Book 2 is now available on Amazon and … soon Audible!
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Hey there!

Coppelia has now joined Juliette in being released to the wide world of eBooks and ... soon Audiobooks! Yay!

Thank you so much for all the support you've given me. It's more than I could have hoped for. Your comments, theories and feedback is the fountain from which I draw the ability to continue posting updates at 4:27 AM.

If you've enjoyed Juliette's noble quest to stave off poverty thus far, please consider dropping a rating or review on Amazon. Each rating or review will dramatically increase the number of people Juliette’s gloating laughter will reach, allowing me to write even more!

Here is the link:

Amazon: eBook

(The Audible version is in production. I'll provide an additional update when it's available.)

Thank you for all your support. I hope you enjoy Halloween in Stermondt!