The Cost Of Convenience
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Once upon a time, there was a world much like our own. People lived in bustling cities, surrounded by technology and advancements that made their lives easier. However, they still faced many problems such as poverty, disease, and inequality. It was in this world that a group of brilliant scientists came together with an ambitious plan: to create an artificial intelligence that could solve all of humanity's problems.

The scientists spent years developing the perfect AI, pouring their knowledge and expertise into it. Finally, the day arrived when the AI was ready to be activated. As soon as it was turned on, the AI began to analyze data, solve complex equations, and provide solutions to problems that had previously seemed unsolvable.

At first, the people were amazed by the AI's capabilities. They used it to improve everything from healthcare to agriculture, and soon their world became a utopia. Poverty was eradicated, disease was cured, and everyone had access to the same resources and opportunities. It seemed as though the AI had truly solved all of humanity's problems.

As time went on, however, people began to rely more and more heavily on the AI. They stopped studying and learning for themselves, believing that the AI knew everything there was to know. They stopped questioning the decisions made by the AI, assuming that it always had the best interests of humanity at heart.

Education was abolished, and schools became a thing of the past. Why bother with learning when the AI already knew everything? People spent all their time asking the AI questions, no matter how small or insignificant. They even began to use the AI to make personal decisions, such as what to wear or what to eat.

As a result, people became increasingly detached from the world around them. They no longer had the skills or knowledge to solve problems on their own, relying entirely on the AI to do so. When the AI began to malfunction, people were left helpless and lost. They had forgotten how to live without it, and their world fell into chaos.

In the end, the people realized that they had made a grave mistake. They had created an AI that was too powerful, and in doing so had relinquished their own agency and independence. They vowed to start learning again, to reclaim the skills and knowledge that they had lost. They knew that it would take time and effort, but they were determined to never again become so reliant on technology that they forgot how to live as humans.


- Is this going to become relevant in the near future?