Let me vanish
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The desire to disappear has been a constant itch, gnawing at me for months, even years. While those around me have sprouted like wildflowers, dreaming and striving towards their goals, I have remained stagnant. Like a vast, cavernous pit within me, a void so deep that it drains all feeling and emotion from my being, leaving me numb and unresponsive. It's like a well-oiled machine, this facade I've built up over time, expertly concealing the reality of my inner turmoil. My struggles in school were merely a cover-up for the lack of drive and passion that I was too afraid to admit.

My innermost feelings were kept hidden from my parents, as if locked away in a vault with the key thrown away. They soon gave up on me, like a wilting plant that had been deprived of water for too long. I shied away from them, unwilling to reveal my true self. My parents' expectations weighed heavily upon me, like a boulder that threatened to crush me under its weight. They had placed me on a pedestal, praising my supposed intelligence, but I knew that it was a farce. I felt like a bird with broken wings, unable to take flight despite their constant pushing. Their attempts to bolster my academic performance with tutors and extra help fell flat, like an umbrella in a hurricane. The pressure was suffocating, like a heavy blanket that threatened to smother me at any moment.

Entering high school was like a breath of fresh air, like stepping out of a dark, cramped room and into the sunlight. Among my new group of friends, I felt like a puzzle piece that finally found its place in the bigger picture. We were like a pack of wolves, running wild and free, even indulging in smoking weed together both in secret and in plain sight. It was like a magic potion that eased my troubles, a key that unlocked a door to a world where pressure and expectations didn't exist. It was like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, unfurling its wings for the first time. But with time, I began to notice that the weed had stripped me of my thoughts and feelings, like a blank canvas waiting for paint to be added. It was like a mask that had taken over my true self, a shadow that followed me wherever I went. Even though the momentary euphoria was undeniable, it was like a mirage in the desert, vanishing as quickly as it appeared.

In my sophomore year of high school, a wave of despair and sorrow washed over me like a tsunami. The world was plunged into darkness by a global pandemic, leaving everyone trapped in their own little bubbles. As the days stretched into weeks and months, I realized the full extent of my loneliness. I was stranded on a deserted island with only my thoughts as company, like a shipwreck survivor marooned on a tiny patch of sand. For months on end, I remained sober, drowning in my own melancholy. My computer became my lifeline, but it was like a double-edged sword, leading me down dark and twisted paths. I became a prisoner of my own mind, trapped in a labyrinth of video games and virtual reality, slowly withering away like a plant deprived of sunlight.

The sun began to rise in my life when she entered my world. She was like a ray of light, chasing away the darkness that had engulfed me for so long. Her presence was like a soothing balm, healing the wounds that had been left behind by the pandemic. She was a shining star, illuminating my path and guiding me towards happiness. Our connection was electric, like two magnets pulled together by an irresistible force. I was entranced by her, like a moth drawn to the warm glow of a flame. She made my world a better place, like a magical fairy sprinkling fairy dust over a barren wasteland. Our bond grew stronger with each passing day, like a tree rooted deep in fertile soil. We were inseparable, like two peas in a pod, our hearts beating as one. The pandemic had given us the gift of time together, like a precious gem that we treasured with all our hearts.

I finally found respite from my misery, as if a ray of sunshine had broken through the clouds of my life. Her arrival brought hope, her presence a soothing balm to my wounded soul. We traversed the pandemic together, exploring the world around us and reveling in each other's company. But we made the grave mistake of opening the door to new acquaintances, whose influence led us astray. The intoxicating allure of drugs proved too strong for her, and our bond began to wither like a delicate flower in the scorching sun. She would lash out at me, as if I was the enemy, while I could only watch helplessly. Our relationship crumbled like a sandcastle in the face of a relentless tide, and we drifted apart, lost in the chaos of our lives. She would reach out to me, begging for forgiveness, but the damage was done and the wounds too deep to heal.

During my final year of high school, the weight of my past relationship still hung heavy on me like a dark cloud. She had been like a leech, draining me of my energy and spirit until I was nothing but a shell of my former self. Despite my attempts to break free, she

kept coming back like a persistent mosquito buzzing in my ear. To cope with the pain, I turned to drugs, finding solace in the comforting haze of weed and the numbing effect of dirty sprite. These substances became my crutch, a way to dull the ache in my heart and forget the pain of the past.

