Vs Superman Part 3
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April 30th, 1998

General POV

Back at the testing site, Creed and Omni were doing everything in their power to hold off Superman.


Creed was thrown back into a building. His head was about to be crushed when  Omni saved him. He ordered the last of the Javelins and Iron Armors to block Superman. While he was distracted, he apparated with Creed to the edge of the fake town.

“Whew, that was close. Jarvis, how much longer? I don’t know if we can hold out much longer.” Creed asked as Omni started to heal him. He kept breaking parts of his body despite the fact he was using his armor, super strength, and the force to block each blow from Superman. They'd already been done if it wasn’t for his healing factor and Omni continuously healing him.

“Help is still five minutes out, sir,” Jarvis informed him. Hearing that, Omni undid his wizard transformation, returning to his regular Stormcepter armor. He then jumped onto Creed’s back, using his spider powers to stick to him.

“Is there really no other way?” Creed asked, annoyed at what he had to do next.

“Oh, stop being a baby. I know it’ll hurt, but I’ll heal you when this is all over.” Omni said with a shit-eating grin under his mask. Creed rolled his eyes and put on a mask covering the bottom half of his face. He didn’t even need to mentally connect to know Trey was about to enjoy the misery he was about to experience.

“Bosses, He’s coming. He just destroyed the last Iron Man armor.” Friday warned them. They both lamented in their hearts at the loses of today. Each Javelin and Iron Man armor cost millions of FP. On top of that, each one could be valued well past a hundred million if he made them himself. As they finished that thought, Superman landed with a loud thud in front of them.

“No more robots to save you, and I know you barely have anything left in the tank. You two have impressed me. I'd take you under me if it weren’t for Father’s policy to destroy everyone. Rejoice. I will give you a death worthy of someone who can harm me.” Superman said mockingly.

“That’s we’re your wrong daddy’s boy. We have one more ace up our sleeve.” Omni said. Creed then shocked Superman, puncturing his heart with his thumb. A large amount of red aura and steam appeared all around him. At the same time, small teal runic markings appeared on Creed’s face. Creed had used the 8th gate of death, his nen aura to the max, strengthening magecraft, and his super strength together.


‘Remember, you only have three minutes any longer, and I won’t be able to save you.’ Omni warned telepathically as he focused all of his power on healing Creed. He had his Byakugan out to monitor Creed’s vitals at all times. They had come up with this idea remembering a scene from My Hero Academia.


Creed with Omni on his back flashed in front of Superman, hitting him with a uppercut. The combination of all these powers sent Superman flying for the first time in this fight.


Creed flew after him, hitting Superman again further up into the sky. Superman regained his bearings mid-air and flew at top speed to meet another punch Creed threw.


Both fighters were flung back from the shockwave their clash had created. Superman stared in disbelief at someone matching his strength. Creed, on the other hand, was internally screaming in pain.

‘Fuck, that shit hurts. Even with all this power, he still cracked two of my fingers. I half to end this quickly,’ Creed thought as he made a hand sign.

Poof. Poof. Poof.

Three shadow clones appeared at his side as he rushed to attack Superman again. The man in question fired off his heat vision at the original Creed. Creed responded, blocking the blast with his kryptonite-infused lightsaber. The three clones flew right below Superman. He was about to fly down and attack them when a green light flew at him. Superman ducked underneath the lightsaber before blasting Creed down with his heat vision. Creed managed to block with the force but was sent flying.


Just as Superman was going to chase after Creed, one of the clones locked him up with the force. Enraged, he tore through the invisible bindings and blasted the clone to dust. Before he could celebrate, he saw the last two make a strange fighting stance.

“8th Gate Evening Elephant first step!” The clones yelled, punching Superman into the upper stratosphere. The air pressure from their punches alone was creating massive air shockwaves.


“5th Step!” The clones screamed, hitting Superman for a fifth time. Their battle had just reached space. When they went in for another attack, Superman grabbed them by their heads, crushing them. Superman panted and then took a moment to calm down. He was furious that anyone on this planet could push him this far.

‘I’ll kill those two bastards slowly if they didn’t survive the fall.’ He thought, taking a slight breather. Suddenly, he heard a loud boom from below with his super-hearing as he was about to go down. He looked down and saw a massive red dragon. In a split second, a kick landed square into his chest before he could react.


“AHHH! Asshole, heal me faster it hurts!” Creed screamed as he turned off the 8th Gate and the rest of his powers. Omni let his nasty comment slide, knowing how much pain he was in through their link. He then used power augmentation to boost his healing and Biokinesis to heal him as much as possible.

“There, you should be stable for now. I’ll have to fix the bones with magic once this is over. Come on, I still need you for the last part of the plan.” Omni said, putting his bigger body on his shoulders. Creed grimaced as they both used Template again to turn into wizards. They had their wands at the ready and activated Transparent World to slow down their perception of time.


A moment later, a recovered Superman appeared in front of them as if he had teleported. He sent a punch towards both of their heads. Omni and Creed could see with their perception he was going for the kill with his fastest speed. Even in slow motion, he was moving extremely fast. In half a second, before Superman could reach them, he saw the two sticks in their hands glow.

“Arresto momentum.” Omni and Creed said together. The spell froze the man of steel to a complete halt. He saw Omni throw a cube-like device towards him and then quickly retreat with Creed.  


