like a normal person?”

“I’m not a normal person,” she objected. “He knows that!”

“Well, I can always read it and give you my genuine opinion.” He smiled a toothy grin.

“Yeah, I don’t think so,” she said.

“So, there’s inappropriate sexual content in there?”

“No!” she squeaked. “Aion! What is wrong with your brain?”

“Everyone was thinking it. I just said it.”

“Illius doesn’t think like this.” Hireth looked at him.

He started regretting coming up here with Eric.

“Yes, he does!” Eric said. “You get a secret letter from a mysterious lover from the past, and you’re pacing the night away up here dissecting it! What else am I supposed to think?”

“Ugh!” She groaned but didn’t seem truly upset. “I told you. There’s nothing romantic between us.”

“Right, right. My bad, I forgot.”

“It’s just a little strange to get an apology from him.” Hireth tapped her fingers against the desk. “It’s really strange. I’ve never heard him apologize to anyone.”

“Sounds like a dick,” Eric commented.

“Yeah,” she nodded. “It feels like manipulation, but he didn’t ask for anything.”

“Well…” Eric sipped his tea. “This is another novel idea, but you may be overthinking it.”

“I know,” she whined. “I overthink everything.”

“Why don’t you just take it at face value, and if it isn’t genuine, that’s his problem?”

She was silent, thinking. “Kaz did say he thought he’d changed.”

“There ya go,” Eric said.

“Hmmm.” She finished her tea and sat up. “Well, we should all get to bed. What time is it? Ten?”

“Mm—after midnight,” Eric told her.

“Fuck.” She made a face, and they all started down the stairs. “Why didn’t you come get me?”

“I ain’t not my aunt’s keeper?”

“Useless.” Hireth glared at him, setting her cup in the sink. “Thank you for the tea, though.”

“You’re welcome.”

Hireth keeping everyone up and Eric has the patience of a saint