But as the pandemic restrictions lifted and the world slowly began to open up, I found myself back in the company of my true friends. Together, we indulged in our vices, smoking weed and losing ourselves in the moment. It was like a warm embrace, a temporary escape from the harsh realities of life. And for a while, I felt truly happy, free from the burden of my past.

But I knew deep down that this happiness was fleeting, a fragile illusion that could shatter at any moment. I could only hope that the darkness of my past wouldn't catch up with me again.

As winter approached, I found myself buried under the weight of exams and obligations. My addiction had become an insatiable beast, demanding more and more of my time and attention. Even as I struggled to keep up, I couldn't help but notice the distance growing between me and my friends. It was like a frigid wind blowing through our once-warm relationships, freezing them solid and leaving me stranded in the cold. Though we still talked and interacted at school, it was clear that I was no longer welcome in their inner circle. And as Christmas approached, I couldn't help but feel like an outsider looking in, watching from afar as they celebrated without me.

The shadows of loneliness began to creep in once again, consuming me like a hungry beast. It was clear to me that once graduation came, I would be left to face the world alone. I felt like a ship lost in the vast and endless sea, with no direction or purpose. The pain of knowing that I would lose my friends was like a dagger in my heart, twisting and turning with each passing day. But despite the weight of my despair, I refused to give up. I knew that I had to change and do whatever it takes to keep the bond with my friends alive.

As the days melted away, the arrival of May signaled the inevitable end of the school year. And with it, came the brutal realization that my attempts at reconciliation were futile. The cold reality settled in, like a heavy stone crushing my spirit, leaving me isolated and alone. I was not one to be easily affected by such emotional turmoil, but the rejection was a deep wound that cut to the bone.

Perhaps it was my own fault for baring my soul to them that one time, for revealing the weight of my problems and placing a burden on their shoulders. I was a burden to them, and the weight of that realization was unbearable. The pain was too much to bear, and I found myself skipping school, wandering aimlessly for hours on end.

But it was the lack of concern from my former friends that truly broke me. Not a single text or call, no inquiry about my well-being. It was as if I had vanished from their lives, forgotten and unimportant. The feeling of abandonment was overwhelming, like a ship lost at sea with no hope of rescue.

As the final day of high school approached, I felt a sense of dread and despair wash over me like a tidal wave. My academic performance had been lackluster at best, and the university I had dreamed of attending was now out of reach. It was as though I had been dealt a cruel blow by fate, and there was no way to turn back time and fix my mistakes. The rejection letters came flooding in, each one like a dagger to my heart, leaving me feeling hopeless and helpless.

In that moment, all I wanted was to escape from reality, to lose myself in the numbing embrace of drugs. I sought refuge in the haze of weed and the comforting blanket of lean, hoping that they would dull the pain of my disappointment and failure. But as I drifted off into a drug-induced stupor, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had let myself down and that there was no way to make things right again.

In my apathetic state, I was a ship without a rudder and my destination was nowhere. The idea of climbing a nearby mountain at 2 in the morning was like a tempting whisper from the devil. The darkness enshrouded me as I ventured into the woods, stumbling in my intoxicated haze. My eyes darted around like a frightened rabbit, searching for something that wasn't there. The shadows danced and twisted like sinister specters, playing tricks on my mind, or so I thought.

I trudged through the treacherous forest, my feet sinking into the soggy ground with every step. The rain had made the terrain slippery, but my determination pushed me forward. I finally reached the summit of the mountain and stumbled upon a hidden sanctuary - a small, wooden shack. With a little effort, I forced the door open and entered the cramped space. It was like a spider's web, with wires dangling from every corner. But it was also a haven, a place to escape the harsh reality of life. I slumped down on a rickety chair and indulged in the comfort of my rolled-up weed. The pungent smoke filled the air, a reminder of my temporary reprieve from the world.

