Chapter 10- Lilly
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When we got home that night, the unthinkable happened. Both exhausted, I thought for sure that Ayano would send me to bed early for the night. But instead, she invited me up to her room. 


"Now is as good a time as any for me to teach you how to bathe me. Let's go."


My eyes lit up as I eagerly followed her up through the manor to her quarters.


"Mmm? Just this morning you were saying you wanted to keep me waiting…"


"Don't try to tease me Lilly. You'll start pushing your luck…" She pushed back with a smirk, "It may be exciting for you, but remember, here, we're not a couple. This is just work."


"Whateveeeer you say, *Lady* Ayano."


With a sigh, we passed through the door to her room. Before the door was even fully closed, I was eager to undress, throwing down the shopping I was carrying and beginning to remove my clothes. She hadn't yet seen me naked before after all! Well, besides the first and second times we met, and just recently in the forest after fighting that Monstra bear. But none of those times were in the proper context! I was already in my underwear, fiddling with my bra strap, by the time Ayano had set down her half of the shopping that she had been carrying.


"Well, you're a quick one, aren't you? Perhaps you should go run the bath for me whilst I get ready then. I'll adjust the temperature and the bath salts to my liking later, so don't worry about that."


"Okay, sure!"


Panties off, and I was already skipping towards the bathroom door.


"Ahh, but wait."


I stopped, turning to look at her inquisitively.


"Promise me something. Promise me that… Whatever you see, even if it's something you weren't expecting, even if you think it's disgusting, that… That you won't be upset. And be especially sure that you don't tell *anyone*. Not even someone you think you trust. Any secrets stay between you and me. Understood?"


"... Of course, Aya. There's nothing about you I would find disgusting."


I meant it, too. I couldn't fathom what she would be referring to, either. I had already seen her mostly naked before, even though I had never seen her without her panties. Was it some sort of birthmark? Did she think that she had too much pubic hair down there? I wouldn't know.


"Say that you'll promise."


I shrugged.


"I promise, Aya."


With that I headed into the bathroom and began running the water.


By the time Ayano was ready the bath was already 3\4 full. I stopped the taps since Ayano said that she wanted to adjust the heat herself. I erred on the side of hot, perhaps too hot. The temperature one way or another didn't really bother me, after all. I sank into the water, resting my head on the side, which had been cushioned with some sort of soft rubbery material, and sighed as I let the hot water relax my weary bones. It was a large tub, circular, almost twice as large as an ordinary tub. Clearly designed for a Princess and her handmaiden.


When she finally entered, wrapped in a towel, she had a large blush on her face and she clearly looked uncomfortable. She avoided looking in my direction, moving lethargically, as though prolonging the inevitable. I didn’t say anything right away, however. I knew I was supposed to use this moment to comfort her, but I think I’d come across as much too eager rather than comforting, and even I knew that this was the wrong moment for that. But as I waited, she just continued to stand in place, waiting, looking more and more awkward by the moment. I had never seen her looking so flustered, so nervous. It was cute! But I had studied her face long enough.

“... I made a promise, didn’t I?”

She was probably more worried about what she didn’t want me to see, rather than nakedness in and of itself, after all. With my statement out of the way, Ayano finally unwrapped her towel and let it drop… And revealed a penis between her legs, flaccid and hairless, masculine genitalia that nonetheless looked so smooth and feminine. I looked at it for a few moments.


That’s it?


“... You might want to check the temperature before stepping in. I may have run it too hot.”


With a nod, Ayano did indeed test the waters with her hand, putting on the cold tap and standing back. She was still silent, and still looked embarrassed. No. I think she was afraid more than anything. Merely ignoring it wasn’t going to be good enough, was it?


“... It’s beautiful, you know. I um…” Ugh, I don’t know how to comfort people, “I… Get that nobody would accept a… Y’know… P-Penis on a P-Princess… But…”

As I trailed off, Ayano suddenly looked a little bit alarmed. Just a bit.



“Aghhh! I just said, didn't I? It’s beautiful! It doesn’t make me like you less!”

“... Would you have preferred… A vagina?” She asked.


“It literally doesn’t matter, one way or the other. I-If that’s what you have, t-that’s what you have, even if you’d rather have something else, I’d prefer to love you for who you are right now, not who you or I or anybody else wants you to be…”

I was telling the truth. How could I not be? I wanted love, not pussy or dick. It would be foolish to reject Ayano’s love now because of one of the least important things about a person.


