Chapter 18
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They brought the people deep into the fairy forest following the river. Nanno was terribly afraid. He didn't want to see Charlie die. He wanted to take his hand and run far away with him! The fairies and the little will-o’-the-wisp followed the group. Charlie's little friend sat on his shoulder and snuggled up to his neck. She, too, seemed anxious.

Nanno looked at his mother, who was walking at the head of the group. Together with the other council members. Nanno was at the very end of the group. He had not been allowed to stand with the humans. Ehlin walked beside him and scolded softly in the language of the sylphs. Nanno didn't have to understand him to know that Ehlin didn't like how the humans were treated. Charlie and the other humans were threatened with spears.

Spears! For what? They will certainly not suddenly grow claws and sharp teeth with which they attack us! We are the ones with sharp teeth!

Everyone was silent.

They arrived at a tall tree in which the phoenix couple nested. This tree was so tall that it could be seen from the river. A few sirens pulled Molly and Lucas aside. The others instructed Charlie, and Joris to come forward to the council. They continued to threaten them with their spears. Charlie turned to Nanno with a brief smile, then he and his brother followed the demand.

Nanno wanted to pull them away from the tree, but his legs didn't move. With trembling knees, he watched the action.

"Great phoenix!", cried Bastien. "These two humans ask for your judgment." He pointed to Charlie and Joris, who were looking at each other nervously. A shrill cry was heard, then a large bird with elegant red feathers rose into the air. Bastien spoke to him again. "Great Phoenix! Please examine the hearts of these two. They voluntarily submit to your judgment and accept their fate."

Bastien sounds like a show-off. Nanno rolled his eyes, but then the fear for Charlie seized him again.  Please, Phoenix! Please!

The phoenix was an intelligent being. He could not speak, but it was said that these birds understood every language and could see deep into the hearts, and souls of all creatures. The bird was beautiful and terrible at the same time. Legends said that he could give a very long life to those he loved.

The phoenix screamed again. He circled the group and flew just above Nanno's head. Nanno shuddered. He watched as the phoenix briefly looked at Molly and Lucas. Then he landed at Jori's feet. He looked at him and flapped his wings. With another scream, he rose back into the air and landed on Charlie's shoulder. Frightened, the will-o’-the-wisp hid in Charlie's hair. The phoenix brushed his feathers contentedly and then turned his attention to the red hair. His hair got lovingly 'cleaned' too while the little light protested. The sirens stared at the human and the magnificent bird in confusion.

Nanno smiled and ran to him. "You passed the test! You two passed!"  He embraced Charlie stormily. Outraged, the phoenix flapped his wings, but he remained seated on Charlie's shoulder.

Cyrille cleared his throat. "The phoenix has announced its verdict. Joris and Charlie have pure hearts." Then he looked at Charlie thoughtfully. "Boy?"

"Yes?", Charlie asked, nervously.

"The phoenix has chosen you as particularly worthy. You must have an extraordinarily pure heart. We are happy to welcome you and your brother in the green. No siren will harm." Cyrille looked thoughtfully at the beautiful bird. "The phoenix is a powerful friend."

A soft murmur went through the crowd.

Charlie grinned. "Thank you", he said to Cyrille, stroking the bird's plumage. The phoenix nibbled lovingly on Charlie's fingers.

The fairies cheered.

Molly and Lukas ran relieved to Joris and Charlie. "You're alive!", exclaimed Lucas, relieved. The phoenix looked at them briefly, then continued to nibble Charlie's hair. Ehlin floated to Joris and kissed his cheeks. Joris blushed and pulled the sylph to him.

Now Nanno's mother approached them. "I don't accept that!", she said. "No! The phoenix must have made a mistake! That can't be."

Coco shook her head. "The phoenix is never wrong. He is a wise bird." Then she looked at Nanno. "Delphine? Your son has chosen well! And you know that the phoenix punishes those who disobey his judgment."

"What?" Delphine snorted. Nanno stuck out his tongue at her and grabbed Charlie's hand. The phoenix puffed up its plumage and looked at Delphine warningly.

"Mom? You just don't like that I chose a human being", Nanno said. "Get to know him first, please." At the same time, the phoenix flew high into the air again and let out a loud scream.

"We eat humans!", said Delphine. "We don't fall in love with algae either! Or with a fish. Sweety! That's not possible."

"My grandfather was in love with a fish", a siren exclaimed, laughing. "He remained faithful to the fish until it cheated on him with a fish lady!"

The crowd laughed softly.

"Mom." Nanno sighed. "I love him." Charlie blushed.

"But!", Delphine protested, but a blob of phoenix poop landed on her shoulder. The phoenix screamed again. Delphine grimaced in disgust. "All right, Nanno. I get to know him. The phoenix wants it that way. Whether I like it or not."

"I'm sure you'll like Charlie!" Nanno at least hoped so. Of course, he understood his mother's objections. If Charlie was a fish, Nanno would definitely have eaten him. And in her own way, his mother was just worried about him. Still, he couldn't agree with her.

Cyrille turned to Molly and Lucas. He apologized for the inconvenience and asked the fairies to show them the way to the steppe. The fairies agreed.

Ehlin snuggled up to Joris. Joris played with their long hair. The two were in their own world and didn't seem to notice what was happening around them. The small rebellion of Nanno's mother had completely escaped them.

The little light buzzed singing around Charlie and Nanno. Nanno wrapped his arms around his human and rested his head on his shoulder.
