Ch 4. Sleepover
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Abuse, assault, attempted rape, disassociation.





     “Asuka, good morning,” Yuna said with a smile.  

     “Morning,” Kaito said with a smile. 

     “Hey good morning.” 

     I closed the door behind me waving to them. They waited for me to join them then we started walking to school. The others talked amongst themselves. I decided not to join in. They talked about summer plans. Yuna said something about potentially going to a beach after finals. Right, I forgot they were coming up. In everything else that happened it completely slipped my mind.

     “Right Asuka?” Yuna asked with a smile. 


     “I said we’re gonna have so much fun during summer.”  

     “Yea I’m looking forward to it.” I gave her a smile and she resumed talking. My feelings were a bit muddled after what dad said. 

     “Asuka?” Kaito said hurrying up to me, grabbing my shoulder and spinning me around. “Asuka? Are you ok?” 


     Yuna caught up and spoke. “We’ve been calling your name. You were rushing ahead.” 

     “Sorry I was thinking.” 

     “That was some pretty heavy thinking. Is everything ok?”  

     “Yea… well actually my dad… nevermind I don’t wanna talk about it now. I need to think before I can.” 

     Yuna gave me a hug and said in a calm tone. “I’ll listen when you feel like talking.” They hugged a second longer before resuming. “Also I'm having a sleepover on Friday and I want you to come.”  

     “I’d love to.” 




     A couple of days later it was time for the sleep over, mom walked me over so she could drop me off and meet Yuna's mother. “Are you excited Asuka?” Mom asked as we got to Yuna’s building.  

     “I am,” I smiled, my excitement uncontained which made mom smile. “I’m gonna have fun. I’m a little nervous though I haven’t been to a friend's house.” 

     Mom pressed the button for her house. 

     “Hello.” A voice came from the intercom. 

     “Hello I'm here to drop off my daughter Asuka.”

     “I’ll be right down.” 

     Mom hugged me, it was warm and comforting. “I know this has been a big change for you, but I know you’ll become an amazing girl.” 

     Those words, spoken without any ill intent, caused me to stiffen slightly. Mom apparently didn’t notice it though. Guilt welled up inside of me, coupled with doubts from my fathers words.

     The door opened and a beautiful woman with a gentle face and short curly brown hair emerged. “Welcome, come on in,” she said, moving aside. 

     “Have fun sweetie,” mom said, smiling at me. 

     “Aww, aren't you going to come up to?” said Yuna’s mother. “I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Eiko Takada.”  

     “I don’t have to be anywhere, I'll come up for a bit,” she said. 

     Eiko let the door close behind us as she led us to the elevator. She pressed the fourth floor button and the elevator began to rise.  

     “I was happy when Asuka told me she was invited to a sleepover. She doesn’t have many friends, so it's nice to see her getting along with her classmates.” 

     “Mom, that’s embarrassing...” I said blushing.  

     “So cute,” mom said. I looked away and exhaled my breath, puffing out my cheeks.

     “Your daughter’s adorable, we’re right over here.” she said as the elevator doors opened and she stepped off. Eiko led them down the hall and opened her door. Mom and I followed her inside and slipped off our shoes, placing them neatly with the others.  

     “Yuna, your friend is here!” Eiko called into the house.  

     With the sound of rushing footsteps, Yuna came out of a door off the hallway and took my hand. Dragging me to her room excitedly. 

     “Yay! I'm glad you came. Let's go to my room,” she said with a large grin. 

     “Be careful with her,” her mother said as the door closed with a bang. “Girls are so full of energy these days. Come, I have tea and cookies.  Nobue is here too, let's talk about our daughters.” 




     "Ugh, mom can be so annoying,” Yuna said, throwing herself on her bed. “Asuka, you already know Mei, she lives upstairs.”

     “Hi Asuka,” she said, jumping up and hugging her. I hugged her back. 

     “She’s Misaki Matsui,” Yuna said, pointing to a girl with short cropped black hair, her phone reflecting in her glasses. 

     “Nice to meet you,” she said in a dull tone, raising a hand in greeting.  

     “And she's Mana Inoue,” Yuna said, pointing to a small girl with long wavy brown hair. 

     “H..Hello, please be nice to me,” she said, holding her arm tightly to her chest. 

     “Mana’s so cute.” Mei squealed, pulling the shy girl into a tight hug, causing Mana to squeak in protest.   

     “Asuka?” Misaki said reflectingly. “Aren't you that girl who used to be a boy?” 