“... I’m no good at this sort of thing. Comforting someone, I mean,” I nervously continued, “Nobody has ever been vulnerable with me before. And because of that, I’m glad that… You wanted to share this secret with me.”

Ayano turned off the tap and slipped into the bath, swirling around the water to even out the temperature. The bath was still steaming. It was perfect and warm. Before I could get a good look at her face, she splashed it with water, and kept her hands on her face for a good few moments. I guess this was overwhelming for her. Should I offer her the bath salts? Um… Nah. I knew what to do.




I readjusted myself so that I was sitting next to her, moving oh so gracefully through the water, and wrapped my arms around her. I brought her head to rest against my cleavage, running my hands through her hair and up and down her sides.


“... Y-You don’t need to hug me, I’m fine…” She whispered, barely audible over the sounds of the shifting water.


“Mmm? You don’t look fine. And you hardly seem against this. Is this… Secret of yours why I’m your first handmaiden in a while?”


“... Yeah. Kinda. I guess.”


I loved the way she spoke when she was away from the public. Simple, non committal words. Like she wasn’t used to expressing her own feelings in these sorts of contexts. I appreciated the lack of eloquence, even if her vague statements made it a bit more difficult to talk. Oh my cute little Ayano, I love you so much!


“... Go on. Clean. You should know how to clean someone…” She muttered after some more silence.


Hmm. Did I? I had learned how to clean myself since coming to the mansion, but I didn’t know what Ayano liked. There were so many bottles and bars of soap off to the side, I hardly knew what to use! Eventually, I did reach out for a bottle I saw labelled ‘Peach Body Soap’. I had finally discovered the secret to her scent! I squirted a generous amount onto my hands, rubbing them together before placing them on Ayano’s body. In addition to it having the peach scent that had interested me for so long, I wanted to use liquid soap so that I could touch her rather than have a solid bar of soap between us. It would probably be nicer for her that way, too. I slathered it across her upper body, across her shoulders, neck, down her arms, beneath her armpits. So slowly, so sweetly, lightly squeezing and massaging her skin, being so careful not to dig my nails into her flesh… I brought my hands around to her stomach. But… Oh. Above me were a pair of wonderful things that I thought were in the most need of cleaning! I stopped. Pondering. Do I go for it?


“... Everywhere needs to be cleaned, Lilly.”


I thought my heart might explode out of my chest.


<3 <3 <3


I’d seen her breasts a few times before, but now was the chance to really get to know them. Hell, I’d be getting to know every inch of her by the end of this bathing session. They had always looked so surreal to me. A little larger than mine by a cup size or two, their size was hardly absurd. When I was staying with the nobles I had often seen women, slaves and noblewomen alike, with boobs so large that no matter how fake or real they may have been, they looked wrong and alien to me. They shouldn't be larger than your own head! They had always repulsed me.


But Ayano’s breasts weren’t surreal because they were large. Rather, they had some other ephemeral quality to them that I couldn’t quite pinpoint. Perhaps it was because they belonged to a Princess, because it was *Ayano’s* chest. Whatever it was, as I placed my soapy hands upon them, I hoped that I would figure it out.


She didn’t moan, but she drew in breath and seemed to hold it as my fingers began to explore those two delightful mounds. Visually, they looked so firm and pert, as though they might secretly be made of rock. But to actually touch them, I found my fingers sinking in deeply without me even really needing to squeeze. They were softer than any pillow I had ever slept on. To be fair, it wasn’t like I had a wealth of experience with comfy pillows.


“Am I being gentle?” I asked.




I planted a kiss on her cheek before continuing. I couldn’t help it. She was so kissable. I began to massage the pair in circles, used my finger and thumb to tweak her nipples, enjoying the feeling of them growing steadily harder and more erect to my touch. I didn’t exactly know any good technique. I simply did what had always made me feel good, and what I had always wanted to do to another girl.


“Does it feel good?” I asked.


“Of course, Lilly…”


She seemed to be liking it. But of course, this probably wasn’t her first go around. She wasn’t going to moan and mewl to my touch that easily. Considering how thoroughly soaped up they were, I decided to move on. Down her front, her stomach, her sides, her back, I even slipped my hand beneath her butt and gave her ass a quick squeeze before moving on to her legs. I soon got to know her every curve… Ayano even bent her knee and drew her leg up to her chest, so that I could clean her feet. Even her toes felt wonderful to touch. I was trying my best to commit this experience to memory, even though it was so overwhelming and wonderful that I often felt my mind going blank for seconds at a time.


