Book 3 is now available on Amazon and … soon Audible!
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Hey there!

Ophelia and her famously normal personality has now joined the wide world of eBooks ... and soon audiobooks!

As is the same with Books 1 + 2, this eBook has received a significant polish prior to its Kindle release. I hope you enjoy the extra editing!

Thank you so much for all your applications to join Juliette's entourage. Your comments and support allows her to continue her noble quest to ensure all the pillow makers of the world remain in gainful employment! If at all possible, please consider dropping a rating or review on Amazon. Your support matters and will dramatically help increase the number of people Juliette’s gloating laughter will reach.

Here is the link!

Amazon: eBook

To celebrate Ophelia's descent from the sky as she's lifted down by her ducks, there will be a bonus chapter tonight, yay!