8 – The First Stage of the Agency’s Exam
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The first stage of the Agency's exam had begun, and Dai, Narco, and Mira were ready to face the challenge. The rules were simple: make it to the end alive, with all three party members, and within the six-hour time limit. The environment itself would pose the greatest challenge, with difficult terrain and unpredictable obstacles that would test their teamwork and endurance.

The trio stood at the starting line, ready to tackle the first stage of the Agency's Exam. The sun was beating down on them, the heat almost unbearable. The rules were simple: make it to the end of the survival run alive, with all three party members, and within the time limit of six hours. The terrain was rugged, with steep cliffs and dense forests.

Mira was the first to break the silence. "We need a plan," she said, eyeing the treacherous path ahead. "We can't just charge in blindly."

Narco nodded in agreement. "We should stick together and keep an eye out for any dangers. Who knows what kind of creatures could be lurking in these woods."

Dai felt a sense of unease wash over him. He had heard tales of wild beasts that roamed the lands beyond Saltwater Island, but he didn't expect to encounter them so soon. "What kind of creatures are we talking about?" he asked curiously.

Narco shrugged. "Who knows? Could be anything from poisonous spiders to giant bears. This is a survival run, after all."

As they set off, Narco took the lead, his eyes scanning the terrain for any potential threats or challenges. "Keep your eyes peeled, guys," he said, motioning for Dai and Mira to follow. "Who knows what kind of obstacles we'll encounter."

Dai followed closely behind, his eyes darting back and forth, taking in their surroundings. "This place is wild," he said, marveling at the dense, untamed forest that surrounded them. "I've never seen anything like it."

Mira fell into step behind Dai and Narco, her eyes darting from side to side, scanning the area for any signs of danger. "I can't believe this entire place is man made just for this exam." she said.

As they trudged along the rugged terrain, the sun beat down mercilessly on the trio. Sweat trickled down their foreheads, and their clothes stuck to their skin. The three of them had been walking for what seemed like an eternity when they finally reached the first obstacle. It was a steep, rocky incline that loomed ahead of them, casting a daunting shadow over their exhausted figures. They could feel the heat radiating off the rough terrain, intensifying the already stifling atmosphere. Mira wiped her brow with the back of her hand, squinting up at the daunting path. "This is gonna be a tough one," she said, her voice strained.

Dai surveyed the rocky incline before him, searching for the best path to climb. He spotted a series of small ledges and cracks in the stone, and with a focused determination, Dai began his climb. Using the strength in his arms to pull himself up the slope, his fingers gripped the jagged surface tightly, searching for stable holds amidst the loose rocks. The muscles in his biceps bulged with the effort, and his heart pounded in his chest as he ascended higher and higher.

Despite the challenging ascent, Dai remained resolute and driven, pushing through the physical strain and focusing solely on the task at hand.

Narco crept closely behind Dai, his trained eyes scanning the rocky terrain for the most suitable route. His fingers traced every contour of the rocks, searching for the slightest cracks to grab hold of. With each movement, he propelled himself up the slope with effortless grace, like a spider scaling its web. The muscles in his arms and legs worked in perfect coordination, showcasing his strength and agility.

Mira struggled at first, her foot slipping on the loose rocks as she attempted to follow her teammates. Fear threatened to overtake her, but the encouraging voices of Dai and Narco spurred her on. They called out advice and support, guiding her to the safest handholds and cheering her on with every successful climb.

After what felt like hours of strenuous effort, they finally reached the top, panting and sweating but triumphant. Mira's face broke into an exhausted grin as she looked at her teammates. "Thanks," she said, while panting. The three of them shared a moment of relief, knowing that they had just tackled the first of many challenges that lay ahead.


After another thirty minutes of walking, the team's progress came to an abrupt halt at the sight of the wide, surging river. They searched the riverbank for a shallow area to cross the river.

"I don't see any shallow points to wade through," Mira observed, scanning the water's edge. "It's moving too fast."

As Narco approached the river, he let out a low whistle. "That's quite the obstacle," he said.

Dai nodded in agreement. "We'll have to find a way across," he said.

Narco looked around and spotted a few fallen trees and vines nearby. "We could try to build a raft," he suggested. "Gather the trees and vines and lash them together."

Dai nodded in agreement. "Let's get to work, then."

After several minutes of gathering materials and lashing them together, the makeshift raft was finally complete. "This thing better hold," Mira said nervously, eyeing the crude construction.

"Only one way to find out," Narco replied with a grin.

The raft was crude, made from branches and vines they had scavenged from the surrounding woods. They had worked quickly, their minds focused on the task at hand, and had managed to lash together a structure that was surprisingly sturdy. But as they stepped onto the makeshift vessel, they felt a surge of fear mixed with the excitement of the challenge that lay before them.

As they set foot on the rickety raft, they could feel it sway under their weight. The river was wide, and the current was strong, and they knew that any misstep could mean disaster. With a final check to make sure everything was secure, they pushed off from the shore, and the water splashed up around them, drenching their clothes and making the raft even more unstable.

