Chapter 9: No rest for the Fairy
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BZZZZZZ. "AAAAAAHHH!" Someone shouts next to me, instantly waking me up.

And before I even realize it, I'm sitting in the corner, far away from where the incident happened. My ears are twitching and turning, scanning for danger around me. My tail is standing up straight like a broomstick. Only then is my brain done rebooting.

I see Celeste near a few blankets on the floor. Her hair is....disheveled to say the least.

"What the....what are you even? Are you even a Fairy? By the gods. What did you do?!"

I feel like a dog who's about to be punished for secretly pulling blankets out of the cabinet to lie on.

"N...nothing..." Is all I managed to say.

"Huh? Ha ha ha ha! You're so cute sitting there. C'mon, time to get you bathed!"



And just like this, another ordinary day in the Palace started. I reluctantly bathed, had breakfast while still half asleep and....then got the hell out of there, running into the gardens. Too much royal stuff going on in there. Too much for a simple Fairy like me. It's like being told that you have to work in a nuclear power plant tonight and don't worry, there are only a few simple buttons to push. Sure...not buying it.

Melody told me this morning that the dresses I've been wearing so far are just the "simple" ones...
If this one is considered simple, what the heck am I supposed to wear tonight when the "party" starts? I hate it already. Why did I even agree to this madness? Lunch? I skipped it. I can't eat anything at the moment. 

The gardens are nice. Quiet. Peaceful. Lots of places to hide. Should I......should I just fly away? I keep forgetting that I can just fly away now. No need to go through the front door. And when I was seriously considering just leaving without anyone noticing, Celeste stood right beside me.

"Don't even think of leaving."

"AAAAHHH!" Yep, she startled me big time.

"Ha ha are so predictable. It's time for you to get changed, young one."

"No! I won't. I need to be alone." 

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I will pick you up and carry you inside if I have to. But you WILL get dressed."

"No! I didn't even sleep well last night. I can't even make it until the evening. AAAH!!!!" It was no idle threat, she just picked me up and princess-carried me inside. No matter how I struggle, she's merciless. "Meanie! I thought you were my friend."

"I am, anybody else would have sent the guards to force you."

I stop struggling. "Really?"

"Really. Ha ha ha. You're quite something, Sasami."

No, I'm not pouting. And no, the Queen didn't totally laugh at me when she saw me struggle in Celeste's arms.


And then the horror started. Three maids....not one...not two...but three of them forcefully dressed me up like a doll. A tighter than necessary corset and a soft blue dress which doesn't cover the shoulder area. White shoes with a short, wider heel that even I can walk on. A silver necklace with a blue gemstone to match my blue eyes. A fluffy tail that was fluffed by two maids for fifteen minutes so it would look the fluffiest possible. Then another ten minutes of hair brushing, then adorning it with a hair pin and a single blue flower on my left side. Yes....then the forceful makeup followed. My eyes and a Princess.

"Thank you girls. You'd better help out in the ballroom now." Celeste sent the other maids to ballroom duty. I pity them already. "Well, Sasami....what do you think?"

The girl in the mirror looks nice. "Nice."

"Is that all?"

"Nice and pretty. And beautiful. But not me."

"Yes, that's you, Sasami. Better get used to it. See what a bit of care can do to a person?"

"Yeah....just an hour here, an hour there....just a bit of care."

"Oh, c'mon, don't be like that. You're the star tonight. Nobody wants to dance with a grouch."

"I'm no grouch." I couldn't prevent a little smile from forming on my soft red lips. It tastes like strawberry too.

Celeste then tickles-attacks me like if I were only a five-year-old.  "Who's a cute little grouch? Yes you are!"

"Ha ha ha..." Well, my foul mood was finally gone.

"There, that's the Sasami I like. You're much prettier like that. Just....relax. You heard it yourself, they don't expect much from you."

"Yeah...I'll do my best."



I follow the movement of maids like worker ants to the anthill and finally figure out where the ballroom is located.

I simply enter the ballroom without asking and am stunned right away. This place is as big as an indoor basketball court. No, it's probably even a bit bigger. But the floor is just as shiny, no mistake. There are tables covered with white cloths on one end, leaving the other area open for dancing, I guess. A stage all the way in the front has numerous chairs on it. And I think I see some instruments lying around that area. I guess that means we'll be having live music for tonight...impressive for a culture in this level of development. No, I shouldn't think like that.

It seems the royal family will sit at the head of one long table there, on my right. I wonder where....I.....of course. They probably want me near them, so everyone can stare at me all night.

