Chapter 23: The Judean Desert
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Chapter 23: Influence of the Sand

Chapter 23: The Judean Desert

As the carriage started moving again, silence has returned with only the sound of wind and wood creaking could be heard.

‘Even if they seem friendly, they’re not very welcoming huh.’

The awkward silence isn’t helped when the two kids started moving to the front of the carriage, leaving me with Grey that’s sleeping on my shoulder and Marguerite.

“Alex, how long have you been walking on this road?” she said.

“I think 2 days now, all from Naive city.”

“Really, this far in two days?” she said, raising her voice a little, attracting the kid’s attention.

“Well, I was in a rush so.”

“You poor girl, we’re halfway to the city, it takes about six months on foot with no stops to arrive from Naive city to Pilgrim city.”

“Really, maybe I was not paying attention to my surroundings.”

“What?! It’s that far” Grey suddenly woke up and exclaimed.

“Didn’t you track the time while on my shoulder?”

“I thought it was two days, did every time I slept, I slept for a month.”


In front of the carriage, Lancy looked behind and said.

“It’s because of the miracle in this place,” he said, looking in front of him again.

“You mean the miracle that resides in Judean dessert?” the boy named Mance said, looking at his father.

“Yes, even though we’re not in Judean desert, we are near it,” Lancy said, gesturing one of his hand to the plains.

“The sands that are around here are proof of its influence in this place.”

“Excuse me but, what is the miracle of Judean dessert?” I asked, feeling like this must be related to the trial of the south.

“You don’t know?”  The girl named Lucy said, surprised is shown all over her face.

“I’m sorry if it’s common knowledge, in my whole life I barely left my house.”

“You’ve must've been very rich, are you the mayor’s daughter?” Mance said, pushing his sister away.

“No, but my father is well off in terms of wealth.”

“Really, that’s surprising, I expected a rich young lady to be...” Lancy said, not finishing his sentence.

“To be rude, I learned to be humble when I competed in various competitions when I was a kid.”

“I see, well the Judean desert is said to have a place full of miracles, some say that anyone that can resist the temptation of the Devil, the Lord will reward us by granting us a wish that’s deep inside us.”

“Deep inside?” I said, confused at what Lancy said.

“Some say that he will grant us what we need most, others say that he will grant us the greatest desire in our hearts, I don’t really know as I haven’t crossed the Judean desert myself.”

“Yeah, they said the trial of the Devil is hard and will test us to the limit,” Mance said, going to the back of the carriage.

“Only the bravest and the purest person can cross it.”

‘If it’s really that hard, why can the vampires cross through so easily, maybe they’re not affected by the dessert’s influence.’

Looking at the sands outside the carriage, I felt a sudden discomfort.

‘What if the temptation they’re saying is not because of the Devil, but instead...if there are enough vampires to destroy one of the biggest cities in the center, maybe there’s a powerful vampire, turning others into vampires in the center region.’

“Doesn’t that mean big sister is one of the bravest and purest?” Lucy said, admiration beginning to show in her eyes.

“Then she must be strong too,” Mance said, slowly walking towards me.

“Yeah, didn’t she came from Naive city, isn’t the city in ruins because of the vampires attacked,” Lucy said, following her brother to the back of the carriage.

“How did you know, did someone escapes from Naive city?”

“I know from dad, he said he found out from a magical book that grandpa made for him.”

‘A network book, if Lancey uses it, maybe I can find out about father.’

“Does Lancy have a magic network book?” I asked Lancy.

“I do, but, my father said to never use it for any reason unless it’s very important, he said something about how it can make your mind wander.”

“You can say that, if you use it too much, the mana of others and your own will interconnect, and when you’re mana is influenced, your soul and body will be influenced too.”

“Wait, are you mage Alex, but, I don’t see you holding a staff or a wand,” Marguerite said, sounding surprised at the thought of me being able to use magic.

“I’m a bit special, also I’m a wizard.”