As I sat in the dimly-lit shack, the boredom began to creep in. My eyes wandered around the cramped space, and eventually landed on a nest of tangled wires in the corner. To my surprise, I spotted a glint of silver hidden within the mess. Intrigued, I took a drag from my joint and delicately began to extract the mysterious object. As it emerged from the tangle of wires, the smoke from my lungs escaped and swirled around the small space. I found myself staring at a peculiar figurine, depicting a goat-like creature with massive horns and a pentagram etched onto its forehead. At the center of its head protruded a torch-like stake, evoking an eerie sense of ancient rituals and arcane symbols.

As I stared in disbelief, my eyes locked onto the peculiar silver object. It was a curious creation, both fascinating and unsettling to behold. As I traced my fingers along the inscriptions, a cloud of dust enveloped me. Suddenly, the wires sparked to life, illuminating the shack with an eerie glow. In my panic, I dropped my joint but clung onto the strange silver head, as if it had become a part of me. The object seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, as I stumbled out of the shack, watching in horror as it erupted into a brilliant display of fireworks, lighting up the dark mountain like a sinister celebration.

The flames flickered in an eerie blue hue, casting an otherworldly glow. Fear gripped me and I quickly decided to make my escape before the authorities arrived. As I hurried down the mountain, my feet stumbled and I took a tumble, the pain stinging through my body. But what was truly terrifying were the guttural howls that echoed through the forest, a chorus of unearthly sounds that sent chills down my spine. It was as if a legion of beasts were growling in a twisted harmony, invoking a primal terror within me.

As I ran down the mountain, it felt like my body was possessed by an ancient instinct to flee. Fear fueled my steps and my heart raced like a wild horse. My path was erratic, and I stumbled several times, bruising my knees and elbows. Finally, I made it to the bottom of the mountain, but my relief was short-lived as I tripped and landed awkwardly, screaming out in pain. My left ankle felt like a volcano of agony had erupted inside it, and I lay there, feeling like a wounded bird that had fallen from its nest. Regret consumed me as I cursed my foolishness for dabbling with things beyond my understanding.

With my injured leg, every movement felt like a knife twisting deeper into my flesh. I searched for something to support me and found a sturdy rock that I could perch upon. My mind was in disarray, trying to figure out what to do next. The roar of the creature echoed through the forest, filling me with an inexplicable fear. The footsteps were thunderous, pounding against the ground like a stampede of wild beasts. The sound was so overwhelming that it drowned out the rustling leaves and chirping insects of the night.

My heart pounded like a war drum as the footsteps grew louder, each one shaking the ground beneath me. Fear consumed me, and I was left wondering what terrible fate awaited me. The forest fell silent, shrouded in an impenetrable darkness, as though the trees themselves were conspiring against me. Cold droplets pelted my skin, trickling down my face, and I thought it was the rain that had begun to fall, but it was something far more sinister.

I raised my gaze to the source of the droplets and found myself face to face with the same goat-like creature engraved on the silver gilt. It was colossal, towering above me like a skyscraper, with eyes that gleamed with an insatiable hunger and a malevolent aura that radiated pure evil. Its limbs were as strong as steel, effortlessly brushing away the trees that stood in its way as it reached out towards me with gnarled hands. Its presence was suffocating, like a black hole sucking all light and life out of its surroundings.

 As terror consumed me, my mind became blank with fear and I ran, my injured ankle forgotten, desperate to escape from the monstrous creature that stood before me. But my attempts were in vain, as its colossal hand caught me, holding me tightly in its grasp. Its eyes, as dark as the abyss, seemed to look into my very soul, stripping away all of my secrets and exposing them to the world. With a forceful motion, it lifted me up and devoured me whole, its jaws crushing my bones and tearing apart my flesh as I screamed in unbearable pain. My consciousness began to slip away, leaving me in a state of agony as the creature consumed me, forever lost to its insatiable hunger.

As the darkness enveloped me, I realized that I had crossed the threshold to a place beyond death. It was a realm of eternal torment, where I was no longer myself but a pawn of the malevolent demon that had consumed me. My soul was now trapped in its grasp, like a puppet on strings controlled by a wicked master. I was but a small cog in its vast infernal machinery, condemned to an eternity of servitude and agony.