Ch 10. New Beginnings
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well I'm back to my regularly scheduled program. Still trying to find a job so hopefully I can get one soon, I'm basically out of money at this point. So writing is really helping keep me from being a worried mess so it'll keep going. Anyways enjoy the new chapter.


     Lizzy stared at Titania, lost for words her mouth opened and closed like a fish. Her eyes were wide as she looked between Tia and Sarah. 

     “I don’t know how to react…”

     “I understand how you feel,” Sarah chimed in. “It was quite a surprise when I first saw her. Though the wings are new. Explain…”

     Tia explained what happened the day her sister got kicked out, to meeting Boreas, who as if on cue came floating in through the wall.

     “Are you ok Mother?” he asked, seeing her transformed.

     “Yea I was just showing my sister and her girlfriend.”

     “Um, Sis, who are you talking to?”

     “Oh um… Boreas they are safe so go ahead and show them.” Both of them gasped in surprise as he became visible. 

     “Can you do that too? Go invisible?” Lizzy asked.

     “Yea I can, I freaked out Mira when I flew to her room.”

     “So what's the plan then Sis?”

     “I don’t know. I don't even know what happened to me… besides the fact I seem to be half-human, maybe.” She sighed and sat down her appearance reverting. “I guess first I'll start going back to school. I need to officially transition there first. And then I guess get my name changed? Wait I’ll need… their permission first.”

     “Well since they abandoned you and since Lizzy here has a decent-paying job we decided to I think we can get you placed in our care. There's a lot to do…”

     “We’ll make it work dear, after all, your sister is pretty special so I'm sure things will be fine.”

     “Lizzy is right Sis we’ll get through this.” She hugged her sister, Lizzy hugging the two of them leaving Tia sandwiched in the middle.

     “Things will definitely get better if I have you two here,”  she said tears forming in her eyes.




     “What did you two do?” Tasha said, “I'm honestly surprised he’s alive right now.” She examined Ardin, her hands glowing a pale white. She reached into a bag that suddenly appeared beside her and pulled out a small glass sphere. She placed it on his chest and began to mutter a few words. A glowing pattern appeared under the sphere and began absorbing the excess energy. It went from being clear, to murky white and finally darkening to a deep red. She carefully set aside the orb and grabbed another. Repeating the process until there were three full orbs and one that was slightly pink.

     “Everything went well I assume?”

     She sighed and threw a ball of paper at the wizened mage before speaking, “Yes I managed to remove all the spiritual energy, but he’ll need to spend a few days recovering. I'm sure he’ll wake up shortly. What were you two doing?”

     The headmaster looked at the nurse who bowed and excused herself. “We were at the moon pool, using its connection to the divine realm to locate the Queen and there was magical feedback. Ardin was thrown back and his connection severed. I rushed back and came immediately to you.”

     “The dryads let you two use the moon pool? That's a bigger achievement than Rindthalt ascending to godhood,” she scoffed. 

     “I assure you they were more than willing to help. Once I told them I was seeking the queen.”

     “Well either way,” she reached over to Ardin and smacked him on the head, “stop pretending to be asleep and join us.”

     “AHHH damn, you didn't need to hit me if you already knew I was awake.”

     “Ah my friend you’re up,” the headmaster said.

     “You be quiet, you noticed he was up well before I did. So what did you two idiots manage to find?” She looked at the now-sitting Ardin.

     “Well, I managed to narrow her location. It's now a measly forty thousand worlds. Though I don't think I will be able to tap into her connection again. The good news is that she seems to have some spirit helping her.”

     “And what’s the bad news?” she said menacingly

     “Why do you think there's bad news?”

     “Why else would you say ‘the good news is’ if there wasn't bad?”

     “That's true. The bad news is that right before the spell cut off there was a momentary flash of dark energy, I believe it was something the previous queen did. Most likely something to seal the next queen's power and hide her from whoever is after her.”

