Chapter 10 Taking Care Of The Sick
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After the fight between Suzuya and Yasha 

Ahmya:Looks like he gave you a hard time huh Yasha?

Yasha:Yeah he's strong but still has a long way to go to beat me but...

Yasha:It's been a while since I enjoyed fighting like that I hope I can fight him again 

Ahmya:Hope huh?? I wonder what Yamiyo-Sama plans to do with that Suzuya 

Yasha:I don't know I can't predict what that person thinks 

Ahmya:Let's Head back 

Yasha:Right, I need to clean my wounds too 

Present Morning 

Akane:Huh? It's already morning 

I check if Suzuya is already woke but he's still sleeping can't blame him he pushes himself back then 

Suzuya:Good Morning Akane, you stayed by my side thank you for taking care of me 

Akane:It's the least I can do you save me yesterday so...

Akane said her face burning in embarrassment



Suzuya:Why is your face red do you have a fever?


Suzuya:Ahahaha, Ah!

Akane:Are you okay? That's what you get for laughing 

Akane:You can't move your body right? I will bring your breakfast here 

Suzuya:Seriously?? What happened to you Akane? Do you seriously have a cold?

Akane:Idiot, I'm just helping you since you can't move your body don't get the wrong idea 

Suzuya:Sure sure, thank you Akane 

Akane:No problem, Just wait here alright 

Suzuya:Wait Akane what happened after I passed out?

Akane:Yasha leave and said that he don't come to kill you, orders from above 

Suzuya:Orders from above I wonder who it is?

Akane:I don't know but it's dangerous to get involved with them their soul contractors like you 


Akane headed downstairs to get breakfast 

Mom:Akane-chan is Suzuya already awake?

Akane: He's a wake but he still can't move his body 

Mom:As expected, So you came here to bring him breakfast?

Akane:Yes, how did you know?

Mom:Nothing just a guess since he can't move his body 

After talking with Suzuya's Mom I head upstairs 

Akane:Here's your food 

Suzuya:I'm so hungry Thanks for the food 

I said that but I can't move my hands at all damn it how am I going to eat now 

Akane:Can't move your hands? Give me that 

Akane said that As she take the food from me 

Akane:Say ahh

Suzuya:Aah delicious one more 

Akane:Wait here ahhh 


Munch munch 

Suzuya:Sorry for the trouble and thank you 

Akane:Don't mention it you still have rice on your cheeks 



Akane approached me, too close so close 


Suzuya:You're too close 

Akane:Ahh, sorry 

Suzuya:It's alright 

Damn it she's so close I hope she didn't see my face 

Akane:Are you alright? 


Knock knock 

Mom:Suzuya can I come in?

Suzuya:Mom, alright come in 

Mom:Are you alright? What are you feeling right now is there something hurting right now 

Suzuya:Calm down I'm alright just tired 

Mom:You needed to tell me what exactly happened to you and Akane 


After explaining everything to my mother everything but I can't tell her that I'm a soul contractor 

Mom:So that's what happened who is it who did this Suzuya? I'm calling the police 

Suzuya:Mom it's alright and I don't even know his name.

I can't exactly tell her that Yasha is a soul contractor too so it's useless to involve the police 

I signal Akane 

Suzuya:Akane help 

Akane:Looks like Suzuya is already tired so let's talk about it later 

Mom:I understand 

My mother leaves the room leaving me with Akane 

Suzuya:Thanks for the help, I can't tell her this because I don't want to involve my family with this 

Akane:You're right so what are you going to do now?

Suzuya:I'm going to rest for now when my wounds are healed I'm going to start training again.

Akane:Alright, You said you're going to be the strongest soul contractor right?

Suzuya:You still remember that?

Akane:I can't forget it you seriously said it was "strongest soul contractor" haha 

Suzuya:Shut up I don't even know where to start with it 

Akane:Where to start huh?? What about improving your fighting style?

Suzuya:You're right I'm still lacking in terms of fighting and 

Akane:Your way of fighting is reckless 

Suzuya:Alright once I'm all healed up I'm going to train so Akane please train me 

Akane:There's no other choice 


Hikari:That's weird it's almost time for classes but Suzuya is still not here 

The door opens and the teacher starts with 

Teacher:Suzuya and Akane are absent today because they get into a fight Suzuya is beaten up and Akane has a few scratches 

Hikari:Beaten up? What happened Sensei?

Teacher:There's still not enough information but they don't know who it is 

Classmate 1:Beaten up I hope their ok 

Classmate 2:It's dangerous now 

Classmate 3:Scary 

Hikari:Where are Suzuya and Akane now?

Teacher:At their house, they are still recovering but there's nothing to worry about the injury is nothing serious 

Hikari:Thank goodness, 

I need to visit Suzuya after school 

After School 

5 days until incident 

Suzuya:Yawn* That's enough sleep 

Akane: You're a wake can you move your body now?

I stand up

Suzuya:Yeah I can move now but it still hurts when I'm moving, See I can move now!

I move my hands and pat Akane on head 

Suzuya:Thank you for taking care of me Akane!

I said while smiling I'm grateful for her 

Akane:Don't pat my head I'm not a pet 

Suzuya:Sorry sorry, you're just so cute 

Akane:Cu-cute? Shut up, idiot!

Hikari:Now I'm here I just need to ring the doorbell 

Ding dong 


Hikari:Good afternoon 

Mom:Good afternoon are you here to visit Suzuya 

Hikari:Yes, how is he?

Mom:He wakes up in the morning but can't move his body after eating breakfast he goes back to sleep 

Hikari:Is that so? Can I check on him 

Mom:Come in Suzuya! Hikari-chan is here 



Yasha:Yamiyo-sama what's your next plan?

Yamiyo:First destroy those corrupt politicians and collect soul contractors 

Yasha:Wonderful it's finally time to destroy those scum in this world 

Ahmya:May I ask a question?

Yamiyo:Alright what is it Ahmya?

Ahmya:How do you plan to do that?

Yamiyo:You will see it just wait 

Yamiyo:Anyway what do you think about that new soul contractor Yasha?

Yasha:He's got some potential it's been a while since I got to fight someone like him 

Yamiyo:Hoh, looks like he gave you a hard time is that right?

Yasha:Quite a bit... But I defeated him 

Yamiyo:Well he's still new so observe every move he makes dismiss!

Yasha and Ahmya:Alright take care Yamiyo-sama 

Yasha:He's scary I sense something dangerous coming from him earlier, did I piss him off Ahmya?

Ahmya:I don't know, just be careful next time 

Yasha:I still can't forget about that day 

Chapter 10 end 

Next Time On Soul Contractor Suzuya is recovering and Hikari is visiting him meanwhile Yasha is remembering something from the past what is it? Look forward to the next chapter.

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