     My heart dropped for a second as I stammered out. “How’d you know?” 

     Misaki patted the bed next to her. “Sit here,” she said. I sat down as instructed. “I’m in one of the other classes. I heard about you but I didn't believe it. It sounds like something that only happens in stories,” Misaki adjusted her glasses and looked me over. She examined me like I was being scouted by a modeling agency.  “You should be an idol.”  

     “What?” Asuka blurted out. 

     “Well, you’re small and adorable. You'd make a perfect idol,” she said, adjusting her glasses again. 

     “Ummmm, thank you?” I wasn't sure what to say. 

     “Misaki really likes idols,” Yuna said. 

     “What's not to like about them? The teamwork, style, and the outfits. Idols are an example of how every girl should be,” she said her voice raising as her eyes gleamed with passion. “If you want, I have an idol outfit with me.” 

     “Why...?” This girl was definitely weird. But I found myself liking her.

     “Well....” Misaki began. 

     “That’s my fault,” Yuna interrupted. “I posted that picture of us on my Isstagram and she saw it.” She said, rubbing the back of her head with a smile.  

     “I don’t know...” I said apprehensively.  

     "You don’t have to force yourself, Misaki would understand if you didn’t want to. I mean, it's got to be embarrassing right?” 

     Embarrassing... yeah, it’s supposed to be embarrassing right? I stared at the outfit. For some reason it looked very appealing “I want to wear it.” 

     The words had barely left my mouth before she dove into her bag. “Let's get you undressed then,” she said tugging at Asuka’s shirt, an odd gleam in her eyes.  

     “Wait a second!” my voice came out higher pitched than i expected. “I can take off my own clothes.”  

     Misaki looked slightly disappointed then said. “Yeah, I guess.” 

     I began to pull off my clothes. I wasn’t nearly as uneasy as I thought I would be. Though this was a little embarrassing. The other girls were staring at me undressing. I stood there for a second before saying. “Well?” 

     Misaki gave me the dress as Mei started talking excitedly “Asuka you're so pretty. Your skin is so smooth and silky,” she said, hugging and stroking me. Which sent a shiver down my spine. 

     “Asuka is beautiful,” Misaki said with a smile.  

I looked at it for a second, it was cute, and fluffy. I pulled the dress over my head, it was surprisingly soft and silky. I got the outfit on and tried to zip it up but was unable to reach the zipper. “Help me please.”

     “Of course.” Misaki said, zipping it up. 

     I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror. I saw a cute blushing girl staring back at me. Despite my initial reservation my face lit up with a smile.

     “It looks good, but something is missing,” Misaki said as she looked at me in the outfit“Oh, your hair!” 

     “Yeah, we need to do your hair.” Yuna said “Come sit here.” She said pointing to a spot on the floor.  

     I sat where she said, Yuna grabbed a brush from somewhere and began to run it through my hair. Mom had gotten the knots out earlier but putting on the dress made it get a little messed up. 




     “Those girls really sound like they’re having fun in there.” Eiko said. “Ms. Takahashi, I heard that your daughter used to be a boy.”  

     “What really?” Said Mei’s mother, “Should I che...” She started to stand but a motion from Eiko cut her off. 

     “She was born a boy, but she never really acted like one. It was fine when she was home all the time. She loved to wear girl's clothes. My husband didn’t like it but she was our special gift. So he let her wear what she wanted. With her long hair and effeminate face she looked just like a little girl. Which she was teased for in elementary school. She was fine, at first, but the constant teasing then bullying started to hurt her. One day she took scissors to her hair, and we found her crying in the bathroom.” 

     I paused to take a drink. Then resumed speaking. “She stopped wearing girl clothes after one of her classmates saw her in the park. And started to grow cold and distant. After the incident I thought she would never get better. After a few months in therapy she showed no signs of improvement. I'm a terrible mother. I couldn’t protect my baby, and now I'm happy she turned into a real girl.” 

     My eyes started to fill with tears. “My husband and I can't have any more children. Asuka was our first miracle. Then we had her brother and they had to remove my womb. It upset me a little that I wouldn’t get a daughter to dote on. I gave up on that, then Asuka turned into a girl and it made me so happy. But I haven't considered her feelings. She became a girl and I'm celebrating. While she's confused and struggling.” 

     “I don’t think you're a terrible mother.” Eiko said, giving me a half hug. “After all, you are concerned about her happiness.” Mei’s mother looked uncomfortable and remorseful.  

