Who is it?
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This confirmed everything in his mind. Don closed his laptop and summarised everything.

Deepika's father abused her. A certain day her father's brother came and promised to save her one day. Deepika for some reason, thought of her uncle as a brother. Then one day killed both of them because her uncle did some action she did not like.

Then, even after her uncle and father died, Deepika thought that her brother-uncle was alive. Soon enough, after the murders she was sent to NIA(National Investigation Agency). 

But eventually, she somehow escaped or was maybe released even and was here at NPS, for the Real Andy who she thought was her uncle/brother.

Don remembered that Deepika came to NPS exactly 1 month before Andy. It was safe to assume that she knew about Andy long before he came to NPS. But what I fail to understand is the reason why she didn't talk with him for these all 4+ years? Why bully him and not have a proper talk with andy? Why wait 4 years to do whatever you want to do now?

And this is the same with the other girls, even the teachers. All of them are making big moves this year. Exactly what was the reason to do nothing for 4 years?

Don sighed as something else was in his mind. It was impossible for a girl aged 5 to 7 to single handedly kill 2 adults and even rip muscles and organs separately. Surely, there was someone who helped Deepika in the murders. It could be either the uncle or the father...

Or…this was a slight possibility but perhaps it was a n outside person, probably an adult. He could be alive right now as well and helping Deepika for this 4 whole years.

Yet, that this was a small assumption. Even if the person existed, it was trouble just to find him.

Don looked at the time. It was time to go to school. He patted his jeans pocket as he opened the door. It would be honestly great if he questioned Deepika about everything, but she was crazy….

Don was greeted with a bizarre sight just as he exited his room. There, right in front of his eyes was Deepika and Andy holding hands.

He saw them walking towards the stairs. His neighbour who stayed opposite of him was also staring at the Couple walking off.

Don asked him about them. He got to know that Deepika said to the boys yesterday in the dining hall that she was going out with Andy. She asked them to not disturb them for the night. 

The boys had kept her word. After all she commanded respect as a sports secretary and a beauty.

Don had no idea about this. The whole night he was busy with hiding every ounce of weed in school.

Welp, looks like Andy could be killed today.

He remembered that Dan said he could kill Deepika. Yet, he was unsure.

Don followed Deepika and Andy, his hand inside his pants pocket.


Andy closed his eyes waiting for the Axe to strike him. Yet it never reached him.

Instead he heard a bang. He slowly opened his eyes to look at Deepika fallen down. The Axe was on the ground too.

Andy looked at the opened door with Don standing there. He felt pressure being released from inside him, relief washing over him. He adjusted his eyes to the blinding sunlight behind Don and noticed him holding something.

It was a gun. Where did he get that ?

“Impressive, Deepika.“

“GRRRR! Shorty! What do you think you are doing here?!“

“Andy! Run from here, I will handle this crazy girl!“

“NO! YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY BROTHER FROM ME! He is mine! Come back, broth-Acck!!“, Deepika's screams were cut short by another shot from Don.

Andy looked at Deepika, she was already bleeding from a gaping hole on her palm. Now there was another hole in her thighs. Miraculously, she was yet standing there enraged.

“Run!“, Don shouted. Andy immediately ran off outside. He saw that he was near the school front gate. He immediately ran off east in the hopes of finding someone. He found not a single soul in the assembly hall. The only place he could expect to go to was the school.

Once he entered the school, he heard the noises of desks and students. It brought calmness in his soul. He immediately took the stairs to go to his class. Once he reached his class, he could hear the noise of May madam teaching the class.

He honestly did not care what sort of punishment she gave for him arriving late. He just felt the class was the safest place for him.

“May I come in ma'am?“, Andy asked at the class entrance expecting a scolding. He looked at his seat to find his friends. 

However He was greeted with Senorita and Katherine sitting together at his table. 

What? How?