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So, its been a while, hasn't it.

This series is not yet dead, just certain things have been getting in the way that have been preventing me from posting a new chapter. Some days my brain has been turning my into a punching bag, and other days it was a virus turning my body into a punching bag. 

Unfortunately, I will not be posting a chapter this week aside from this announcement, but next week my schedule should be back to normal.

I have had many ideas during this break, some better than others.

I thought that maybe I should "remake" this series, after all some of the earlier chapters really need work. While I doubt I will just remake it from the ground up, one day I will certainly go back and rewrite those earlier chapters. Both to improve the writing and to fix some tiny plot holes or ideas that may no longer work with my current story plan.

I've also been thinking of starting a new series. Here are a couple ideas that I've been thinking of:

-A pair of friends realize they become their in game characters whenever they play their favorite game

-A man gets isekai'd into the world of gfl

-A post apocalypse log style series detailing a party of survivors living after the world ends

-A spin off of TOTA from the perspective of an isekai'd hero

-A spin off of TOTA centered around Nicole


As you can see, some are better than others. Maybe one day I may actually do one of these. Maybe one day.

If any of the above stories sound interesting, go ahead and tell me. I'll be more likely to start it if people seem interested.

Anyways, tl:dr.

This series is not dead, you can expect another chapter next tuesday. I am not dead, although I have certainly felt close to it. I have been thinking of starting a new series but nothing is set in stone.

Anyways, that should be everything. See you all in a week!