Chapter 57 – Now It All Makes Sense…!
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"Finally!". A male voice whispered to Ethan, who could not see anything.

As he opened his eyes slowly, he realized he was not at home. It looked like the city hospital.

Ethan was lying in the hospital bed, with an oxygen device stuck in his mouth.

He sat up in bed, taking the device out of his mouth, confused by what was happening.

On the other side of the glass, he could see Bella and Enid talking to Carlisle. They both looked nervous.

It was then that Carlisle looked at Ethan and realized that he was awake. Bella and Enid followed Carlisle's gaze and hurried into the room Ethan was in.

"Ethan! You're awake!". Enid said euphorically, hugging him.

"What happened?" Ethan said with difficulty.

"You fainted, I was so worried!". Enid said shakily.

"You had a heart attack, Ethan!". Carlisle said, walking into the room.

"A HEART ATTACK?" Ethan said startled.

"I wonder why that could have you smoke by any chance?". Carlisle asked.

Enid stared at Ethan, irritated.

"No, I've never smoked!". Ethan replied, looking around, trying to remember if he had done that before.

"I want you to run some tests before you leave here, okay? I'm going to give you some medicine. I want you to pay close attention to the symptoms. Any numbness or pain, I want you to come back here!" Carlisle said, fiddling with Ethan's chart.

"All right!" Ethan said, nodding his head.

"I'm going to ask you guys to leave the room for a few minutes. I'll have a nurse come take his blood for sample!". Carlisle said leaving the room.

"I need to work! Can you take him home, Bella? I'll just take care of a few things at work and go home and stay with him!". Enid said looking at Bella.

"Sure!". Bella replied.

"Right! Watch out, son! I love you!" Enid said, giving Ethan a little kiss on the forehead and going to work.

"I'm going to stay outside!". Bella said, leaving the room and sitting down on the chairs near the bedroom.

Carlisle walks back into the room, with some equipment to draw the blood.

"I thought you would ask for a nurse.". Ethan said, confused.

Carlisle stared at Ethan for a few seconds in silence, and began tying a small rope around Ethan's arm, so the veins would be more showy.

"You know Ethan, I think you already have some idea of what we are...". Carlisle began to speak, as he touched Ethan's arm. He slowly threaded the needle into the boy's arm, who felt a slight prick, but nothing unbearable.

"I don't know what your plan is, what you intend to do, but we won't let you go around killing everyone!". Carlisle continued, as Ethan's blood appeared through the syringe.

Ethan stared into Carlisle's eyes. He didn't seem even remotely attracted to the blood, but he did seem a little curious.

"I'm not like you think I am, Carlisle!". Ethan replied. Carlisle had been on earth for a long time, so it was obvious that he knew about the legend of the Shadow Lords.

"I DON’T CARE who you are! Just don't go after it. This thing you're so interested in doesn't care about you! He's just using you! Don't fall for it, Ethan!". Carlisle replied, taking the last vial of blood from Ethan's vein.

"How do you know all this?". Ethan asked, seriously.

"I want you to be well, Ethan! Don't screw up. You can be stronger than this!". Carlisle added, looking at Ethan with a sincere look.

Ethan said nothing, just stared back at Carlisle.

Carlisle released Ethan to leave.

"How are you doing?" Bella asked, helping Ethan to the car.

"I'm fine! I don't feel any pain, I'm just a little tired...". Ethan replied.

"Why did you lie to Carlisle? It's better to get a scolding from your mother than to die!". Bella said.

"But I didn't lie! I never smoked!". Ethan replied, but Bella didn't seem to believe him.

The sun was strong that day. Which made Ethan wonder how Carlisle had made it to come to work.

They got into the car and Bella drove to Ethan's house.

Upon arriving, Bella helped Ethan settle into bed.

"I knew something had happened wrong with you after I sent the message and you didn't answer me!". Bella said.

"What? Why?" Ethan asked, confused.

"You always reply on time!". Bella said.

"What shitty logic, Bella!". Ethan replied, laughing. "And what was the message?". He added.

"I figured out what you guys are!". Bella said, pointing at Ethan.

"Oh, you talked to Alice. And what did she say?". Ethan asked, curious.

"She told me that you guys are special, you have super strength and super speed. Just like superheroes!". Bella replied.

- Why would Alice lie? - Ethan thought, confused. - Although, she might have left it up to Edward to explain further... - Ethan thought, trying to remember the movie.

"Got it. So superheroes can have heart attacks?" Ethan said, laughing.

Bella stared at Ethan for a few seconds, realizing that it made no sense what she had said.

"Okay, so what are you guys?". Bella asked.

"Superheroes!" Ethan said, seriously.

"Just tell me the truth, Ethan!". Bella said, annoyed.

Then they heard the door to the room open.

"I ARRIVED!". Enid shouted from downstairs.

Ethan smiled at Bella, who glared at him angrily and walked away.

He heard the two talking for a few minutes downstairs, and Enid went upstairs to see Ethan.

"How are you feeling?" Enid asked, concerned.

"I'm fine! Carlisle said I need to run some tests, but the hospital here doesn't meet the requirements. So, I'll need to go to another city, this week!". Ethan said, getting into bed.

"Fine! I'll take you that week!" Enid said, smoothing Ethan's hair. "Are you hungry? I'll make lunch!". Enid asked, leaving the room.

"Starving to death!". Ethan replied, smiling gently.

"Okay! I'll be right back!". Enid said.

Ethan stood up looking for Umb, but before he could do anything, he quickly glanced around in the mirror and realized that the necklace was no longer on his neck.

Ethan ran his hand over his neck desperately, looking for where the necklace might be, but there was nothing. He bent down, searching the bedroom floor and among the blankets, but found nothing.

It was then that he realized that his notebook was also gone. Ethan froze for a few seconds. Enid must have seen what Ethan was researching and hid his belongings.

Ethan walked silently to Enid's room, looking for the notebook and the necklace. He began to open the drawers slowly, trying to listen, at the same time, to where his mother was.

A few minutes passed and he found nothing. She had disappeared with both of them.

It was then that, rummaging through the drawers, Ethan found the penguin light tucked away in Enid's drawer. He ran back into the room, opened the drawer where the penguin was kept, and realized that it was no longer there.

It was then that he began to reflect on the fact that he had never been able to stay in the dark. Probably Enid always left the little light everywhere Ethan was, so that he couldn't absorb the energy of the shadows enough, but that still didn't make sense to him.

- But I wasn't afraid of the dark when I was little. Why did my mother say I was afraid of the dark? - Ethan asked himself, placing his hand on the little penguin light, but when his fingertips touched the object, a strong memory popped into Ethan's head, making him dizzy.

Several flashes of memory began to pop into Ethan's head. He saw Enid trying to scare him when he was just a small child, with scary movies, and noises in his room, and even telling him scary stories before bed.

In one of them, Ethan was only 3 years old and was going to sleep. It was then that he asked Enid to tell him a story. Enid turned out the lights, leaving Ethan totally in the dark, with only a flashlight pointed at the book. The story was about monsters in the dark that would separate Ethan from his mother.

Even though he felt no fear of the dark at the time, Enid began to get him to develop this fear from little events she created within the house, so that he would never want to be in the dark long enough for his origins to be revealed.

It was the perfect plan so that he could never suck up enough energy to reveal the blessing.


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