The Queen’s Playthings
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The Queen's Playthings

“Killed by bandits, or so they believe. A fitting end for a peasant cutthroat.” The Queen turned from the open balcony, a pleased smile spread wide across her elegant features. She wore a gown of gold, matching her hair. Her mane was tied back from her glowing face, radiant tresses tumbling down the back of her neck. Her bodice was cut low, offering a view of her pale bosom wrapped tightly within the fabric of her dress. 

Perhaps it was part of his reward, the bastard knight wondered - the Queen so graciously allowing her sworn sword to gaze upon her alluring femininity.

Ser Damon stood tall and proud, knowing he was the triumphant knight returned from a dangerous task. The man who had earned his queen’s favor with sweat, steel, and blood. 

He had wished to give her the good news himself, that the despised Lord Bronn has been dispatched. But alas messenger ravens from Castle Stokeworth were faster than even Storm Spirit. Queen Cersei - and likely half the realm - knew of the unfortunate passing of the upstart lowborn noble days before Ser Damon reached King’s Landing.

But Ser Damon wasn’t disappointed. How could he be when the beautiful Lioness of Lannister was brought such delight by his actions? There could be no doubt in her mind from then on - Ser Damon Storm was her man. His position - and her favor - was secured.

“Making you an enemy was his greatest mistake, your grace.” Ser Damon spoke, giving a short nod.

Cersei seemed to enjoy the thought. She gave a small hum, taking a sip of wine from her goblet as she slowly strode away from the window of her private solar. But as she moved, her vibrant green eyes remained firmly on her most loyal knight.

“It was, wasn’t it? The fool could have pledged himself to me but he preferred my brother as a patron for his… talents. My brother, the sniveling little imp.” Cersei spat out the last word with such venom. For a moment, her eyes burned like wildfire, heated and hating.

“He pledged his steel to your brother’s coin. He never knew what it was to devote himself to something more.” Ser Damon offered, still standing firm and resolute. He was the Queen’s unwavering sword. He had to appear as such.

Again, the Queen seemed to appreciate his words. The flames of hatred in her eyes flickered and died away. But still there was heat, zeal, passion. Damon could see it in Cersei’s eyes and in the way she moved. Try as the woman might to contain her glee, she could not keep her delight from brimming to the surface in small ways. The little extra sway in her hips as she moved, the liveliness of every step - the skirts of her dress were thick, but not so that Ser Damon couldn’t make out the lovely swell of her hips. 

Queen Cersei drew a little closer to him then, passing in front of the balcony window. Behind her, the rays of the golden sunset wreathed her in light and warmth, giving her a radiant glow. Right then, the Queen’s beauty was almost like that of a goddess.

“They say a man can fight with the strength of ten if he fights with purpose.” The Queen's words were smooth as silk and sweet as honey, pouring into Ser Damon’s ear. She drew even closer to him then, gliding forth with slow, sensual strides. A lioness coming upon her meal. “Is that what you found when you pledged your steel to the Iron Throne?”

Ser Damon drank in the beauty of his chosen queen. The lovely glow of her skin, her full lips, her bright eyes, the lush valley between her breasts, they captivated him in a way no other woman had. His heart hammered, blood and heat spreading through his body. But the young knight kept his poise. He was no green boy, certainly not when it came to beauty and women.

He allowed a grin upon his scruffy face, meeting his queen’s gaze.

“I pledged more than my steel, your grace.” Ser Damon answered. His victory over Bronn of the Blackwater had stoked the flames of his bold and daring nature. His nerves were made more than iron, now turned to tempered steel. He stepped forward then, drawing closer to his queen - looming over her. But the lioness did not shrink under his shadow. Her smile widened, her eyes burning brighter. Ser Damon’s next words came with passion and meaning. “I pledged my heart. My body. And I pledged them to you, my queen. Not to the throne.”

The Queen said nothing for a moment, but her smile remained. So too did her eyes remain bright and beaming. She was pleased. Delighted by his words. But also… amused. There was a giddiness scrawled upon her features, as if she knew the answer to a joke that had been told to no one else but her. She took another sip from her goblet and began to circle the taller knight, humming softly as she did.

