Detective Club Return.
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A few days had passed and things had gone back to normal. Mars never showed up, and Luna was no longer upset. There were no new cases from Atlas either; either he didn't need my help, or he knew I wasn't in the mood to deal with anything like that at the moment.

During break time at school, I was wasting time playing games on my phone while Luna had nothing to do decided to watch me olay. Everything was peaceful until three people walked to our classroom - a blonde guy, a chubby guy, and a purple girl.

"Wh-what are you guys doing here?" Luna asked, clearly surprised.

"We're here for you two, of course," the blonde guy replied.

I closed the game I had been playing and looked at them. 

"We've been waiting and waiting," the blonde guy said. "But you guys never show up."

"I never agreed to join," I replied.

"And I've changed my mind!" Luna said. "I don't want to join anymore!"

"I can't accept that!" the blonde guy said, looking offended. "You guys passed the test, and yet this is what you guys are doing? It's an insult to us."

"That's... not what we're trying to do," Luna said looked uncomfortable.

"That doesn't matter!" the blonde guy said. "Whether you did it on purpose or not, it is what it is!"

"So what do you want?" I asked, staring at him.

"I want a rematch!" the blonde guy said.

"Oh, you've come up with another case?" I asked.

"That's right," he smirked. "Do you think you can solve it this time?"

I sighed. "I can't tell without hearing it first," I said.

"Ha! You're not so confident, eh?" he said, looking as if he had already won. "Doesn't that mean what you did before was just you being lucky?"

"Whatever," I said. "Just tell me the case already."

"Aren't you in a hurry?" he asked, smirking. "Fine, let's begin," he said as I and Luna stared at him. 

Some of our classmates got interested and started watching, murmuring and questioning what was happening. We ignore them. 

"There's a murder case at two different places," he said. "But with the same wounds, and according to the police, they were killed at the same time too. And these are the suspects," he continued. 

"The first suspect is someone named Tony with his friend," he said, holding up one finger. "The second is a man named Andrew with his lover," he continued, holding up two fingers. "And lastly, there are Brian and his twin brother," he finished, holding up three fingers.

Luna furrowed her eyebrows and asked, "That's it? No hint at all?"

"That's right," confirmed the blonde guy.

"But that was weird!" protested Luna. "How do you even solve it if there are no hints at all?"

"Oh? Just like that and you're giving up already?" mocked the blonde guy.

Luna was obviously angered, but she couldn't say anything anymore. Meanwhile, the purple girl, Libra, mouthed at me, "Good luck."

So is she on my side? I can't really tell yet. As for the chubby guy, he seemed to blend into the background and didn't say anything. But when our eyes met, he smiled. That surprised me because it seemed like a genuine smile. I didn't expect him to be nice, considering he was friends with the blonde guy. But maybe my thoughts were wrong, he became his friend because he was nice.

"What about you?" the blonde guy asked me. "Are you giving up too?"

I looked at him, understanding what he was trying to do. He was trying to trap us using limited information. Unlike before, he didn't even bother creating illustration like he had before. 

This was sad. Was he really trying to make us guess without any logical reasoning?

"I agree with Luna," I said. "This case can't be solved."

"Eh?" Surprisingly, Luna was the one who was surprised the most. She looked at me with disbelief.

"What is it?" the blonde guy said, almost laughing. "So you're saying you can't get anything out of it?"

"I didn't say that," I replied. "I have a guess. There's something called 'synchronicity,' which is a weird phenomenon when you experience something exactly the same as other people. Do you know Dennis the Menace?"

I looked at Luna.

"Oh, that's an old cartoon character?" Luna said. "I think I saw it when I was little."

I nodded. "There are actually two fictional characters named Dennis the Menace. But they were created at the same time, not because one stole from the other. It's a famous example of synchronicity."

The blonde guy gulped, which made me smile.

"And some research suggests that this kind of phenomenon is more likely to happen to twins," I said. "I once read about twins who married a girl with the same name, or who died at the same time even though they were in different places doing different things."

"So, you mean the culprit was Brian and his twin?" Luna asked.

"Not exactly," I replied. "Yes, there's a possibility that this case was one of those synchronicity phenomena, but that's just a possibility, not proof."

"I guess so," Luna said.

"Yeah, and not to mention," I said, "it's possible that if other suspects know about synchronicity, they can purposely do this with the goal of blaming the crime on the twins."

"I see," Luna said. "But there's no proof of that either, right?"

"Exactly," I said. "So that's why I said what I said before. This case can't be solved because we're lacking too much information to make a deduction. But that might just be me. I could be wrong. So, Mr. Club leader, why don't you explain how to solve this case to us?"

I smiled at him, and he started sweating again.

The blonde guy started laughing. "Haha, so that was too easy for you, huh?" he said, a hint of awkwardness in his voice. "So your skill is real? I guess I was going too easy on you this time. But that doesn't count. Next time, I'll make it more challenging, something befitting of a real duel. Just you wait."

I looked at him in disbelief. Was he serious? Was he really going to do it this way?

Suddenly, the detective club leader bolted out of the classroom, with Libra following closely behind. I had almost expected Libra to talk to me before leaving, given what had happened before, but she didn't. Maybe it was because Luna was here? That was probably a good thing, otherwise Luna might have gotten angry again.

And then the chubby guy came to me and gave me some of his chocolate snacks and said, "You're pretty good." 

"Thanks," I said.

He nodded and then he too was gone.

"So...what did they come here for again?" Luna asked, confused about what had just happened.

"Who knows," I said. I looked at the snack in my hand and opened it. "Want some?"

"Sure," Luna said, grabbing some.

She ate it and smiled. "Sweet," she said. "This is the taste of winning."

"Winning what?" I asked. "You didn't do anything."

She kicked my leg.