“Looks like you’re done. I think we should move on to the hair-”


But I wasn’t done. I had touched everywhere, save for one place. I wrapped a hand around her cock.



She squirmed in my embrace as she let out a soft moan, perhaps surprised that I had touched her there so suddenly. Was it unused to stimulation? Perhaps she was so ashamed of it that she didn’t touch it often. Cute, but if true, that was also pretty sad.


“Hmmm? Want me to stop?” I asked teasingly as I began to rub my hand slowly up and down her shaft.


It was already pretty hard by the time I had touched it, from all the touching. Since it was under the water, stroking it was a frictionless task, too. I reached down my other hand to cup her testicles. They felt pretty small. I don’t think they harboured sperm or otherwise functioned like a male’s would. But still, I was able to see the twitches in her expression every time I gave them a slight squeeze. I centred my grip around the head of her cock, circling the head with my thumb, occasionally meeting contact with the sensitive part beneath the folds of the dick’s skin. My other fingers began to lightly trace up and down the shaft, just barely meeting contact with the skin. I knew how incredible a light, barely perceptible touch could feel.


“N-No…” She finally responded after what was probably a minute or two.


She turned her head to look at mine. Her lips were parted. She wanted to kiss. But I wanted to look into her eyes for a few more moments. Look at her expression. She was caving to my touch. Her eyes were glistening with love and adoration, and they were fixated purely on my gaze. She looked so soft. The stern look was gone. The pleasure had melted away all of her barriers, and I knew that I was looking at someone who truly cared for me.


It was at this moment that I knew we would be together forever.


I leaned in for the kiss, and she accepted my lips with willingness, perhaps even impatience. Our tongues locked together, and this time, I had a more equal part to play in our dance. I rolled my body on top of her, resting her head against the side.


Whilst a hand of mine had reached up to run it through her silky blonde locks, my other hand was still holding her penis. It was beginning to burn to the touch. Between my legs, I also felt like I was on fire. As my hips lowered and lowered, I could soon feel the tip meeting with my slit. My heart stopped. This was really about to happen, wasn’t it? I had always imagined our first time on her bed. I had imagined her with a pussy, too. But had I even really been imagining our first time at all? Did I really think we’d ever reach the point of actual sex? Not just kissing and oral? Weren’t those thoughts of mine, those nights spent in bed, trying to sleep, thinking about sex with Ayano… Weren’t those just fantasies, not plans for an actual reality?


“You won’t get pregnant,” She broke away from the kiss to say.


Oh, Ayano. I thought I was the silly one…


“That’s the last thing on my mind. I love you…”


I needed to let her know just how much I meant that as I lowered my hips down all the way. For a few moments, I didn’t even realise it had entered. But it was there. Her member, all the way up in my pussy. It was so large that I thought it might be painful. Since it was my first time, I thought I might bleed, perhaps even frenzy from excitement. At the very least I thought it might hurt just a little bit. But it didn’t. Not one bit.


I had full control over my body. I gripped her cock with my pelvic muscles even more tightly as I began to move, ever so slowly at first, bobbing up and down on top of her, my ass raising up into the air and above the water, just the tip inside of me, before slamming back down again with a splash of the water, completely enveloping her penis. 


I wrapped both of my arms around her head and began to kiss her frantically as the pleasure built and built, seemingly with no end in sight. It just seemed to get better and better with each passing moment, we became more and more comfortable, the dance got more intense, the movements of my hips became faster and faster. I was already addicted. I couldn’t believe that this was what real sex was like. This is what I had been missing out on? This connection, this warmth, this intense pleasure? This feeling of being exhausted yet being unable to stop? This intoxicating feeling of acceptance?


There was no higher purpose to existence than this. My entire life had been a question of whether I would languish in torment or reach this bliss.


It was as though our bodies had fused together, I couldn’t tell where she ended and where I began. I felt like I might rip her cock off from its base every time I pulled away, but I never did. I loved it. I wanted it inside me forever. But this session, at least, seemed like it was about to end. The pleasure inside me was reaching a limit. I was groaning loudly, and so was she. We broke the kiss because we were each being too loud, I leaned away from the body and sat upright as I began to slam my hips down onto her member in full force, I wanted it to hit my deepest spots quickly and fast. My movements became a blur, I could hardly see what was happening in front of me as my head bobbed up and down, and after a few seconds of this, it happened.