To my left I see big windows, almost completely from the ground up to the ceiling, all glass. It floods this room with sunlight now, but tonight it will look amazing I bet. A starry And no Kitsune walking around that area, only trees, trees and more trees. That's....good to know. Perhaps I can escape there now and then. I bet those pine-like trees smell amazing if there's a slight breeze.

But there aren't any guests now, only maids and servants running about the place, completely ignoring me. I walk closer to one and see her dropping a spoon. She's one of those maids who helped me get dressed this afternoon.

"Oh, allow me." I want to bend over....but can't. The corset cripples me, I can't even bend anymore!

"Thank you, but you can't when you're all dressed up like that. But I appreciate the gesture."

I shrugged and left her alone. Great, can't even pick up a spoon. A genuine miracle humans survived that era.

I can't shake off my nerves, and walk closer to a table where snacks are being prepared. The moment a maid turns away, my fingers try to sample something, but experience something unexpected...pain. She ticked my fingers.

"Sorry...those are for the guests, Sasami."  It's Celeste, I hadn't recognized her. She looks like the other maids now.

"Oh, Celeste. I can't help it...I'm hungryyyyyy." 

"I know, that's what you get for skipping lunch. And the sandwiches which I had prepared for you were so incredibly delicious!"

My stomach protested, earning me more laughs from Celeste.


I decided to leave the evil witch alone and see Berry and Levia entering the room, walking my way. Right before they approach me, I see a wooden baseball bat in the corner nearby. I wonder what that's about?

"Hi Sasami!" Levia said.

"Oh, good evening you two. Are they also making you dance?"

"Make....? Hah ha ha. No, we are here to protect the Princess. Nothing more."

" you are her bodyguards then?"

'Huh? Body...guards? Yeah, that's a term you can use. We prefer personal guards, but it sounds the same."

"Oh, okay. As personal guards can you also stealthily grab a snack and also stealthily bring it to me so I don't die of starvation?"

"Sure....we could do that."


And sure enough the two very inconspicuously moved to the snacks and managed to bring me something resembling a small bun. Nothing great, but at least it's food.

I didn't waste a second and started chewing the bun. 

"You really are famished, aren't you? Are they punishing you?"


"Ah...Celeste. Yeah, she can be like that."

I swallowed my meal and thanked them from the bottom of my heart. "Thank you very much. You both just saved a life."

"Don't worry, now we're even."

"Huh? Oh! A hahahaha. Yeah, we're even now!" They meant the Goblin attack I helped to defend them against, together with Blaze.


At this moment the musicians enter the room. They sit down and start to warm up. All kinds of weird noises are reaching my sensitive ears. Not my style. I hope this is just some random noise, because it sounds like kids on their first day at class. My ears hurt, but when my patience is about to end, actual music is being made.

What is that sound? I hear flutes and some kind of medieval piano, a harp-like instrument and a harmonica I guess. And somehow, this strange combination actually produces music. Perhaps there's more than meets the eye, but the ears are pleased at least. It sounds like a walz-style with some jazz mixed into it. The flute is not dominating the play but gives it a warm kind of emphasis.

The Princess and her parents are now entering as well. They all look their best. A few others seem to be their personal guards and Berry and Levia join them.

Melody waves at me, motioning I should join them. She then tells me that I'm expected to remain near them except for dancing. It's etiquette or something like that.


Only moments later the doors are opened, giving me an even better view of the trees outside. The temptation to walk over there is increasing, but so far I can manage to resist the urge. I wonder why they opened those doors?

And as if someone chose to answer my question, I see a carriage slowly approaching. The King and Queen approach the doors and welcome their guests inside. I however stay here with the Princess.

This scenario kept repeating over and over until I couldn't hear myself talking anymore. Apparently every guest had arrived and they started chatting without any reservation. Shouldn't they be more polite...and quiet? My god, it hurts my ears! But no, I will get through this. And perhaps......home.....back to Nora...Blaze....think happy thoughts....yes, I can do this!


I try to keep smiling and scan the area where all guests are comfortable sitting and chatting. There really are fairies of all kinds gathered here. Cat-kin and Kitsune-Fairies such as myself. Wolf-kin, eh....Dragonkin? Lizardkin? That's a first! But still, they look....normal? I can't explain it. Perhaps I'm getting used to life on Tallara already?

The musicians suddenly start playing a bit louder, like someone activated an amplifier or something technical. 