“A wizard, you look too young to be a wizard or maybe you used one of those spells i heard of that can make you look younger,” she said, looking at me in a different light.

“No, I’m sixteen years old, also anyone can be a wizard it’s just that the wizard occupation is not very attractive for the apprentices.”

“Really, i thought a wizard is just a mage but older, all of the wizards that I have met are all old and have grey hair.”

‘Well you’re not wrong; almost everyone became a wizard after becoming old and exhausted their magic potential.’

“Hey, can you show me a magic spell,” Mance said, excited at the mention of magic.

Looking at the excited boy, i noticed that the boy’s sister behind him is not looking good.

 Noticing my gaze, Marguerite started to stand up and beckoned for Lucy.

“Mommy,” she said, running towards her mother, with frantic steps.

“What is it Lulu, is it because Alex is a wizard."

“No, she doesn’t look like that bad man, I just feel scared” she said, her voice trembling as she hugged her mom.

“Come on sis, she’s not bad,” he said, worry could be heard from his voice.

“Alex, let’s get in front of the carriage,” Grey said, pulling my hair.

Agreeing with Grey, i moved to the front of the carriage, sitting to the left of Lancy, though getting my hair pulled isn’t nice.

‘Grey’s being naughty lately, when did he become like this.’

Remembering the naughty things Grey has done while on the road, I’m starting to see Grey as a human being instead of a former human being.

“Sorry about that Alex, usually Lucy is not like that.”

“It’s okay; after all, I’m the outsider here.”

“Sis, don’t cry.”

Looking behind me, I saw the boy comforting his sister, while his mother is silently hugging Lucy.

“Is this because of that woman, just tell me and I’ll make her leave?” he said, looking at my direction.

“Wait, no; it’s not because of her.”

“Then why did you cry, I’m making her leave.”


Marguerite looked angry as she grabbed the boy’s arm.

“Release me, I’m making her leave,” he said, pulling his arm.

“Alex, I think we should leave,” Grey said.

“Call down Mance, listen to your poor old mother.”

“But she’s a stranger.”

“Follow your mother’s order Mance, Alex is our guest!” Lancy said, preventing the brewing dispute.

“Yes father,” he said, calming down.

“Come here and hug your mother,” she said, pulling Mance into her arms.

“I’m sorry about that Alex, Mance is just starting to grow up and he’s a bit rebellious.”

“It’s okay, can I ask you something, did the news you got from the Weave mention where the vampires' attacks came from?”

“Yes, they apparently disguised themselves as mages from the north and traveled all the way here; this just shows how dangerous those vampires are.”

“Then can I ask you a favor, can you search for Arthur Magister in the Weave,” I said.

“Arthur, that name rings a bell.”

Seeing Lancey confused, I spoke to Grey silently.

“Grey, can you system check mana also?”

“It can, do you want me to check Lancy’s mana?”

“I’m counting on you.”

“What are you two talking about, is this Arthur a dangerous person?”

“No, he’s not, please do me this favor, I will repay you in the near future.”

“Okay then,” he said, opening his network book.

“Alex, I found something strange about Lancy’s status,” Grey said, a bit of worry could be heard from his voice.

“What is it, he looks fine.”

Looking at Lancy flipping the book carefully, I see nothing wrong on the surface.

“He’s under the status, mentally influenced,” he said, making me a bit taken aback.

‘Mentally influenced, are they under someone’s control’

“Is this Arthur Magister?” he said, showing me a picture of me.

Seeing the picture of me on the book, I no longer have any doubt that someone here is a psychic user or a vampire as looking at the surroundings; I can only see nothing but grass and sand for miles.

“Who are you?”

‘Please check the back of the carriage Grey.’

Hoping for Grey to understand what I want him to do, I slightly turned my head to the right

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, haven’t I already introduced myself to you, my name is Lancey, I’m a farmer in northeast section in the middle region.”

