Chapter 7: Rooftop Scuffles and Bird Fighting
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The two goblins holding crossbows stumbled forward through the open doorway and fell flat on their faces. My katana swung at their necks to take them both out, but three short swords lunged out and blocked my attack. The other goblins stepped over their fallen friends and pressed forward with the aim of overwhelming me. I retreated further into the shadows. There was complete darkness on the roof except for the light from a stairwell torch that was emanating through the open door.

The goblins with the swords howled and charged after where they thought I was. It was difficult to tell how good their night vision was, but somehow, I was able to sense the surrounding darkness. I could feel myself becoming more enshrouded in it.

Careful not to make a sound, I walked around the roof and nimbly climbed up on top of the stairwell access point. If you’d have told me two days ago that I would have been able to silently perform a pullup, I would have laughed at you. Upgrading dexterity definitely has its perks. It’s strange that strength wasn’t the one to affect it, but then again, maybe it was the acrobatics skill that improved my climbing ability.   

Hugo and I kept low and watched from above. The three goblins with swords had spread out. One of them, likely the leader, was barking orders in a language I couldn’t understand. Unfortunately, the two with crossbows had recovered and had retreated back through the doorway where the light was on their side. We needed to get that door closed and separate them.

While the three other goblins were fumbling around in the dark, I dropped off the access point roof, grabbed the edge, and swung down through the open doorway, kicking the two crossbow goblins. Another bolt went loose as we collided, and I hissed in pain as I felt it graze my leg. My kick knocked the two goblins into the wall and, while stunned, I grabbed both of them by their collars and tossed them out onto the roof before slamming the door shut.

After a calming breath, a realization hit me. I could just leave right now and go down to the next floor.

But Hugo was still stuck out there, and the goblins represented a lot of upgrade points. I was only a level 2. How would I fare on the other floors if I was so quick to run from a fight? No, it was time to stay and finish this. I took the torch off of the wall and threw it down the stairs to make it harder for them to see me. Though even in the darkness they weren’t completely blind and the doorway made me a narrow target. I’d have to be fast.

I opened the door and then leaned back as another two bolts shot past me. As I ran outside, Hugo swooped down into the face of one of the sword goblins while yelling, “High kick!”

The goblin battered Hugo aside, who stifled a cry as he hit the ground and didn’t get up again. My sword felt like an extension of myself as I closed the distance and took that goblins head first with one clean cut.

*DING!* You have slain [Junior Goblin Squire] Level 3 – Experience Points Acquired

The two crossbow goblins were reloading and raising up to fire again just as the two other sword goblins charged at me. I kicked one in the face and heard bone crunch before slashing at the other. This time, the goblin blocked my attack with his short sword and pushed me back. He seemed stronger and faster than the others, which marked him out as the squad leader.

Before there was time to strike back, I screamed suddenly as I felt a blade stab my side. The goblin I’d kicked wasn’t down for the count after all. That was sloppy. I didn’t have time to turn however, as the squad leader took advantage of the situation and pressed forward. Worse yet, was that the two crossbow goblins were repositioning for a clear shot.

I’d never fought with a sword until today, whereas the goblin squad leader fought like he’d been born with one in his hand. Slash, stab, parry. Every move I could think of was countered and my higher weight and longer reach seemed to offer no advantage.

The goblin behind me twisted the blade inside of me while maniacally giggling. I almost blacked out from the pain and my sword arm dipped, allowing the squad leader’s blade to slice across my chest. It wasn’t a deep cut, but with the other blade in my side, it didn’t need to be. I tried to step forward but my legs wouldn’t work like before. They were slow to respond, and my head started to feel fuzzy. The two crossbow goblins took up a position to my left and knelt down to aim carefully. Looks like they were tired of their blade wielding compatriots having all the fun.

I decided to do something incredibly risky that would either work as intended or lead to my death. I turned away from the squad leader and seized the weaker goblin by the throat. He let out a surprised croak as I lifted him up. Two more crossbow bolts were fired as I held the startled goblin in front of me like a meat shield. The bolts cut through the goblin with ease.