Omni then flew at his fastest speed back towards the earth. Superman felt a chill in his heart as he saw the black cube glow. He was alarmed to see a glowing storm javelin emerge from the box. It had fire, ice, and lightning elements dancing around it. For the first time in this fight, he felt a sense of dread. The last thing he saw was a massive light that blocked his eyes.


While Omni carried Creed to safety, he remembered their conversation with Batman about using this weapon.

“Outside of kryptonite or magic, nothing else can hurt him. Even then, our goal is not to kill but to incapacitate him. You should probably try to stall him until we can help you subdue him. Based on everything you’ve told me, nothing in your current arsenal of powers can put him down.” Batman said going over strategy at the cave. Trey then gave Desmond a “Tell him” look. Batman glared at the two of them.

“Something you’d like to share,” Batman asked, knowing they were hiding something.

“Promise me you won’t get mad,” Trey said with a worrying smile. Batman glared even harder at the boy. Trey sighed before deciding to spill the beans. He took out a glowing storm javelin from a black hypercube.

“You know this a storm javelin. It has an ultimate ability, Elemental Storm. That can summon massive clusters of fire, ice, and lightning storms into consecutive attacks. What you don’t know is it’s powered by ember from another universe. In layman’s terms, Ember is a small piece of the universe. Shards from that universe’s big bang(Anthem of Creation). What would happen if I primed a storm javelin with one hundred embers instead of one?” Trey asked. Batman felt a sense of helplessness just thinking about the destruction. Even someone as powerful as Superman would get hurt by that. Batman glared at Desmond and Trey after sighing.

“Do you have any other power, skill, or ability with this level of power?” Batman asked, deadly serious.

“We don’t... for now,” Desmond said with a shrug. Batman put a hand to his face in frustration. Alfred quietly came to his side and served him some tea to calm him down.

“Master Carter, you and you alone are the greatest threat Master Wayne has ever faced. Let’s table talk of any contingency plans and focus on saving Master Kent.” Alfred suggested.

“Fine by me. Bruce, don’t worry so much. I only planned on using that much ember for someone like Darkseid. I normally don’t keep near as much on me.” Trey said innocently. Desmond laughed as Batman grunted, turning back to his Batcomputer.

In the present, Omni and Creed watched as a gigantic country-wide explosion went off, from one of their satellite cameras. The shockwave from the attack then reached the satellite, cutting the feed. On the ground, they could both feel the after-effects of the explosion. Five minutes later, another satellite came, and the feed was restored. However, there was no trace of Superman.

“Did we get him?” Omni wondered as he saw nobody. While he was thinking, Desmond’s spider-sense went off. He suddenly used the last of his strength to push Omni away. A bloodied Superman with no helmet and his armor in tatters flashed where Omni just was.

“I’ll Kill You,” Superman growled menacingly. He changed direction at Superspeed, going for Creed this time. Creed raised his hands to block—one with his wand and the other with the force. Superman fired his heat vision, blocking the spell Creed would have used, and punched with his right arm to block the force. He then smiled cruelly. He used his free hand and reached for Creed’s right arm.


“ARRRHHH!” Creed screamed in pain at the loss of his arm. Superman then grabbed him, slamming him into the ground.


“Desmond! You son of a bitch!” Omni yelled, rushing to attack Superman. As he lept in for an attack, Superman mockingly looked at him. He used his super speed to dodge his punch and catch Omni by the throat.  


“Did you really think you could beat me, boy?” Superman sarcastically asked as he charged up another attack to the gut.


“You never stood a chance,” Superman said, hitting him again.


Omni spat out a mouth full of blood. Superman then ripped off his mask. He then looked deadpanned at the face of his enemy.

“Even younger than I thought. I shall grant you an honorable death for giving me a good fight as I promised. Any last words?” Superman asked with eyes glowing, ready to end this farce of a fight. The child in his grasp then started laughing.

“You’re right. We never had a shot against you. Not even if I was twice as strong as I am could I take you down. Your strong as shit, boy scout, I’ll give you that. It’s just great that you are also dumb as a brick. Who said I was trying to beat you.” Omni said with a bloody smile. Superman felt chills hearing that. He was about to end the boy when he felt himself being choked.


“Took you two long enough,” Omni said before passing out. The two men in question walked over. One was dressed in all-black Jedi robes and had wavy brown hair, while the other wore royal Arabian robes and had long purple hair. The man in black had a serious look on his face as he held Superman in place with the force.

“He’s all yours, King.” The man in black robes said.

“Thank you, Vader. Dwell in my Body, Zepar!” The man with long purple hair said softly. In a flash of light, he transformed.

‘A child?’ Superman thought, confused, as the man turned into a strange-looking child with bat-like wings on his back, horns, a tail, and a large stomach. He then took a large breath.

“BAHHHHHHHHH!” The child shouted, creating a large sound shockwave, knocking out the man of steel for good. Sinbad then transformed back into his original appearance.

“I’m glad we were able to save him. Someone as noble as him shouldn’t fall to the Darkseid like we did.” Anakin said, picking up Superman.

“Lucky for him, just like we did, he had people that still believed in him. Come on, let’s heal the people who gave us a second chance.” Sinbad said with a smile.