“Don’t think that we don’t know you’re controlling Lancy right now, who are you and why are you controlling Lancey?” Grey said, not taking my hint and instead told the enemy of what we know.

“So that rat can see through my disguise,” he said, then looking at me, kneeled. “It’s an honor to meet you, your highness the fourth queen and the fourth ancestor.”

“So, why did you reveal yourself,” I asked, looking at the reactions in the back of the carriage.

‘Mance is not moving, but Lucy and Marguerite is still moving’ i thought, looking at the mother caressing her daughter while she’s crying

“You see, I’m a low-rank vampire and seeing a much higher ranked vampire that’s still young and green, I’m unable to hold myself.”

“What’s your point?” Grey said, confused.

“I just want some of your friend’s blood that’s all.”

‘That sounds mildly morbid.’

“And how do you think I should give you my blood?”

“That’s easier than I expected, don’t tell me a vampire queen such as yourself, care about these mere mortals,” he said, a smile creeping up on his mouth.

Grey, seeing me agreeing so easily said “Alex, why would you give him your blood.”

“It’s fine Grey, now tell me how you’re going to take my blood,” I said, putting Grey down.

“Eager are you, my real body is that girl over there, let me sink my fangs into you,” he said, pointing at Lucy, with eyes of a hungry beast.

“Hn, fine” I nodded and started to move towards the back.

“The rat stays here with me.”

“What, why should I stay with you!” he said, clinging to my arm.

“Fine, Grey, you stay here and keep an eye on him.”

“Be careful, you can’t trust this guy, Alex.”

I nodded to Grey and went to the back.

‘Which one is he?’

The girl Lucy stopped crying, and stepped out of her mother’s embrace and turned to me.

“Please come here your royal highness,” she said, a grin appearing on her face, showing her sharp fangs.

‘Is this really the true body, this is too obvious.’

Slowly walking towards, I readied myself to use my soul flames.

“Yes, come here,” the girl said, her grin getting bigger.

Once I’m in front of her, I silently put a wisp of my soul flame on both sides of my neck.

“Thank you for the meal your highness, I’m digging in!”

The girl unexpectedly jumped towards my thighs instead of my neck.


In a panic, I coated my whole lower body in my soul flames.


A figure appeared behind me and bit my right shoulder.

“For you to awaken your abilities before you even awoke your blood is very surprising,” he said, releasing his bite and jumping back.

“How did you see?” I said, holding my shoulder.

Looking at the figure that attacked me, I saw a man with short brown hair and brown eyes, wearing a yellow shirt and pants reaching his knees that matches his yellow skin, his face showing a big grin as a trail of blood is shown of his right lip.

‘What did he do? My body feels weak.’

“Your lifeblood feels amazing!” he said, his grin turning into a big smile.

“What did you do, Alex are you okay?” Grey said, jumping towards me.

“Oh little rat, you’re not going anywhere,” he said, beckoning his hand, making Grey flying uncontrollably into his hand.

Feeling a tug on my clothes, I saw Lucy saying something slowly with her lips.

‘Horses, fall, bad.’

“Well, better not push my luck and stay here, don’t follow me, or your rat here will be mashed potatoes,” he said, jumping through the front of the carriage.

Clenching my hands and teeth, I used my flames to try and burn the carriage.

“Burn and disappear!”


“Whoa, that’s dangerous, those flames of hers, doesn’t make a sound nor heat, well, it doesn’t matter, sooner or later i will have that power as well,” the attacker said, flying away from the rapidly falling carriage.

“Let go of me!” Grey said, stretching his neck to bite on his wrist.

“It’s no use Rat; my body is stronger than even the strongest mortal steel, what can your baby teeth do to me.”

“Well even a baby looks stronger than you; you coward that sneak attack a girl from behind.”

“Heh, I seen girls being stronger than men most of the time, after all the ratio of male and female in the vampire race is two to eight, I’m lucky that I’m handsome and  got turned instead of getting killed like the others.”