Ser Damon said nothing, simply watching as his queen rounded to his flank. He moved not an inch as she reached out with her free hand, drawing her fingertips over his shoulder, then across his back as she rounded behind him. He could feel her soft touch even through the fabric of his cloak.

“Sweet words.” The Queen mused as she appeared around his opposite flank. Her fingers drew gently over his other arm, prodding into the firm muscle. “Brave words. From a brave knight. My brave knight.”

“I am yours, always.” Ser Damon affirmed. It was the truth. He’d never had so much good fortune than when he served in Cersei’s name. Perhaps he was always meant to fight for her cause.

“Hmm.” Cersei came to a stop before him, drawing her eyes up his body. She seemed to be… inspecting him. Maybe it was the wine, but the way her eyes lit up as she drank him in was most encouraging. She pursed her lips - Ser Damon was almost distracted by how plump and soft they looked. “You say you’ve pledged your body to me?”

“I have.”

Queen Cersei gave a low hum that bubbled into a gentle laugh. There was a pink hue that rose in her cheeks. Again, Damon guessed it was due to the wine. But it gave the queen a lovely warmth - beyond the blazing heat one could see in her eyes. She took another sip from her goblet before brushing past the knight that loomed over her.

Ser Damon turned, his eyes following the sway of Cersei’s hips as she came to a stop by the solar’s door. The Queen turned back, her eyes meeting his.

“Follow me.” She commanded, a daring tone coloring her words. “Another trial awaits you. I will see your measure as a man. And I will test this pledge you made to me.”

The Queen led Ser Damon through the dimly lit halls, deeper and deeper into the belly of the Red Keep. All the while, the knight had his focus captivated by the sensual curve of Cersei’s back, the alluring width of her hips, and the most pleasing way they moved as she strode before him. 

Through the high windows they passed by, the sworn sword could see that sunset had given way to the dark blue of dusk, stars beginning to shine like diamonds upon the evening sky.

It would be scandalous for the Queen to be seen with a man after sundown, Damon knew. But the Queen didn’t seem to care. And neither did the household guard. There were two of them, each posted to one side of a set of ornate double doors. 

The Queen didn’t say a word, merely dismissing them with a wave. Ser Damon watched as the two guardsmen departed without question. A pleasant surprise.

As the guardsmen marched away down the hall, Cersei gave Ser Damon a glance over her shoulder. There was a devious delight in her green eyes, flickering like a bright flame. There was the tiniest quirk of her lips… then she opened the door and beckoned her sworn sword to enter.

Ser Damon’s anticipation had been growing with each passing second. Now, at the threshold of his newest trial, the bastard knight was thrumming with excitement. His blood was running hot, his loins stirring fierce in his breeches. Eager as a man could be, Damon passed through the doorway to follow his queen… and was met with a most splendid sight.

Lady Taena Merriweather strode forward to greet him. She was wearing a long gown of white silk. Sheer silk. So sheer that Ser Damon could see she wore nothing else besides. The lady of Myr had her hair let loose, dark locks falling down her shoulders and back. Her eyes were dark as well, but so too did they blaze with hunger.

“That you have succeeded in your royal task brings me such joy, sweet knight.” Lady Taena's sweet voice came like a song, honey for Ser Damon’s ears. The dusky woman’s full lips curled into a comely smile. “You have shown yourself to be a true friend of the crown.”

Behind him, Ser Damon heard the double doors close shut. He smirked, now having a good idea of his role in this newest test of his skills. His role was that of the stalwart knight, trapped now by the illicit desires of women.

He didn’t mind. There were far worse roles for a man to play.

But Lady Taena had not been awaiting the Queen and her sworn sword alone. The room was a bedchamber and behind the Myrishwoman was a large four-post bed. And upon that bed, Ser Damon could see another woman. The candlelight was dim and he could see only her silhouette, but she was indeed a woman. With such sublime curves giving way to such a full and lithe body, there was nothing else she could be.

Lady Taena’s sweet voice bubbled into a soft, sweet giggle. She took a hold of Ser Damon’s arm and drew him closer to the bed. The young knight let the woman lead him, unable to keep the grin off of his face.

