The Shadows I
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'You can see ghosts'.


'And how is it possible for me to touch you, see, I'm even poking your cheeks'.


'Stop ignoring me, Andrew!'

"I'm studying! let me be! don't haunt me of all people!"

The boy had enough of her crap. Everything had been sorted even if just momentarily. During class all Andrew could think of was the message sent to him by his uncle related to the incident with the police, Sasha and Sophia's case.

'We will talk tomorrow'.

It was a simple message yet it filled Andrew with anxiety, he knew what exactly was going to happen but still decided to get himself in this mess, 'So much for being righteous and to top it off, instead of thanking me... this ghost is haunting me!'

"If I don't haunt you who am I going to haunt!?" Sophia yelled back at him, phasing through the table as if to accentuate her presence. Thankfully or sadly, her voice wasn't heard by anyone else in the hallway.

"How about nobody?! don't haunt anyone!"

"Who is he yelling to? Andrew Mayers is so weird..." The students and teachers all around began to gossip the moment they saw the boy's delusions in action.

"You see?! now everyone thinks I'm a weirdo because of you!"

'Everyone already knows you're a bookworm and a weirdo, Andrew. Don't blame me for it!'

"Go and haunt someone else!" The heir declared, leaving the menopausic ghost behind and heading towards his next class, ignoring her again.

"No, I'm going to haunt YOU!" Sophia was determined, it wasn't her intention at all... but seeing the boy's stubbornness to acknowledge her, she didn't have much of a choice. The day was hectic; filled with paranormal activity and curses all about.

During physical education, Andrew's pants fell in front of the girls.

"Kyaaa put your joggers back, pervert!!"

During math classes, he fell from the chair he was trying to sit on.

"Hahahaha! As expected of Andrew!"

In the library, the wall of books crumbled on him.

"Hey! rearrange those books immediately and don't even think of running, Andrew!"

In the toilet, the hose released from the sink and pressured water splashed all over his clothes.

"If you're thirsty go to the cafe to get something goddammit!"



"Sophia... y-you're a genuine pain in the ass"  Andrew smiled, he smiled in order to not cry. His head hurting, his clothes soaked... rumours had started to resonate all around. Andrew Mayers is cursed.

'I said I'm going to haunt you, do you regret it now?~' This phantom knew no mercy, Sophia had realised how fun it was to be a ghost ever since she died.

"Andrew, you've been quite unlucky today, are you alright?" Clare approached with reluctance to check up on Andrew when it was time to leave, she'd leave with her friends to discuss the matters related to Mariah who had already left, but first, she wanted to see what was going on with Andrew since he was from one moment to the other, being mentioned by everyone at school.

Every single misfortune imaginable seemed to be related to him.

"I'm okay, Clare... it is just... you wouldn't understand. You don't need to worry" Although Andrew was still a little upset about the other day, he recognised that Clare had stood up for him, something he never imagined she'd do, "I'll talk to you later about what your father told you, I'll speak to my uncle about it as well".

"Okay! then I will call- eh?"


The boys and the girls all around stayed silent for a few seconds. Andrew gasped and his eyebrows twitched. Clare looked down at her skirt to see it lifted as if a fan was blowing it up from underneath!


"C-Clare we can see everything!" Her friends all ran and tried to cover her since Clare's bright white adult panties were showing through, even Andrew had no idea that Clare wore those on a daily basis, he could only gulp and see her with a different light from now on.


They tried and tried, but the stubborn skirt just wouldn't lower itself.

"Why won't my skirt go down!"

"Hey, stop it, Sophia!"


"He's really cursed, get away from him! Run!"



All the students ran away from him like the pest, Clare included. The teachers fixed their glasses and decided to ignore whatever just happened, swiftly getting away from the troublemaker and whatever curse assailed him.

"Don't worry, Mr Mayers... I don't believe in curses" a single saviour approached Andrew, the chemistry teacher for the 1st and 2nd years, Herald Peters. A semi-bald old man with a lab coat and a humble expression, he wore glasses.

"Thanks, teacher Peters" Andrew felt moved, even if this teacher is wrong for not believing in the supernatural, at least he was there... chemistry was one of the subjects he loved the most. The teacher and student looked at one another and nodded.



That was until something slapped the teacher so hard that his glasses were blown away.



It was at that moment that Herald Peters' convictions were shaken to the root, he quivered and picked up his classes, touching his pained cheeks.

'I never liked him, hmph! how can you look up at this teacher, he was always trying to look down my skirt and many other girls too!'

"S-Sorry Andrew, I have some things to do!" The teacher fled... reconsidering his life choices and still feeling the pain on his cheek that he knew not the origin of.

"W-Wait, teacher!" The boy saw with pity how his favourite teacher fled for his life; hearing what Sophia just stated, whatever good image he had of the old man crumbled.

'Hahahahaha!!! I have wanted to do that for so long!' Sophia was breaking her ass with laughter.

Andrew turned around to look at her laughing self frivolously, recalling something that she had told him prior that didn't make sense. "Sophia. I thought you said you couldn't touch people... but you haven't only been touching things but now you even slapped someone".

"Hahaha- eh..." Sophia's laughter stopped abruptly in realisation. She regarded Andrew in confusion before standing up and watching her clear hands, "t-that's right, I didn't lie... what's going on? so far I couldn't touch anyone else... except for you".

It created questions in Andrew's mind as well, but he didn't have the time or motivation to address them. Instead, he picked up his backpack and walked towards the library.

"It doesn't matter, Sophia... you just ruined my life".

Having said those words he walked like a corpse. Little did he know, those words didn't work well for Sophia. She stood in front of him obstructively.

"You're exaggerating... do you dare say those words in front of a beautiful and sexy girl like me whose life ended with a murder just for trying to give justice to her friend? you're still alive and I'm not Andrew. It is not your fault but... you can't just say that I ruined your life because of this, don't joke with those things!"

"... why are you getting serious all of the sudden?" Andrew didn't understand why she'd say that to the point that her eyes looked like she wanted to cry.

"What do you even know...? dying all of the sudden, not being able to speak to anyone you like. I love my parents and I can see them, but they can't see me. Do you know how that feels?!"

"Stupid... I know how that feels... at least you can still see them".


Sophia gasped slightly, realising that she had spoken more than she should... it wasn't a secret that his parents had died five years ago, that was the reason why he was so famous. He's the next heir of Archonte after the death of his father, Max Mayers.

Andrew Mayers had felt for five years what she felt for a mere few days.

'I'm sorry, Andrew... I was inconsiderate'.


No words were conveyed back, but if one looked closely, he was clenching his hands tightly with conviction.