     I continued speaking. “My daughter has only been a girl for two weeks and she’s already making friends. She was happy when she told me that she was going to a sleepover. She’s returning to her old self, but my husband doesn't see it that way..” 

     “How does he feel?” Eiko asked. 

     “He doesn’t accept our daughter. It's causing troubles at home. He’s been avoiding her with work. I just hope he comes around… before it's too late.” 

     “I understand how you feel Ms. Takahashi,” said Mei’s mother. “My daughter is outgoing and energetic. I'm worried that she will get hurt. Or worse, fall prey to some boy. I want to keep her home and protected, but that would just make her hate me.” 

     “Please you can just call me Emiko, both of you.” 

     “You can call me Nobue.” Said Mei’s mother 

     “You can just call me Eiko. Oh, that’s dinner done. Emiko, will you join us for dinner?” she asked, smiling when i agreed “Girls, it's time to eat!” she said loudly. 

     There was a scuffling sound from the other room then the door opened. Three of the girls came out giggling and smiling. 

     “Asuka, come on, it's dinner time.” Yuna said in a sing-song tone. 

     When my daughter emerged from the room my breath was taken away. She was standing there shyly, her face slightly pink. Her hands were pressing down on her dress. Her shy demeanor only accentuated her beauty. Someone had styled and curled, it bounced with every step she took.  

     “H... how do I look mom?” she asked quietly. 

     “My baby is so beautiful,” I said, unable to contain myself as a big smile spread across my face. “Come here baby girl and sit with mommy.” 

     She came over and sat down in my lap. The outfit poofed out in my lap. “Are you ok mom?” she asked me in a soft voice.

     I wiped away the tears that formed and leaned close to her. “You're such a good girl. Are you having fun?” she nodded softly. “That's good. Do you like being a girl?”

     “Am I allowed to?” she asked softly, her voice quivering.

     “Of course you are. Why wouldn’t you be?”

     “But what about my classmates? And other adults?”

     “Sweetie, you only need to do what makes you happy. As long as that doesn't hurt anyone else then no one can stop you.” 

     “I like being a girl,” she said even softer. I wrapped my arms around her and gently began to rock back and forth.

     “Then be the best girl you want to be. I love you so much. My special little girl. My beautiful flower. “

     “I love you too mom.”

     “I'm sorry but our table isn't big enough for everyone so the girls can eat at the living room table,” Eiko said, making plates for everyone.  

     “Asuka, stand up for me for a second and do a pose please.” 

     “Like this?” she said, lifting one leg and giving a peace sign.   

     “Perfect,” I snapped a picture. “Now eat your food then I am going to head home.”  

     “Okay mom,” she sat down and ate. 

     After everyone finished eating there was some light conversation then their mothers went home. I gave my daughter another hug and gave her some whispered advice before I left. 

     “I just dropped off your daughter at her friend's house.” I said to my husband over text.

     “What daughter? I have two boys.”





     “Okay girls, time to take a bath. Asuka, do you want to bathe by yourself,”  Eiko said.

     “It’s ok mom, she can bathe with me,” Yuna said, before i could say anything she took my hand and dragged me to her room

     “You girls help me get the futons laid out while they’re bathing,” I heard Eiko say as we grabbed pajamas and went to the bathroom.

     “I'm jealous...” Yuna said. 


     “Your hair is so long and beautiful.” 

     “Oh yea, it's a pain though.” 

     “We girls suffer for our beauty. At least that’s something my favorite model says.”  

     Yuna began to draw the bath. “I’ll wash your back and hair.”  

     I sat down on the shower stool and Yuna started talking while she lathered. “You know I'm having a lot of fun. So tell me what's bothering you?” 


     “Something is bothering you, I can tell.”

     I sighed. “Am I really that bad at hiding things?”

     “You have everything written right on your face,” she said jokingly.

     “It's my dad. I heard him talking the other night to my mom. After we came back from the café, he came back really late and had a fight with my mom. He told her that he’ll never accept me and he has no daughter.”

     Yuna hugged me. “That's awful.”

     “It's not like I asked to be turned into a girl. Why does he have to hate me for something I couldn’t control?" I started to cry. 

     “I’m sure he’ll come around.” Yuna comforted me, gently cradling me until I managed to stop crying. Yuna finished washing my hair and we swapped. After I washed her hair we climbed into the tub.

     Why do I feel so comfortable around her? Is it because she's a girl too? Dad would hate me more if he knew I felt like this. I submerged my mouth and angrily blew bubbles.

