Volume 1: Chapter 1 Hopeless
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"What the heck IS THIS!!!!"
What do I do now? Everything just feels hopeless. I feel powerless. Is this what depression feels like? what was that guy in front of the TV? is he the one that was supposed to explain things? How irresponsible to simply press that button without letting me finish hearing the tutorial!
Is that game more important than the lives of those who got sent here!! AND I saw your game, to think you can't even complete platform 3-2??? You SUCK!! What now? I need time to think.
"Anyone there!!"
Other than the rustling of leaves and branches I can't hear a sound of anything alive. That was probably a stupid decision, yelling in the middle of a forest where I don't know what kind of creatures would attack.
For now I need to secure my safety. Which way should I head to? I need clothes first if I want to head to civilization. I hope something in this box is useful.
huh? how do I open it? It looks locked. There is no keyhole though. It seems decrepit enough to bash open. I hope nothing fragile is inside.
"ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! urrrhhgggg, uuuuurrrrhhhmmmm"
It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, its like something is hammering my foot. What the heck is that? That thing is too hard for a wooden chest. I didn't even put a dent in.
The inside didn't even make a sound! Is it empty? Did I just break my foot trying to open an empty chest? Why would you send someone without explanation and naked with an empty chest!? Just how irresponsible are you!?
"Status!, Open, Console, Identify, Select, Start, Check"
No response eh, No response even with using it on the chest. I'm stuck, the grass is soft enough to lie down on but I won't survive just lying here. I can't exactly randomly wander in this forest au naturel either. Forget protecting my life from animals, I can't even protect my joystick from the grass poking my butt.
No rocks, no sticks and not even a vine to set traps. That stupid noob gamer is at fault for everything here!! When I find you I will strip you naked, bury you in a hole as I fill it with hungry rats. Just so you won't get lonely I'll also throw in your save data with you.

I need to survive here first but if this box is useless then I don't need you.
My punch went through the chest. To think this opened by touch. Time to see what I get.

**Otherworld starting info display template 01**
**Delete parts outlined with '*' and properly fill in parts inside '<' '>' **
Welcome <insert title or name here>
You are the chosen one. You are a unique individual among the many. This world needs you.
This world is <insert planet name here>. It is <insert world description here>.
This world is plague by <insert problem here>. We need your power, we need your strength. Please help <insert planet name here>.
As powerful as we appear we can't interfere until <insert reason here>.
To aide you in your noble quest we have given you a skill and some starting gear. 
We pray for your success.  You are the last chance this world has for peace.
You have acquired <Please enter skill otherwise a random skill will be generated> [Soul memory]
**Starting gear will include **
**[leather shirt(blessed)] - Auto fix, can be combined with other [leather shirt(blessed)] to acquire a new enchantment. A blessed leather shirt so it has a special enchantment otherwise completely normal. Can't be fixed, Can't be created or made with the exception of planet guardians.**
**[leather long pants(blessed)] - Auto fix, can be combined with other [leather long pants(blessed)] to acquire new enchantment. A blessed leather long pants so it has a special enchantment otherwise completely normal. Can't be fixed, Can't be created or made with the exception of planet guardians.**
**[copper shortsword] - a normal of the production line shortsword.**
**[leather bag(blessed)] - Auto fix, can be combined with other [leather bag(blessed)] to increase storage space. A blessed leather bag that holds 8 items that fits its opening. Items of the same type can be stacked up to 10. Can't be fixed, Can't be created or made with the exception of planet guardians.**
**[water bag] - A water bag that holds 2 liters of water.**
**Please change or add as you require. To have a better hero guiding experience please consider changing items to suit their needs and abilities.**
**We thank you for using 'otherworld templates'. To unlock different styles and a full customization features please upgrade to the full version.**

What the heck is that? He left the template as is! He ignored editing the greeting message to game but still sucks so bad at it. How noob can you get. I am guessing I am not supposed to see the descriptions of the starting gear. This is bad. If all otherworlder knows that your starting gear can be combined then they would hunt each other for that loot.
Maybe an otherworlder with an identify skill could make use of this to protect themselves but since that idiot did not change anything from the template message all of us would be on guard with each other. I wonder how many of us are out there. I can't be careless and expose myself, I need countermeasures against my fellow earthlings.
I need to escape this forest first. First, I need to figure out how to wear this gear. It doesn't adjust to my size like those in the game. The shirt is loose and the pants is too long. I look sloppy. Since there are no shoes I can use the extra length and use it as foot cover.
Whoa, The wooden chest disintegrated the moment I took all the things inside. Ah, a piece of card is within the ashes.

Status card
Name: Brill Insanity
Title: none
Class: none*Hidden*
Job: Traveler*Hidden*
Skill: Soul memory*Hidden*
Info: <Touch object to show description>*Hidden*


[Soul memory] - The ability for your soul to remember past skills, jobs, class and store equipment. An advanced ability obtained after reaching max level of the world traveler class.
[Traveler]You walk here, you walk there. You eat that, you eat anywhere. Go where you want, survive where you go. You Travel.


So this is a very useful skill for some max class. Its useless for the current me though, I don't have a skill to travel between worlds so inheriting skills is extra useless. I only have clothes and a sword and I didn't learn how to use it. This job is interesting though, does it grant immunity against environmental damage? I just got here so I should be level one. I wonder when I will unlock my first skill hehe.  No point worrying about which way to go. Let's begin sneaking in that direction.

Is anyone even alive for this forest, I have been walking for a few hours, I think, and I haven't seen a single animal. Did I pick the wrong direction to go? ARGGH!! So annoying.
"Ah, I don't care anymore, I'll just run till I encounter something."