The King and Queen stand in the middle of the room, and Melody joins them, politely glaring at me. Oops, I get it. I rush over to them and stand on Melody's left side, with her parents to her right. In front of us are many, many Fairies, all looking this way and getting quieter every second. The music stops gradually and the King starts to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Royals, merchants, family.....friends....everyone, welcome to our nation's 325th anniversary. Today is an extra special day, as we have a special guest with us, here in the Palace.
As many of you have heard by now, she's Sasami, The Spiritwalker. Chosen by our new goddess herself. To honor these momentous occasions, our staff have outdone themselves by providing you with the absolute very best nectar our country has to offer. You will have the opportunity to meet Sasami after dinner. And perhaps....steal a dance with her. Everyone, eat, drink and be merry!" 

A loud applause could be heard, people were clapping everywhere. I couldn't help myself and clap too, not caring for etiquette at the moment. 

The musicians started playing again, and dinner was being served.

Dinner was....interesting to say the least. For someone with only basic human table manners, it was a constant struggle to see what I should or shouldn't do. But I think I managed to convince people I'm not your everyday barbarian. I'm sure Nora could eat politely, just by the way she acts. Some people just have that gift, people unlike me. I just have to work hard and imitate people.

Fish, fruits and toasts with unidentifiable toppings were served. Tasty, sure, but I have no idea what I just ate. I hope this new body isn't allergic to any of that. Melody warned me about the nectar, it's something I should avoid...alcohol. So I won't even touch the stuff. Imagine their precious Spiritwalker dancing on the tables...nope. Not an option. 


After dinner, many people headed for the dance area. But not everyone. Some people decided to keep sitting and chatting with their neighbors while the servants were working hard to clean everything. Apparently there's more to eat later. I was starving before, but managed to fill my stomach to the maximum operating limit. So...I guess there won't be room for dessert today. 

The King and Queen were first to start dancing, as.....etiquette of course demands. I don't mind, it gives me the opportunity to learn and hopefully manage later on tonight.

They look like a couple in love, gracefully waltzing about the area. Then a few brave souls join them, and soon the dance area is filled with dancing couples.

I'm sitting safe and sound...waiting for my turn at this....terrible social obligation. 


The doors are still open, tempting me to go outside, but I can't, I must resist. 


And then.....just when a gentleman is about to ask me to dance, probably because he, like me, simply is expected to, something happens.
Suddenly screams can be heard everywhere, the music stopped instantly. It took me a second to see what was going on. Goblins! That was what was going on. 

Multiple Goblins appeared from the dark area between the trees and they were running this way. 

"Aaahhh!!!" people kept screaming, trying to find cover under tables and even jumping on top of the tables. Some managed to head into the Palace through open service doors. I guess the maids are instructed to offer an emergency exit in...well...emergencies.

I see the personal guards heading toward the creatures, drawing their knives and....killing them without remorse. It's either them or the Goblins, no choice. 

Then I see a sneaky Goblin....everyone is focused on the ones near the doors, but one of them escaped detection and is now using the commotion to approach the royal family from behind. He's moving very slowly to avoid detection, so there's still time.

I stand up and say "FIRE!" while pointing at it, but nothing happened!

Huh? That didn't work? I quickly decide to go for my backup plan and run to the nearby baseball bat. At that moment I notice that I won't be able to fight in this contraption they call a dress....because I already fell down, cursing loudly. Ouch! I just sprained my ankle. 

I desperately want to untie my corset but I guess this dress works a bit differently. When pulling the strings on my back, my dress and the wretched corset both slide right off me, but I don't care. I'm free!

I managed to ignore the pain in my foot and wait for the Goblin to move into my strike range. It hasn't noticed me yet, even though I screamed into its direction a few moments ago.

BAM! The result of many years of high school baseball practice culminated into launching this Goblin to the afterlife, assuming they are allowed to have one. 

Then I see another one, that one however did notice me. Now realizing I'm dangerous, he points his fingers at me, but also nothing happened. It screeches, probably also cursing, and runs towards me.

I swung the bat again, but it broke! The damn thing broke! The Goblin grins and bares its fangs at me, ready to bite. But he didn't expect to find a former human with a personal grudge against Goblins as his counterpart. I used my fists with all my energy to give him his worst ever migraine. 

It got knocked out but I don't buy it. I sit on it and keep pounding and cursing until green ooze leaks out of its head. NOW it's dead.

"Mi..!  SASAMI! STOP! It's over!"

I look up, with anger in my eyes and heart, ready to fight another one. It's the Queen, but she immediately stepped back, afraid that I might hit her in the heat of the moment. But that didn't happen, I came to my senses pretty quickly.

