Wandering Subway
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"Any content at school?" Beatrice sat down beside him on the subway bench. A dog was crawling by the bench with a missing limb and there were 'people' threading along the electrified train tracks and into the tunnels as if it was the way for pedestrians.

With more than two dozen 'bodies' moving inside this train station, Andrew doubted any of them was alive. The subway was the place he hated to be at the most. The paranormal activity here was abysmal and far greater than in a cemetery or a church.

"Nothing much, a girl from a different class committed suicide," He said offhandedly, his gaze distortedly focused on Beatrice to the point she even blushed a bit at the intensity he was looking at her with.

Unlike what she expected, Andrew didn't want to focus on the ghost that was right in front of them. He was an old man that looked rather putrid; he also smelled horrible. An odour that Beatrice was lucky to be unable to perceive.

"You say that's nothing much? what happened to her?" She leaned down and bit her lips, interested in the tale... the train usually took around ten minutes to arrive.

Seeing Beatrice's awkwardness, Andrew finally shifted his gaze only to come face to face with the ghost. His countenance adopted a little greenish colour before he gulped and turned around to look at Beatrice again.

'What is it, boy? do you smell foul?'


Thankfully, the ghost left a few seconds later, having lost interest.


"It was bullying... some of the girls in Clare's group were abusing her often and I guess she could take no more, she cut her wrists I believe, or hung herself... I think the method wasn't specified".

Beatrice covered her mouth in sadness for such a pitiful soul, "was your girlfriend involved?"

"She says she wasn't... I don't know if I can believe her but... Clare is not the type of girl that would give someone else physical pain" Andrew explained.

'She's more the type to give someone financial pain instead'.

"You didn't deny that she's your girlfriend" Beatrice pointed out, Andrew had to look at her in shock yet she evaded his gaze.

'What is she on about?' He wondered inwardly.

"Does it bother you?"

"No, why would it? you're grown up boy, way more mature than your age; a little chubby and cute, it is natural that you'd have a girlfriend"


Her comments left Andrew clean in the strike zone.

"Do you believe in ghosts?" He asked all of the sudden, unaware of what to talk about next and cursing the dang train for taking so long.

"I do..." She said quite straightforwardly... Andrew thought it was amusing to see her with such a straight face, answering that question when they were in this subway station, sitting on this bench surrounded by ghosts.

"Why do you believe?"

"Eh... I don't know, but... if you ask me if I'd be scared if I see one, I think I would. Doesn't that mean that I believe in them deep in my mind? what about you?".

"I believe in them too... do you see anyone around us?"

"No one..."

"What if I told you that we're surrounded by ghosts right now?"

"I'd say stop saying those jokes or I will clutch you".

"What if I told you... ghosts don't even look that different compared to normal people?"

"Stop it! you're scaring me!"

"I could even be a ghost myself, Beatrice!".



The train passed by all of a sudden, running on the tracks flooded with pedestrian ghosts. Beatrice and Andrew's hearts shook like rabbits, even though he hadn't been expecting that.


Beatrice slapped his shoulder in rage, "I told you to not be making those jokes!"

"Hehe, did you get scared?" The two of them stood up to walk towards the stopping train in New York.

"Don't look at me with that condescending gaze, boy... you're still shivering".

The pair laughed until Andrew scratched his head to say something more, something he hadn't had the audacity to ask until now.

"Hey, Beatrice".


"Do you want to exchange numbers...?"


For a moment, there was a consideration as she regarded the boy in front of her. What she was thinking Andrew didn't know, but she was so into her own deep thoughts that they almost miss the train that was right in front of her. He had to pull her wrist and get them into the train.

"Sure, let me get your number, Andrew... took you long enough".

"Sorry..." He said, hiding the overflowing feelings that felt boundless within his chest right now, getting the most perfect of poker faces and donning it shamelessly. He was not averse to the opposite gender if anything... Andrew knew beauties at the calibre of her and Clare in the dozens.

But... Beatrice is the first one that he knows who is genuinely looking at him as 'Andrew' and not the 'Heir of Archonte'.

After exchanging numbers, the two seemed to be in a way more relaxed mood.

"You know I do house cleaning... if you ever need someone to clean your parents' place... you know who to call" she suggested with a slight sidelong glance. Andrew didn't know what to think about it. He knows she does housecleaning but it is complicated.

If he took her to his penthouse in the Mayers Mansion, his identity would be uncovered. Could they remain this way then? would her behaviour change a hundred and eighty degrees? he didn't want that.

"I know... I haven't called you because someone else does it, but... I might tell my parents about it just so you get some extra cash" he scratched his black hair and lied through his teeth, regretfully... he did the cleaning in the house himself with a man just coming every afternoon to polish the marble flooring.

Even if there was a time for him to bring Clare to his place, that time wasn't now.

'S-Should I invite her out? or would that be too soon?' He didn't know what to do, but one thing was for certain, he walked a big step for humanity today.