The woman on the bed, as it turned out, was a Summer Islander. Her dark skin was rich and smooth, no blemish to be seen. And there was indeed much to be seen. She wore even less than Lady Taena, Ser Damon noted to his great pleasure. Not a stitch of clothing upon her sumptuous body - save for her many bracelets and necklaces. Every one of them was made of gold or silver, glimmering as they caught the candlelight.

Ser Damon drank in the exotic beauty. His eyes drew slowly across her form, taking time to appreciate the finer elements of her femininity. The tuft of black curls above her pink, the faint swell of her belly, her large, full breasts, her round nipples - colored even darker than her skin. 

Finally he matched his eyes with hers. Dark like Lady Taena’s, but they held a hunger so different from her’s or the Queen’s. There was curiosity there that Ser Damon could see. 

Perhaps he was her first Westerosi man, Damon guessed. The thought stirred his cock, his manhood surging with hot blood. Right then, the young knight made it his duty to not disappoint this woman.

Then, past the nude Summer Islander, Ser Damon spotted Queen Cersei striding slowly on the opposite side of the large bed. Their eyes locked and Ser Damon offered his queen a grateful smile.

“I think I’m going to enjoy this new trial, your grace.” He said to her, chuckling as Lady Taena began to undo the front laces of his leather jerkin.

“It is a reward as much as it is a test.” The Queen affirmed, observing her three loyal subjects - her three playthings - with sharp, eager eyes. “You say you’ve pledged your body to me? Then I will see if it is a body worthy of my attention.”

“I am a man in my prime, your grace. My triumphs in your name are proof of that.” Ser Damon chuckled again, shrugging off his cloak and jerkin. With his upper body now bare, Lady Taena began undoing the laces of his trousers. Ser Damon helped her tug those down his legs.

On the other side of the bed, Queen Cersei gave a soft hum.

“How you perform with your steel is a different thing entirely than how you perform with your sword. Lady Taena has told me good things. But tonight I will observe your talents with my own eyes.”

The young knight was most intent on beating this new challenge. When the reward was Queen Cersei herself, he knew there was no trial he wouldn’t face.

He wouldn’t take his queen to bed as he believed he would, but the Bastard of Blackhaven remained ecstatic. Lady Taena was no ugly crone. And the dark beauty from the Summer Islands was sure to a delight as well. He would perform as no other man these women had ever met. He would win his way into Cersei’s bed.

Ser Damon’s whole body blazed, his blood boiling hot in his veins. The hunger in his gut, in his loins, ached. It writhed within him like a beast. But the man kept a veneer of calm. Now nude, his cock sprung forward from his groin. Pulsing and colored an angry red. He looked upon the faces of Lady Taena and the new woman, taking satisfaction in the equal hunger in their eyes.

As he and Taena joined the Summer Island beauty on the bed, he called over to his queen.

“I am at your command.”

Cersei took her spot upon a low, cushioned seat. She leaned back with a calm smile, watching as Ser Damon drew the two women into his arms.

For Damon, the warmth and softness of their bodies was exquisite. The delight of their skin under his palms, the give of their sweet flesh under his fingers, the ecstasy of their hands upon his manhood… it was a miracle he wasn’t driven into a frenzy right then and there. But his queen was watching. He needed to show her what kind of man he could be for her.

Lady Taena caught his lips in a deep kiss and he could feel the Summer Islander cupping his balls. But beyond the sensation, he could still hear Cersei’s lovely voice.

“I believe you are already well acquainted with Lady Taena. The lovely creature holding your cock and balls is Alanaya. I’ve purchased her services from the most splendid brothel in King’s Landing. You’re going to fuck them. Both of them. You are a man of great strength. And great focus. So show me.

Ser Damon broke the kiss with Lady Taena to face the lovely Alanaya. The whore smiled at him as she continued to stroke his shaft, her dark hand sliding wonderfully along the pale length of his cock. The knight grunted, low and beast-like. That only made Alanaya stroke faster.

“It… is a pleasure… my lady.” Ser Damon managed to force out.

“I am no lady, ser.” Alanaya breathed, her pleasing accent coloring her words with charm. Her dark eyes grew even more heated, her full lips pursing so enticingly. “But it will most certainly be a pleasure.”