At this moment the King shouts. "Everyone! Calm down. It's over. All is fine now. Nobody was injured. Everyone who helped us fight off those vile Goblins, thank you! Guests, personal guards, servants, but also Sasami here!" He took my hand and raised it like I won at a boxing match.

I see the Queen next to me gesturing wildly at a maid, then pointing at me. Now what's wrong? Some people are laughing, others are trying to avoid staring at me. Why? Am I bleeding?

Oh my god. Then it dawned on me. I'm standing in front of their nothing but my underwear! My face instantly heats up, beyond a mere blush. I'm about to blow off steam!

I don't know where to look and turn to look at the trees outside. Should I run out there? Is that better for me? Then I take a single step back, preparing to run, but I misstep due to my sprained ankle and fall.

But I don't fall very far...  I fell into someone's arms. I feel I'm safe and glance up to see this person's face. A smiling young man, quite handsome, like most guests. He just smiles and makes me blush even more. 

Celeste runs over to me and simply says "thank you, I'll take over from you." She puts a blanket around me and I lean on her shoulder, quickly leaving this area through the service exit.

She uses a towel to clean my hands from the green goblin goo, and checks if my underwear needs changing. Well no, they're clean alright.

She takes a deep breath to calm herself. But for some reason I feel perfectly relaxed. Now that I think about it, that Goblin gave me the perfect opportunity to release some frustration. Too bad I can't roast it for dinner. Somehow I'd love to do that. My god, what am I becoming?

 "Sasami...are you with me?" Celeste tries to get my attention.

"Eh..yeah. I'm okay."

"Really? My goddess. I can see that you were a man before. Not caring about running in your underwear. And the way you strangled that was brutal!"

"I didn't strangle it. Just....beat the hell out of it."

"Well, be that as it may. Let's not forget the unladylike cursing. But you saved the royal family...for have my eternal respect.  And using the door opener as a weapon, simply brilliant!"

"Eh....door opener?"

'You...didn't know? We use it when there is a breeze outside. Sometimes the doors close with a bang from the wind and that can startle the guests."

I'm blushing again. " just acted on instinct, I guess."

"Remind me not to get on your nerves. You may look like a young girl, but you were ferocious. My goddess, I still can't believe the raw strength you possess. Look at you, I don't even see your muscles!"


The Priestess was summoned here to heal my ankle. Then Celeste helped me to get dressed again, but not before she compared me to many wild beasts I've never heard of before.

"There, you are presentable again. Please, try not to undress again." She winked.

"Ha ha....very funny, Celeste."


I slowly walk into the ballroom again, thinking about dessert after all. People seem to have calmed down and only a few carriages picked up guests who couldn't endure the suspension anymore.

As soon as I enter the room, all eyes are fixated on me. I try to ignore them and just sit next to the Princess, like nothing had happened at all. The music is playing but nobody seems to be in the mood to dance.

"What?" I say, looking at Melody.

"Really? How can you be so casual after that?"

"Just a few Goblins. You should try them. They taste spicy."

" are serious, aren't you?" Melody rolls her eyes.

I shake my head and decide to show them what I can do. I will cooperate tonight, but I will head home tomorrow, unless the goddess orders me to stay. I think I deserve to go home by now. Well, I have to admit I had some fun tonight. God...I really am becoming a Wild Fairy, aren't I?

I stand up and walk to the dance floor. Is this really me? Or is it the adrenalin in my system? I don't seem to care about anything anymore.

"Music! Faster paced! Louder!" I shout to the musicians, who seem eager to comply.

Finally a more energetic sound is playing. I look at the guests and shout "everyone, the night is still young. Don't let a few stray Goblins spoil your evening. Our guards did a remarkable job, didn't they? there anyone brave enough to join me? I haven't practiced dancing ever before, so consider this your warning."

And sure enough people started to smile. A few couples walked my way. I applauded, showing them how brave they were. Others started applauding too. You could feel the tension in the room leaving and people started chatting happily again.

But my bravery ended when a certain person stopped in front of me. "My lady, may I have this dance with you?" The same Fairy from earlier asked... the one into whose arms I fell.

He's wearing some kind of uniform. Is he representing a worker faction? Military? Whatever. He's even wearing pristine white gloves...a true gentleman. He holds out his right hand for me to accept, while keeping his other hand behind his back.

I blushed immediately, but meekly accepted his hand. He gently guided my right arm to his back and our free hands locked firmly. We danced to the rhythm of the music...somehow....somehow we actually danced.  Who IS this guy?