“Handsome? More like gruesome” he said, biting his captivator harder.

“That’s it you little piece of sh-, what! “ He said, throwing Grey away as if he’s holding a bomb.

“This, how?!”

A small red flame could be seen silently burning on his left hand where he held Grey captive.

‘This is that Queen’s flame, but how, I’m miles away from her.”

In seconds, the bright red flame covered his whole left arm, eating his flesh until almost all of it is gone.

‘I can’t keep arm anymore’ he thought, stabbing his shoulder with his right arm and tore it off.

With the arm detached, the attacker sigh in relieve but, what he saw next made his skin crawl.

The arm that’s only left with bones didn’t fall, but instead, it followed him.

“Why, Why, Why!” he screamed, desperately flying faster, but, the hand kept following him, matching his speed.


The man suddenly slowed down as he felt a sudden pain in his body.

“What is happening?”

The man threw a burst of telekinetic energy at the hand, only to make the flames bigger.

“What’s your name” Alex voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

“What...where are you!” he said, looking around him, searching for Alex.

“I’m here; it’s useless to run away, my flames have already spread to your whole body.”

Following where the voice comes from, the attacker saw an eye from within flames.

“M...m-my name is Neraldo, please spare me, your highness, I can be your slave, your dog or even your carpet on the ground, just, please spare me!” he said, tears falling from his eyes as he grovels in the air.

“I might spare you if you tell me where Grey is.”

“The rat, I thought you already saved him.”

“No, I didn’t see him.”


The longer he waited, Flames started to appear on Neraldo’s body, almost covering his whole body.

“Wait! I’ll search for him now” he said, grabbing what’s left of his left hand and let the flames on it to spread to his body.

Flying above the ground, Neraldo searched far and wide on the plains of sand and grass but, found nothing.

With half of his body burned to the bones, Neraldo stopped flying as he saw Alex’s real body along with the others on the road.

“I’m sorry your highness, I didn’t find your pet, I deserve to receive your punishment, dispose of me as you see fit,” he said, kneeling on both knees.

“Well, Grey is already with me, I lied about me not seeing him” supporting Alex’s words, Grey popped out from her sleeve, smiling cheekily at Neraldo.

 “I see, your highness didn’t plan to spare least i get to die in the hands of your highness, the most beautiful and the most powerful being in the world,” he said, something rising could be seen from his bottom half, as all of his clothes have long been gone.

Seeing Alex’s uncomfortable expression and Grey’s disdainful gaze, Neraldo relieved that his family jewel is still intact and roaring.

“I’m embarrassed that your highness have to see me like this but, it’s true that-

“Shut up, I’ll spare you; after all, you’re still useful to me.”

“Hah, hah, thank you your highness, i will be your most useful slave!”

Joy could be heard from his voice as he repeatedly said thank you while trying to kiss Alex’s feet, which only made her disgusted.

“Just take these humans to the nearest town, didn’t control my flames so their supplies are gone, but i can remake them, the problem is the horses, they are...well, history.”

“Right away my queen.”

‘I hope I don’t regret this if only the horses didn’t die’ Alex thought as she recreated the carriage while Neraldo is carrying the Lancey and his family onto the carriage.

“How long will they be unconscious?”

“Don’t worry my queen; they’ll wake up in a couple of hours.”

‘I think need to get used to how submissive he is’ Alex thought as he thought back at how she defeated Neraldo.

‘My soul flames is stronger than I thought.’

Usually, when my flames go too far from me, my control on it is weak and if it’s too far I can’t even control it, but somehow I managed to do it.

‘When I controlled it, my mind or my conscious on this body is gone, it feels like my soul has moved, but, isn’t my soul these flames, maybe a soul is not as simple as I thought, maybe there’s a core to a soul,’ Alex thought.

“Neraldo, come here, I’m going to fix you.”

‘And plant my flames into your body of course’ Alex thought, having no remorse for Neraldo.