Chapter 10.1
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Illius was eating breakfast the next morning when Eric stumbled out of his bedroom.

“Feeling better?” Illius asked, pushing a prepared breakfast over to him. He’d honestly thought Eric had already gone upstairs.

Eric glanced at the food and then at Illius, at a loss. “Thank you. I know I don’t say it nearly enough, but I really appreciate it.”

The therian shrugged, carefully focusing on his own food. “I have to make myself something anyway, and… you’re out here because of me.”

“I’m out here because this country sucks.” Eric picked up the breakfast muffin Illius had toasted and took a bite. “It’s not your fault. If anything, we’ll blame Hireth.”

Illius let himself smile a little bit. “You feel fine from yesterday, though?”

“Yeah.” Eric nodded. “Whatever Hireth did, I feel completely normal now. Maybe a bit tired, but… Eh. Speaking of—where is she?”

“Somewhere upstairs.”

Eric brooded as he finished his breakfast. “I’m not crazy thinking she’s the Witch of Dotric, right?”

Ever since Eric had started teasing Hireth about it, Illius had rolled the thought over in his mind. “It would add up, but at the same time… she’s your aunt?”

“I don’t think so.” Eric shook his head. “There’s no way she would have gotten involved with my uncle.”

“How did she know so much about him, then?” Illius asked.

“I thought back on it,” Eric said, “and she always just said she didn’t want to talk about it. Makes sense if she was grieving or… lying.”

Illius didn’t like the implication here.

“You know what?” Eric suddenly arose. “I bet I know how I can get her to talk.”

He ran for the stairs, and Illius merely shrugged and put their dishes in the sink. He glanced upwards as Hireth shrieked and then he heard two sets of footsteps barreling through the library. The stairs protested with sharp squeaks as Eric raced down, Hireth hot on his heels.

“Give that back, you little shit!” Hireth shouted as Eric ran around the table, keeping a book just out of her reach.

“You want it back? You give me some goddamn answers!” Eric bargained.

“No!” She reached for the book, but he evaded her and shoved Illius in her path.

“Don’t involve Illius!” Hireth darted around him, toward Eric, who raced to the side, keeping the table between them. “He’s an innocent party.”

“Unlike you!” Eric said. “I’m gonna start reading this… out loud!”

Hireth’s shoulders sagged. “Fine. What do you want to know?”

“Are you the Witch of Dotric?”

She opened her mouth, then closed it and straightened up. “You’re just being ridiculous now.”

“That wasn’t a ‘no!’” Eric opened the book and cleared his throat.

“Give it back, you bastard!” Hireth made another grab for it, but Eric dodged behind Illius again.

“Help me out here!” Eric ran behind the table as Hireth came for him.

“How do you want me to do that?” Illius objected as Hireth clipped his shoulder, almost toppling them both.

“Sit on her or something!”

“I don’t even know what you’re trying to prove!” Hireth said. “Just because I’m a witch who can use black magic does not mean I’m the Witch of Dotric. I’m flattered that you think I’m that powerful, but I promise there’s a lot more witches than just me.”

“Witches who can use black magic?” Eric gave her a look.

She belly-flopped across the table, but Eric twisted out of her grasp once more and hid behind Illius.

“Alright, you’ve been warned.” Illius heard him open the book, “‘What do you want?’ he asked, using his claws to slice through her bodice. Her ample breasts heaved underneath the touch of his scales.’ Spicy.”

“No! No!” Hireth dashed for them, only to have Eric sidestep and let Illius take the brunt like last time. Hireth pushed herself off Illius, “I’m so sorry.”

“‘Her hand massaged his supple member, cum dripping from his co—’” Eric covered his mouth with his fist, grinning like a kid on Yuletide morning. “This is so much better than I thought it was going to be. Auntie?”

“I am gonna fucking kill you.” Hireth’s magic swished, and her scythes surrounded him.

“I’ll give it back! I’ll give it back!” He held it out.

Illius knew he was probably twenty different shades of red. Hireth herself resembled a tomato as she yanked the book from Eric’s grasp. “We are never going to talk about this again, alright? I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth again, Eric.”

“Which ones?” He feigned innocence. “Cum? Cock? Clitoris? Was it a c-word?”

Hireth lost her composure, her body shaking with laughter. She reached over with her book and thumped him on the head with it. “That one wasn’t even in there, you dunce! Allfather, I hate you so much sometimes.”

“You love me,” he told her.

“Debatable. I am definitely looking forward to combat training this afternoon.” She headed for the stairs.

“I think I’m in danger.” Eric glanced at Illius. “Any chance you want to run away this afternoon? Because I’ll go with you.”

Illius took in Eric’s bright, sparkly, blue eyes and his hair, completely tousled from his encounter with Hireth. The words flew out of his mouth before he could take them back. “Sure, let’s run away together. I’m sure Hireth would never find us.”

“Well, she won’t hurt you,” Eric told him. “It’s only my blood she wants.”

Illius shook his head. “You don’t seem to have any problem using me as a shield.”

“Well, you’ll protect me, won’t you?” There was a glimmer in his eyes. “Because if not, I’m a goner.”

He tried to stop smiling as they climbed up the stairs to the library, but somehow the grin wouldn’t leave his face. 

Hireth: We're never talking about this again
Eric: *keeps talking about it*