Chapter 150
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After several hours on the airship, the group arrived at their destination. They were dropped off at a small airfield, where they said their goodbyes to each other.

Axel shook hands with each of his teammates and thanked them for their hard work and dedication. He felt a sense of camaraderie with them, having been through such a challenging experience together.

But now it was time for him to continue on his own path. He gathered his things and set off towards the nearest town, ready to rest and recover before taking on his next mission.

As he walked, he reflected on the events of the past few days. He had seen things that he never could have imagined, and they had lost a team member in the process. But he also felt a sense of accomplishment.

"In the end, this mission was just a experience for me."

Axel said to himself.

He knew that there were more missions ahead of him, more dangers to face and more lives to protect most likely. But for now, he was content to take a well-deserved break and prepare himself for whatever came next

Axel walked down the quiet street, the exhaustion of the past few days weighing heavily on him. He knew he needed to find a place to rest and recover before he could start thinking about his next move.

As he passed by a hotel, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. He had been on the road for weeks, staying in cheap motels and sleeping on uncomfortable surfaces. The thought of a soft bed and a hot shower was almost too much to resist.

"Maybe just one day," he thought to himself. "Just one day to rest and recover. Then I'll start planning my next move."

He knew that the world didn't stop for anyone, that there were always more threats and dangers lurking around every corner. But for now, he needed to take care of himself.

With a determined look on his face, Axel walked into the hotel and headed straight for the front desk. He booked a room for the night and made his way up to his room, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

As he collapsed onto the bed, he knew that he had made the right decision. He needed this rest, this chance to recharge his batteries and prepare himself for whatever came next. And when he woke up the next morning, He will decide on what to do.

Axel slept for more than fifteen hours. Even as a strong nen user at this point. All the things that happened on the island still took a toll on his body.

Being constantly alert, using En, Freedom, Sealed Origin as well as Apostle was a tiring thing to do.

Axel opened his eyes and looked outside noticing that he woke up in the night.

"I feel better already."

He thought and then got up, took a shower before having something to eat for himself.

In the shower, Axel closed his eyes from time to time to internalize what he learnt from his battles against Phymen Creatures as well as Stone Creatures.