10 – Respect Your Elders
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Mira sat at the back of the bus, lost in the rhythm of the music blasting in her earbuds. The sun peeked through the window, casting a warm glow on her face. Suddenly, the bus lurched to a stop, and the driver's voice boomed through the speakers, announcing their arrival. Mira hastily gathered her bag and turned to Aria, who was sitting next to her.

"Let's go find Dai and Narco," Mira said, excitement evident in her voice.

Aria followed Mira down the aisle of the bus, her curiosity piqued. "Who are Dai and Narco?" she asked Mira.

"Dai and Narco are my friends," Mira replied, a smile on her face. "We met during the first stage of the Agency's Exam."

"Ah, I see," Aria nodded in understanding. "It's always great to have friends by your side, especially during a competition like this."

Mira grinned. "Yeah, it definitely makes things easier. Plus, Dai and Narco are both so funny and entertaining. You're going to love them!"

As they made their way down the aisle, Mira noticed Dai and Narco sitting a few rows ahead of them, fast asleep. Dai's head was resting on Narco's shoulder, and Mira couldn't help but smile at the sight. She took out her phone and snapped a quick picture before gently shaking the boys awake.

Aria, who had followed Mira, couldn't help but coo at the sight of the two boys. "They're so cute," she exclaimed.

Dai and Narco rubbed the sleep from their eyes and looked up at Mira, surprised to see her with a new friend. Narco, always the joker, looked at Aria and said, "Who's this old lady?"

Aria's jaw dropped in disbelief, and in a flash, she kicked Narco in the gut. Dai and Mira erupted in laughter as Narco groaned in pain.

Mira stepped in, explaining that Aria was a friend she had made on the bus. Dai before he opened his big mouth and asked, "Isn’t she a bit old to be your friend?"

Aria shot daggers at Dai with her eyes, ready to pounce, but Mira saved the day with a snappy comeback. "Well, Dai, you're right. Aria is too old to be my friend, but she's just the right age to be my cool older sister."

Aria beamed with pride as Narco stumbled over to join them again. "Hey, what about me? Am I not your friend too?" he asked, rubbing his tender belly. "And why am I the only one getting kicked in the stomach? Didn't Dai say the same thing?"

Aria smirked. "Because Dai is cuter than you."

Dai let out a chuckle, and Narco gave him an annoyed look before turning his attention back to Aria. "Well, that's just unfair. I'm just as cute as he is."

Dai chuckled. "Don't worry, Narco, we don't discriminate. If anyone says something dumb, they're fair game for a kick to the gut." He patted Narco on the back, offering some measure of consolation.

Mira cracked her knuckles, eager for a chance to prove herself. "And I'm next in line," she declared, her eyes gleaming with determination.

Narco raised an eyebrow, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Oh, really? You think you can take me?" he challenged, his eyes narrowing.

Mira stood up, her posture straight and confident. "I know I can," she said, her voice firm and unwavering.

Dai shook his head in amusement. "I'll just sit back and watch the show," he said, leaning back in his seat.

Aria couldn't help but smile at the playful banter between her new friends. "You guys are crazy,"

As they all laughed and joked around, Mira couldn't help but feel grateful for her new friends. They may have been a rowdy bunch, but they were her rowdy bunch. She looked around the bus, taking in the sight of the other passengers who were staring at them in disbelief. Despite the strange looks they were receiving, Mira felt like she was part of a secret club with Dai, Narco, and Aria.


Mira, Dai, Narco, and Aria made their way off the bus, still laughing and joking around. As they stepped outside, they saw the other contestants gathered in a circle, their eyes fixed on a man in a long coat and a flat cap.

The man stood tall and spoke with a booming voice. "Welcome, contestants, to the second stage of the Agency Exam. I am Astolfo, your examiner for this stage. In this round, you will be tested on your problem-solving."

Dai exchanged a nervous glance with his friends.

Astolfo continued, "You will form teams of two, and each team will face off against another team. Both teams will be given the same scenario, where you will face the same problem, the team to solve the problem first passes this stage.”