A supernova erupted from deep within me, lighting up the darkness within my poor lonely soul and spreading all across my body in an inferno of pleasure. Starting in my pussy and my brain, and spreading all across my body, from my breasts to my feet to the tips of my fingers. I fell limp on top of Ayano and closed my eyes.



The next thing I knew, I was no longer in the bath. Both of us dripping wet, Ayano was carrying me in a bridal position out of the bathroom and towards the bed. I was swiftly tossed onto it. It seemed she didn’t care whatsoever about keeping it dry. I turned to look back at her. Gone was the timid Ayano who had been so afraid to show me her penis. Now, I was looking at a sex goddess, and she wanted me. More of me, to be exact. She had this triumphant smile, and eyes filled with lust. It was almost terrifying just how different her demeanour was. I rolled onto my back, spread my legs, and reached out my arms. She shook her head.


“All fours. Bark for me.”


“... Arf!”


I did as I was told. I rolled over and got on all fours, presenting my ass to my Princess. She knelt behind me and, without further adieu, she was already inside me. Except… Ow, wait, wasn’t that the wrong hole?


“T-That’s my ass!”


“Do dogs speak?”


“Arf! Arf Arf Arf!”


I quickly adjusted my body to accommodate this. Not just to make it less painful for me, but also to ensure that the passage was squeaky clean. Benefits of being a Monstra, I suppose. I wasn’t used to my anal passage being so thoroughly abused by such a large and magnificent- Oh god, I could hardly do anything except think about and worship that cock that was dominating me so effortlessly. I had felt in control in the bath, but now? It was obvious that I would be her bitch forever. I may never see her so vulnerable again, at least not during sex.


That was fine with me, though. She was doing all the moving, and the best I could do was endure, head slumped against the duvet, buried in the mattress, as my prostate was hit over and over again, causing an altogether slightly different feeling of pleasure to begin to well up inside of me.

“No falling asleep on me, now!”


I was far from sleep, but, perhaps having my head against the bed was something she disliked. She grabbed my arm and my hair with each of her hands, and began to pull on them. This hurt, especially the hair, but… God did I like it.


“A-Arf…! Degrade me…! Arf Arf!”


She said nothing to that. She just continued to slam into me. I came, just from anal stimulation. So did she, since I soon felt a wet and creamy substance explode inside of me, and it wasn’t long before I could feel it leaking out of my anal passage. Apparently, my vaginal passage was too dry for her liking, as before I had even really had a chance to recover, she was once more buried inside my pussy. Holy crap. It felt even better when I was still sensitive from the last orgasm.


I lost track of time as Ayano just kept going and going. We didn’t move from this one sex position. For hours and hours, we stayed in doggy style, Ayano moving me back into place if ever my limbs gave out from exhaustion or sheer pleasure. My barks turned to moans, which eventually turned into hoarse gasps of air. My ass and pussy were both starting to feel sore, but it never stopped feeling good. What had started as loving and wonderful in the bath had become indulgent and needy. We had both needed the opportunity to completely and utterly overdo it, Ayano especially I think. How long had it been since she had last had the opportunity to have sex this rough, and for this long?


I had started the night a virgin, and by the time it ended, I probably had over 30 orgasms under my belt. Although it was still dark out, a tiny sliver of light was beginning to creep in through the windows when Ayano finally stopped, collapsing onto the pillow. Without her needing to say anything, I shakily crawled between her legs and took her penis into my mouth. She wrapped her legs around me, and I lay my head on her thigh for comfort. It was nice to feel a bit of warmth from elsewhere on her body, after hours of feeling nothing but her cock and the rough touch of her hands.


I focused less on sucking it, and more on licking it, dragging my tongue slowly across the shaft, stretching out time into long, loving seconds as I took my tongue from the base to the tip and back down again. It was languid and calm. This treatment wasn’t going to make her cum, but it was the perfect sort of pleasure for her to experience as we each calmed down from that intensely lustful episode. She closed her eyes, and I think she fell asleep, but I kept going. Because I was growing more and more attached to this cock by the second. It had a powerful smell. Intense, yet feminine and sweet. I thought for sure that she must be using some sort of pheromone to manipulate my mind, to make me addicted to her cock. Because it had a depth of flavour to surpass any of Hugo’s meals. It had a softer texture than any desert and it felt like it was continuously melting in my mouth, even though it never actually did. I liked having it in my mouth more than I liked having it in my ass or pussy. It was such a calm, warming, loving activity. I loved looking up to see Ayano’s sleeping, satisfied face. I loved the way it felt. Being able to lick and suck on it as much as I wanted to for however long I wanted in whatever way I wanted. But most of all, I loved the fact that it was making her feel good. I wondered if she was dreaming of paradise right now? 