     “I’m done, let's get out now.” Yuna said loudly, making me jump.  

     “Okay,” I said and got out. Yuna handed me a towel and I began to dry myself off. My pajamas are a long shirt, baby blue with a popular anime character on the front. It went down to my knees and it is very soft. Yuna’s were a pair of spotted pink shorts and a white striped shirt.

     “We’re done,” Said Yuna to the other girls as we left the bath. We went back to her room and browsed videos on our phones while we talked amongst ourselves. While the others took their bath. They finished before long and joined us. We ended up talking about a variety of things, most of which I didn't really understand. 

     “I’m sorry, i still need to learn how to be a girl” 

     “Well remember Asuka I said I would help you.”

     “Girls, it's bedtime,” Eiko said, peeking through the door. “Sleep well.” She turned off the light and closed the door.

     I curled up on my futon getting comfortable as we continued talking. The other girls began to fall asleep one by one. Once I was the last one awake I closed my eyes and began to drift off to sleep.




     “Takahashi!” yelled a loud voice behind him. “Is it true? Noriko confessed her love to a freak like you and you turned her down?” the voice continued to shout. As he was about to turn around a fist struck him from behind throwing him to the ground. His vision swam as blood started flowing from his nose. 

     “You know he doesn’t really look like a man,” said another boy. 

     “Yea and he acts girly,” said a high pitched mousy looking boy. 

     “Maybe we should see for ourselves,” said the first boy. “Grab it,” he said with a smile. The other boys present grabbed his arms and legs and held him down. 

     “Let's see what he’s hiding, he never changes with the others.” said one of the boys watching. Asuka tried to get away but was unable to free himself. The first boy smacked him hard with the back of his hands and the edges of Asuka's vision went dark.  

     “Struggle all you want no one comes here,” said the mousy boy, clearly enjoying not being on the receiving end. 

     Asuka started yelling and one of the boys who was just observing stuck a rag in his mouth with a sadistic grin. “No calling for help.” 

     “Enough struggling,” the first boy said, ripping open Asuka's shirt. “Nothing here,” he said with a wild look in his eyes as he smiled hungrily. “How about down here,” he said, ripping open Asukas pants, and pulling down his underwear. The boys started laughing. 

     “Look he really is a boy, barely,” one of the boys said. 

     The first boy forced himself on Asuka. “You look more like a girl, how about I make you one?” He grabbed Asuka by the chin and pulled his face up. 

     “Hey what are you doing there!!!” someone yelled, causing the boys to panic and run away.  

     The boy kicked Asuka in the side and said, “If you tell anyone I'll kill you.”  

     “Hey come back here,” the adult yelled as Asuka blacked out. 




     Asuka woke up with a shrill yell and started crying as she thrashed about. The door opened with a thud, Eiko entered with a worried expression. Asuka sat up and hugged her legs to her chest as she continued to cry. 

     “Asuka are you alright,” Yuna said, hopping out of bed. She kneeled next to Asuka and then looked at her mom. “Mom, get some clothes for her please,” she said as she hugged her and rubbed her head. 

     Eiko got some pajamas from Yunas dresser as the other girls woke up and asked what happened. “Here Yuna,” she said, handing them over.

     Yuna helped me up but I felt strangely disconnected, as if this was happening to someone else and I was merely watching from behind their eyes. 

     “Let’s go Asuka, we need to get you changed,” she said, holding Asuka's hand as she led her to the bathroom. “What happened?” 

     She held me in the bathroom caressing me until i returned to myself.

     “It’s nothing, I just had a bad dream,” I said hiccupping. 

     “That was more than just a bad dream. You can wear my other pajamas, but they might be a little big.” 

     “It’s ok,” I said. I carefully removed my wet pajamas and underwear. I cleaned myself up before putting on a clean pair of panties and Yuna’s pajamas. “I’m sorry,” I said to Eiko. She was busy cleaning up my mess. 

     “It’s ok, are you alright?” she asked, rubbing my head. 

     “I still feel a little weird, but I’m better now, thank you.” 

     “Since your futon is wet you can sleep with me,” Yuna said, climbing in her bed and sliding to one side to make room. 

     “Are you sure what if it happens again?” Tears began to well up again in my eyes as my heart began to beat harder. 

     “Yea, I’m sure and it’ll be fine,” she said as she leaned over and took my hand. She pulled me close, enveloping me in her arms as she gently said, “I’ll keep the bad dreams away.”