Dai and Narco’s gazes immediately connected, they were determined to do this together. They looked over and saw Mira and Aria form a duo. “I hope we don’t have to go up against them,” Dai sighed.

“Same, I don’t want to get them eliminated,” Narco answered, his eyes scanning the competition.

“Sometimes you’re way to confident you know,” Dai rolled his eyes. teasing his friend.

Astolfo continued, his voice filling the air. "In this round, you will be tested on your problem-solving abilities. You will form teams of two, and each team will face off against another team. Both teams will be given the same scenario, where you will face the same problem, the team to solve the problem first passes this stage.”

The tension in the air was palpable as the contestants formed their teams and awaited their challenge. Dai and Narco shared a moment of silent determination, their minds already racing with possible scenarios and solutions. They were ready for whatever Astolfo had in store for them.

Astolfo's assistant rolled a large whiteboard covered in a pristine white cloth towards him, the wheels squeaking slightly as it moved across the floor. Astolfo stepped forward and placed his hand on the cloth.

With a stern expression, he addressed the remaining contestants. "We started with 150 of you, and now we are down to only 106. That means we can form 54 teams for this stage. But, if we were to eliminate every team that lost, we would have to cut 27 teams, or 54 of you. The higher-ups have deemed that too drastic for only the second round, so I will give the losing teams another chance by facing off against another losing team."

Astolfo pulled the cloth off the whiteboard, revealing a tournament bracket. "That means you will have two chances to pass this stage," Astolfo said firmly. "But don't get too comfortable, because everyone here was able to make it past the first stage. So don't underestimate your opponents."

 Dai and Narco exchanged a quick glance. It was a relief to know they had another chance if they didn't make it through the first time.

The contestants began to murmur amongst themselves, some feeling the weight of the pressure building inside them. Astolfo wasn't done yet, though. "I will give you lot 10 minutes to find your partner and register with my assistant. There, your team will be given a number. When we call your number, that means it’s your turn to take on the second stage of the Agency’s Exam."

Without hesitation, Dai and Narco ran towards Astolfo's assistant, determined to register as a team. But Dai suddenly stopped, pulling on Narco's sleeve. "Wait!"

Narco looked at him quizzically. "What is it?"

“If we’re the first to register, we’ll probably get number one and we’ll be the first team to be up,” Dai explained.

“So? We’re gonna have to do it eventually anyway.”

“But… Let’s just wait and gather as much information as possible first,” Dai insisted

Narco gave in and he waited for a few other teams to register before he and Dai would.

After a couple teams registered, they both nodded at each other and approached Astolfo’s assistant to register as a team.

“Number 13, now we’ll have more time to prepare for this stage!” Dai cheered.

“I would’ve been fine with going first…” Narco boasted, his confidence growing.

Dai and Narco were in the middle of discussing their strategy for the upcoming stage when suddenly, a familiar voice called out from behind them. "Number 14," Mira said with a mischievous grin.

Dai turned around to see Mira and Aria walking towards them. "Hey, what brings you guys here?" he asked, trying to hide his excitement at seeing his friends.

"Nothing, we’re just trying to pass some time. I hope we won’t have to face you guys though,” Aria said, giving Dai and Narco a playful smirk.

Narco couldn't help but tease back, "Why? Are you scared of losing against two boys?" he said with a smug look.

Aria rolled her eyes, "No, I just don't want to publicly embarrass Mira's friends," she countered, making Narco flustered, obviously thinking of another comeback.

Dai and Mira shared a knowing look. "Those two are way too similar," they said in unison, followed by a chuckle.

As the group caught up and exchanged playful banter, Dai felt grateful for his friends' support and camaraderie.

Finally, all the teams had registered, and Astolfo's voice rang out once again. "Good, now that everyone has registered, let’s get started with the second stage of the Agency’s Exam."

Dai's heart was pounding as he looked around the at his fellow contestants. They were sizing each other up, trying to gauge who might be their opponents.

"Team number 2 and team number 13, please make your way to the arena," Astolfo announced. "All other teams, please wait for your turn in silence, thank you very much."

Dai looked at Narco, disbelief etched on his face. "W-were first?"

Narco grinned, his confidence unwavering. "Let's do this."