An hour or more may have passed by the time her eyes fluttered open. She looked at me right as I was swirling my tongue in circles around the head of her cock. She smiled and reached down to pat and stroke my head, running her fingers through my hair.

“... Can I ask you a question?” She suddenly said, the first word either of us had spoken in hours.


I looked up at her and nodded as I dragged my tongue from the tip and down her shaft.

“Would you mind telling me what it was like, living with the Leywoods? In a bit more detail…”

My expression darkened when she said that. Frankly, I thought she had made a bit of a mistake. I just wanted to suck her cock, and the thanks she gives me for that is that she wants me to remember my trauma? My big dumb traumatic life? Not to mention I’d have to stop sucking in order to speak.


“Frankly, after the night we just had, I kinda don’t wanna go thinking about that…”


“... I’m sorry Lilly, I just…”




“I lost control. Are you… Afraid of me?”




Yeah, I didn’t care about that. And I didn’t know how to answer the question. I would have easily been able to escape if I didn’t want the kind of treatment she had given me. That experience was nothing like my time with the Leywoods. I wrapped my lips around her penis and took it fully into my mouth. With my mouth filled, head bobbing up and down, I would have an excuse not to speak.


“Ngh…” She was clearly trying hard to endure the stimulation, “Lilly, I just… I wanna know about you… I love and care about you and…”


I released her cock with a big ‘pop!’ and rested my cheek against it, looking up at her.


“You feel guilty because I had a rough life, yet I’m also just so goddamn sexy and fuckable that you can’t resist, I get it.”


“... That’s not the only reason I…”






Then don’t bring it up! What else could you *possibly* feel guilty for, after fucking me so raw that I’m guaranteed to be your cocksucking puppy sex slave monster girl maid thing for life? Feeling upset, I continued to suck and lick for a few more minutes as I processed my thoughts.


“... Tell you what…” I muttered.


As I thought, I realised that if I got my mind out of this horny gutter, I could see why she would want to know more about me, especially given how she discovered and met me in the first place. I should feel flattered that she’s interested in me, that after that experience she sees me as more than a sex object. Even though I kinda *wanted* to be her sex object. But there was something I was far more interested in than reliving that story just yet. She was going to have to give me more!


“... I wanna know… Why you have this delicious thing,” I said, giving her penis another lick, “I… Might be wrong, but I don’t think you were just born with this, right? There’s something more to it.”


“... It’s… A long story, Lilly.”


“The longer the better…” I smirked, “Even more time to suck it before it’s my turn to pour my heart out.”


“... To be honest, Lilly, considering your condition… Being a Monstra and all… I actually did think you would accept it…That’s why I showed it to you. But I didn’t think you would like it *this* much…”


“After the night we just had? Being fucked so hard that my insides feel like jelly? Yeah, I’m gonna love it after that.”


“Well, I’m glad. But… I don’t really like it. I’d rather have what you have.”


“... I know, Ayano. I get it. But I do love you how you are, and I want you to feel good with what you do have. Besides, you know well that I have issues with my own body…”


“Issues far bigger than my penis, I guess…”


“I dunno Ayano. I can think of few things bigger than this thing,” I said, giving it a playful lick.


“N-Not what I meant!”




I gave the thigh I was resting on a kiss as I stroked her shaft up and down with my hand, looking up at her lovingly and expectantly.


“So. Let’s hear it. This long story of yours. How did this happen?”


“... Okay. But you’ll tell me about the Leywoods after this?”


“I promise. And now you know for sure that I can keep my promises!”


“... Okay… Well… You’re the first person I’ve ever told this… But you might be the only person in the world who won’t think I’ve gone insane or something.”


“I’ll believe you no matter how crazy it is.”


“Alright, then. Before I go into detail, here’s the long and short of it- I was born male. I used an ancient magical artefact to enter into a parallel reality to become female. It didn’t work as intended. I still have a penis, and… I think using that artefact was what brought the Monstra to this world.”


My jaw dropped, eyes wide. Holy shit. This was really *was* going to be a long story, wasn’t it?