While dancing I look into his brown eyes...our eyes are locked. He's a Kitsune Fairy, like myself. He's taller than I am and his ears are standing straight, proudly like soldiers in formation. His tail is almost identical to mine, but where my tail has a white tip, his tail is completely brown-reddish. "May.....may I have your name, sir?" I asked. 

"Kenta, my name is Kenta. I run an a company. You don't recognize me?"

" I'm new here. It's n..nice to meet you, I'm eh...Sa.....Sasami. The Spiritwalker."

"'s an unusual name."

"No, just Sasami." I smiled. 

"I know, just teasing you. You dance well, Sasami."

"I do? It must be how you're guiding me. Because this is my first ever dance."

At this exact moment the song ended, so we have to, well...end this dance somehow. I don't like dancing, but this....was amazing. I don't want this moment to end. But it already has.

"Miss Sasami, thank you for sharing this dance with me. If you'll excuse me." He bows to me and waits for me to nod.

I see him walk to Princess Melody while I decide to finally go outside and take a few deep breaths.

When I look back, I see them looking at me. The Princess looks worried, but when she sees me, she pretends to smile and waves. Whatever. This Spiritwalker is going outside. Try to stop me if you dare.

I walk into the area where those big trees are, and see guards everywhere. That means no Goblins, perfect. How much longer will this night take? God, I just want to sleep, get this day over with. And tomorrow....perhaps tomorrow I get to go home.

It's lovely out here. Not too cold, but then again the cold doesn't really bother me. The starry sky, the smell of pine trees....I instantly feel better. Yup, I'm a forest girl alright.

For the very first time since I have arrived in this world, I see moons. Moons as more than one. "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." I've always wanted to say that, and today seems to be the perfect occasion for it. 

"Who's Toto?"

I quickly turn around and see Mr Fisherman, a.k.a. Kenta standing there, waiting for my reply.

"Oh...just a character from a book, nothing important."

"I see. So you are well read?"

"Yes, quite. I love reading. Mostly fantasy stories. They fuel my imagination."

"Aren't you cold, Sasami?"

"No actually. I feel fine.....Kenta." For some reason my voice changes into a more....kind voice. I can't explain it, it's like hearing someone else's voice. A warm, gentle and kind voice.

"I wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed our dance. I need to leave, but I plan to be near this city soon. Would you then...perhaps...have dinner with me? You can even dance, should you wish for it."

Oh dear, I can't say "no" or it might offend the royals here. He might be representing one of their important companies for all I know. "Eh...sure, I'd love to. But I don't know how long I'll stay here."

"Mmm...may I ask....where..."

"Where I live?" I give him a warm smile, then look up at the moons. One is like Earth's moon. Another one has a soft blue hue. And the last one, with a green hue, seems...broken? Like something has impacted it millions of years ago. Whatever. Focus.  

"Yes...if you wish, I could perhaps visit you there?"

"Well, I don't know if you'll like that place. It's nearby, in the forest, close to a river."

"Oh? You live in the forest? That's rather surprising..."

"See...told you that you wouldn't like it."

"No, that's not it. It's just....unexpected."

I motion him to move closer so I can whisper in his ears. "I'm with the River Clan."

"That's even more surprising. I've met Wild Fairies before, but never one like you. You are...'


"Ha! No, not at all. You're Wild alright, but in a good way. Perfectly balanced between too wild and too tame."

This made me blush again. And smile too. I slowly walked further towards the trees and noticed he followed me. Then I turn around and tell him "I'll be here for a few more days, I think. Unless the goddess asks me to stay longer. But I'm longing for home. I'm not really a Palace kind of girl. I love nature. Just being the open between trees. Under the starry sky and moons...this is what my heart yearns for."

"I see. I would be lying if I said that I like Palace life myself. But there are duties one must fulfill. And nature, yes, I like to rest in nature. Perhaps we can have a long walk someday?"

"That....would be lovely. Before or after dinner?" I made sure to smile, I'm only teasing.

"Hah ha ha, we'll see. We'll see. But for now it's goodbye, Miss Sasami."

"Alright, Mr Fisherman. Until we meet again. Fair day."

I saw him frown for a second, not sure why. But he returned the greeting. "Fair day, Sasami." 

He smiles and then walks back inside, leaving me all alone in the dark. Under three moons. And lots and lots of stars.


It didn't take long for Melody to find me. She told me that we would speak about today's events in the morning during tea, right after breakfast. She told me I was allowed to retreat to my bedroom now as guests started to leave and enter their carriages. 


Oh, and I'm fairly sure nobody has noticed me flying to my balcony, sneaking inside and calling it a day.