The river was relentless, tossing them about like a leaf in a storm. They were drenched from head to toe, the water numbing their skin. The pressure of the water was almost unbearable, making it hard to catch their breath. Despite the danger, they kept their focus, determined to make it to the other side.

The three of them let out a sigh of relief as they felt the raft become more stable beneath their feet. The tension in their bodies began to ease as they enjoyed the brief moment of respite. Narco let out a small chuckle, breaking the silence. "Looks like we made it," he said, grinning at his teammates.

But their relief was short-lived. The current had one last trick up its sleeve. A particularly strong eddy caught the raft, sending it spinning out of control. The team held on tight as the water churned around them, threatening to drag them under.

After what felt like an eternity, the eddy finally released its grip, and the raft was swept to shore. They stumbled onto the bank, soaked to the skin but exhilarated from the adrenaline rush of the crossing. "That was insane," Narco panted, wiping water from his eyes. "But we made it!" Dai exclaimed, high-fiving Mira and Narco. It might have been scary, but this experience had bonded them together as a team, ready to face any challenge that lay in their path.

The trio pressed on through the unforgiving terrain, the obstacles seemed to grow in both frequency and difficulty. As they continued on their journey, they suddenly found themselves standing before a deep chasm, the bottom of which was shrouded in a dense fog. They looked at each other, unsure of how to proceed, until Mira spotted a frayed rope dangling from the opposite side of the chasm.

"We have to go down there? Dai said, eyeing the distance between them and the bottom of the chasm.

Narco nodded. "Looks like it's our only option."

With a nod of agreement, they set to work fashioning a makeshift pulley system out of some old vines and their backpacks, securing one end to a nearby tree and the other to the rope.

Mira was the first to go, clinging to the rope with white knuckles as she slowly made her way across the chasm. Dai and Narco followed suit, their muscles burning with the effort of keeping their balance on the thin rope. Finally, they all made it to the bottom of the chasm, panting with relief.

While exploring the depths of the chasm, they came upon a dark cave, the air thick with the smell of damp earth and musty rock. Mira felt a shiver run down her spine as they entered, the only light coming from the flicker of their torches. The narrow passageway twisted and turned, and they had to crawl through some sections on their hands and knees, feeling the rough stone scrape against their skin.

As they ventured deeper into the cave, the sound of their footsteps echoed eerily off the walls. Dai led the way, his torch held high to light their path. Narco followed closely behind, his keen senses on high alert for any potential danger. Mira brought up the rear, her heart racing with a mix of fear and excitement.

Dai, Narco, and Mira emerged from the dark, narrow cave, their bodies slick with sweat and dirt, but their spirits high from the successful navigation of the treacherous passage. The air outside felt cool against their skin, and they took deep gulps of fresh air, feeling revitalized. Blinking as their eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight. They breathed a collective sigh of relief, grateful to have made it through the treacherous passageway unscathed.

As they stepped out into the sunlight, they saw a large crowd gathered in front of them. They were the other contestants, and they all seemed eager to prove their worth and earn their place in the next stage of the exam. In the center of the crowd stood Orion, the examiner of the first stage.

 As they approached the examiner, he looked at them with a critical eye, taking in their disheveled appearance and ragged breaths. But after a moment, he broke into a smile and called out their names. "Congratulations, Dai, Narco, and Mira!" he said, his voice booming across the clearing. "You are the 28th team to pass the first stage, with a time of five hours and thirteen minutes. Well done!"

The three of them stood there, surrounded by the other teams, their eyes scanning the group of youngsters. Dai could feel the weight of their stares. Mira shifted her weight nervously, feeling self-conscious under the scrutiny of so many eyes. "Thanks, Orion!" Narco said, seeming completely unfazed by it all.

Narco walked over to a nearby tree, sat back against it, and closed his eyes, completely at ease. Dai and Mira followed his lead, trying to ignore the other teams' curious glances. The air was thick with anticipation, and the sound of shuffling feet and muttered conversations filled the air.

Dai couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, wondering what the other teams were saying about them. Were they impressed by their performance or were they mocking them for being so young? He looked over at Narco, who seemed completely unaffected by the attention they were receiving.

As if sensing his unease, Narco spoke up, "The other teams are just trying to get inside our heads, Dai. Don't pay mind to them."

Mira nodded in agreement. "Narco's right. We need to focus on our next challenge."

"But what if they try to do anything to us?" Dai said, still feeling uneasy.

"Violence against other contestants is prohibited in-between stages," Mira explained. "Yup, they would instantly get disqualified if anything like that happened, so relax and get some rest, because we don't know when the second stage will start," Narco added.

Dai took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to push the negative thoughts from his mind. Narco was right. They had come this far and they couldn't let the pressure get to them now. They needed to stay focused and rested for whatever lay ahead. So Dai also sat back against the tree next to Dai as they waited for the second stage to begin.