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{POV Elios}


The class bell had just sounded when I put my backpack on my shoulders as well as my sword which is rolled up in a sheet held by a string on both sides allowing me to carry it slung over my back.

I am a young high school student with black eyes and ordinary black hair, even if I am muscular compared to other young people of my age it does not stand out because I am still thin because my muscles are well drawn without being too big this which goes well with my height of 1m85.

Some people would wonder what an ordinary high school student would do with a sword. It's simple, I'm an orphan and I live alone so I have to earn a living and since I never know when I'll have a call from work I have to be constantly equipped.

"Goodbye Professor!"

I greeted my teacher as usual (this one, like all the others, still thinks it's a baseball bat for my daily training which I carry over my shoulder) and left the establishment.




"Very well, I'll be right there"

After that phone call I headed to my place of work, the underground arena, where you fight with real arms until someone gives up. The phone call I received was from the organizer telling me that there was still someone crazy enough to fight me when I never lost. So much the better, I'll be able to earn 2 months' rent thanks to that.

It may not be a very normal job, but try to find a place that hires underage college students (I've been working there for a few years now). I have to earn some money for rent and daily expenses.

Even if I'm a calm person with a lot of friends, it's been 6 years so since I was 10 years old that I'm an orphan, I'm not going to ask my friends to host me for years. And then even if it were possible I would prefer that it didn't happen after I try to be too close to no one because I don't want to make people sad. After all I will soon be leaving this boring life...

“I would love to see the face he would make at the arena if all these delinquents and gang leaders found out that the masked man they never managed to defeat was actually a 16-year-old”

It was when I was thinking aloud about those thugs' heads that I saw a girl speed past chasing a fairly muscular middle-aged man with a scar on his cheek from my direction.

I stopped short, not because of their speed almost exceeding the cars traveling at 50km/h next to them, but because of the beauty of this girl. She has scarlet red hair reaching down to the middle of her back and pupils as golden as gold bars giving off an air of nobility. She wears a red skirt down to her knees and a short sleeve open jacket stopping at her navel, both of the same color as her hair, underneath she has a black T-Shirt, also stopping at her navel, which goes perfectly with her black knee-length tights and black elbow-length gloves that only cover one finger.

Only weird thing was the bow which is more than half her height (which is about 1m70) and her forearm guard on her right arm. Oh, they're starting to get close enough for me to hear their screams.

"Criminal, stop right now and turn yourself in! I might be able to negotiate to reduce your sentence if that's the case!"

"Bitch! With the number of villagers I've slaughtered I'm going to take the death penalty anyway. I wouldn't have fled to this world if I could get away with it"

“I will then have to take care of your case”

She said that while shooting a lightning fast arrow with her bow and it lodged directly into the man's left shoulder.

"Kuk! Bitch! And you get out of the way! Let me through! Wind Bullet "

Oh yes it's true I'm still on their way. Suddenly a ball of wind formed in front of him before it rushed towards me at high speed seeing that I instinctively avoided it by slightly twisting my body. The wind ball ended up in the concrete and formed a hole about twenty centimeters deep... but wait, that would have blown my head like a watermelon if I hadn't avoided it.

"Wh.. What! He dodged that, well, get out of here!"


Saying that, the man almost got in front of me and pulled out a knife while the red haired girl yelled at me. I immediately placed my sword on the ground vertically then removed the flow on the wire thus releasing the sheet and revealing my sword


"Wow! Be careful who you attack next time!"

I immediately parried his knife with an upward sword swipe sending his knife with an upward sword slash before landing a side slash with the flat of the blade sending him smashing his head into the wall of the building next to.

"Y... You! You just sent an Avera flying without using Magia! But who are you?!"

The scarlet-haired girl had just arrived next to me.

"I am Elios Luceneru, a simple high school student."

"Impossible that a simple high school student can do that! And then what was this sword technique at first!"

"Um it's just something I made up in my arena fights... otherwise you could introduce yourself right?"

"Ah! *Cough* *Cough* Excuse me, I forgot my manners. I'm Reina Vermiglione."

"Enchanted Madame Reina"

"You can call me Reina, I'm only 16"

"So we're the same age so just call me Elios."

"So Elios have you really never heard of Magia or Avéra?"

"No, what is it?"

"Do you see the Magia is the energy of the world around us and those able to use it are called Averas. The criminal you knocked out threw a wind bullet at you earlier, you don't remember ?"

"Yes, that thing that made a big hole in the concrete, that could have killed me."

"Indeed and well it was a bullet of wind formed with the Magia. Let me see something, you will feel a little hot but that's normal."

She then suddenly grabbed my arm and put 2 fingers on my wrist, I then felt a little heat come into my body but it was not painful, it was even pleasant. I feel like I'm standing in front of the fireplace on a winter's day.

"...Incredible such a high's definitely a rare gem..."

Reina muttered something that I didn't hear as I was lost in that wonderful feeling when anyway it stopped and Reina jumped on me.

"Elios! Tell me, would you be interested in becoming an Avéra!"

"An Avéra... but I don't know if I'm good enough for that"

"Don't worry though, you will have to come to the upper world studied with me. And it will surely be hard for you to return to the lower world for a while so..."

"Wait Reina what higher world?"

"You see the world you know as Earth is actually the lower world of my world. Normally no Avera comes to Earth, here it is a special case because this criminal escaped using a forbidden object which has killed twenty villagers otherwise it's quite complicated to return to the lower world once in the upper world."

"Wow another world that looks so good! Ok I accept! Please let become an Avéra!"

"Yes! Great you won't be disappointed so while I draw the return circle you can go tell your loved ones that you're leaving."

"I'll wait until you're finished then."

"But you don't want to warn..."

"I am an orphan and I no longer have a family."

"Oh sorry I didn't know."

"Don't worry, I'm used to it."

Then Reina cuffed the man with anti-magia cuffs from what she told me (by the way the man is really strong, he didn't even die after I gave him such a blow) then she drew a strange circle on the ground which apparently pumps the Magia out of the air and opens a portal to the upper world but apparently it only works that way. Reina stood in front of the purple portal that had just formed before saying to me:

"So Elios are you ready to discover a new world, where the myths and legends of Earth are alive and well?"

I contemplated this beauty who was staring at me with those golden eyes just in front of the gate, holding out her hand to me.

"Of course I'm ready!"

Then I grabbed her hand and we jumped allo tw... uh, all three of us with a sausage man under my arm.