*DING!* You have slain [Junior Goblin Squire] Level 3  – Experience Points Acquired

The only problem was the goblin’s green body barely halted the bolt's momentum as they went through him and hit me. My throat was already raw from screaming, but I gave it my best shot anyway as the bolts stabbed into my gut and stayed there.

I dropped my sword and fell to my knee’s still holding the goblin corpse in front of me. A little of its blood trickled onto me and I felt a sharpness return to my mind and body as the squad leader swung his short sword at my head. I used the goblin body to block it, and a piece of its skull was carved away. More blood sprayed towards me and my pain receded a little more.

The squad leader roared in rage and began hacking away at the body of the goblin squire as if trying to destroy it first in order to reach its prize. More of its blood landed on me, and I could feel my strength returning. With a renewed vigor, I got up and threw the body at the squad leader. While his hands were full with that, I tore one of the bolts out of my stomach and shoved it through the side of his skull.

*DING!* You have slain [Junior Goblin Squad Leader] level 4 – Experience Points Acquired

I ripped out the second bolt and turned to face to crossbow goblins who instead of reloading were making a cowardly retreat towards the door. I tested the weight of the bolt in my hand before throwing it at one of them. Sadly, it didn’t penetrate, but it did hit the back of their head with enough force to make them stumble into their friend and slow them down.

Gritting my teeth, I winced as I pulled the goblin short sword out of my side and dipped my hand into some nearby goblin blood to soothe the pain. Direct contact with the wound seemed to speed up healing even faster, So I pressed one bloody hand to my side while scooping up my katana in my other hand.

One of the goblins squeaked something in their language as they heard me approach. They were frantically trying to open the door, but the handle wouldn’t move. As I got within striking distance, they turned and one of them panic fired a bolt in my direction. It missed. Huh, I guess one of them had time to reload after all.

My sword hacked them to pieces while they howled incoherently.

*DING!* You have slain [Junior Goblin Crossbowman] level 3– Experience Points Acquired

*DING!* You have slain [Junior Goblin Crossbowman] level 3 – Experience Points Acquired

I dabbed more of their blood onto my other wounds and watched as everything was magically healed. Blood is the power indeed. This stuff was miraculous.

The goblins had left several items behind, including all of their weapons, which I was determined to go through until I heard a quiet cough. I swiveled round, blade ready until I saw one of Hugo’s tiny wings shake. He’s still alive?

I rushed over to the little crow. Both wings looked broken, and he was bleeding badly. With only one eye open, he looked up at me and asked, “did we get em?”

Keeping a brave face, I said, “yeah. You did great. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Hugo coughed, and his voice sounded weak. “Of course. I learned from the best. If you ever see Rosemary, tell her I’m sorry.”

I assured him that I would, despite having no idea who that was.

“I can see a light. Should I head towards it? Is there a heaven for crows? I think that… hey where are you going?” Hugo yelled indignantly.

I had left to go try something. Taking the goblin squad leader’s body, I dragged it over to Hugo and made an incision with my katana before lifting it up. Blood flowed out and landed on a surprised Hugo, who sputtered and coughed.

“Oh god, it got in my mouth,” he moaned, rolling around on the ground. After a few moments, the bird got up and shook his feathers, which did little to shed the excess blood that soaked him.

“What the hell was that?” he asked, furious as he hopped towards me.

I’d never seen a bird convey anger before, but Hugo was doing a pretty good job of it.

“How do you feel?” I asked.

The crow blinked and then looked down at himself. He stretched his wings out and fluttered them. “Oh!” he said as he flapped and took off flying around the rooftop. He laughed before landing on my shoulder.

“Is this a Blood Reaver thing?” he asked, pleased with his new found health.

I nodded. “The blood of our enemies can heal us.”

“That’s so metal!” he exclaimed.

“Come on, let’s see what we got for almost dying.”