     Tasha picked up one of the red orbs and closed her eyes. The orb began to glow then after a moment began to dissolve. Her eyes snapped open as a gasp escaped her mouth. “She's very far away, and behind some kind of barrier that is hindering my ability to precisely find her. Hopefully, since I can't find her they won't be able to either. At least not easily…”

     “Well then, we’ll have to conduct our search another way,” the headmaster began. “Does anyone have any ideas?”

     “The elven queen might be able to help. It's rumored that the royal family has a special tie to the spirits. Maybe they have a way to locate her. I could arrange a meeting but it might take a couple of months.”

     “Please do, and Ardin. You and I can search the old-fashioned way until then.”

     “I ain’t happy about it but I’ll help. You owe me big time you bastard,” Ardin said playfully to the headmaster. 




     “Tia it's time for school,” Sarah said knocking on her door. She stood up and stretched with a yawn. Ever since that night, she hadn’t felt rested when sleeping, then again she hadn’t felt tired either. She slept now mostly to pass time. Heading into the bathroom she looked at her reflection. Even though she is a sophomore now she still looked exactly the same. Six months isn't a long time but she expected some changes. However, she hadn’t aged a day. It was just another reminder that she changed. 

     The other most obvious change, besides lack of needing sleep, was food. She only got hungry once a week. She had been worried at first but after continuing to get her periods she figured she was still at least partially human, they were a reminder of that. Despite her dislike of them. 

     “Morning Mother,” Boreas said floating through the wall.

     “Morning sweetie,” she replied scooping him up and hugging him. “How’re you today?”

     “I’m good, I was just exploring.”

     “What are you exploring?”

     “The world. I'm trying to find any other spirits. I had hoped that others would start forming. I had hoped that more would have been born since…” he cut himself off.

     “Since what?”

     He opened and closed his mouth before replying, “Since Mother is so powerful.”

     “Well I'm sure you’ll find some eventually,” she said, she didn't think that's what he was planning to say but he had saved her life so she decided to trust him. After doing her daily routine she went to the kitchen with Boreas in her arms. “Morning,” she said to her sister and Lizzy.

     “Morning sis, excited about your new school?”

     “Kinda, are you excited about starting Uni?”

     “Very much, I'm so glad I got into my first pick. Plus it's not too far from Lizzies new job.” 

     “It's still weird seeing you not eating for days at a time yet looking so beautiful. I'm jealous,” Lizzy said as she took a bite of her breakfast burrito.

     “It's still weird, I don’t really need to sleep either. Thankfully I can make myself sleep.”

     “Have you noticed any other changes?” 

     “Not really, though I haven't really done much that would show any. Online school is a lot less physical than real school.”

     Sarah sat down next to her sister and rested her head on her shoulder. “I’m just glad it wasn’t too difficult with the courts.”

     “She was saying how if they tried to send you to foster care that she would have taken you and fled,” Lizzy chuckled. 

     “I was only half joking,” she said defensively. “Besides she had no documents so I wouldn’t have been able to anyway.” 

     The three of them fell into a companionable silence as the two older girls finished eating. 

     “Well I have to get to work, see you later hun,” Lizzy kissed Sarah and then patted Titania on her head. “Take care, and you to Boreas.” She grabbed a messenger bag from the couch and left. 

     “Let's get you to school,” Sarah said once the door closed. “You look cute in your outfit by the way.”

     “Thanks, It’s a little weird going to an all-girls school though,” she said as they climbed in her sister's car.

     “I’ll feel safer with you there. They pride themselves on privacy. I don't know who at your old school tipped that man off, but I don't want that to happen again. No one here knows you were born male.”

     They fell silent as she drove her sister to school. It was located in a well-off area, and upper-middle-class shops lined the streets. People were strolling with their pets, women were sitting in front of cafes chatting. It was a far cry from the poorer area she was from. After a few moments they pulled up to a gate, and her sister pressed a button on an intercom. 

     “Welcome to Saint Alessa Girls Academy, please state your business.”

     “Hello, my name is Sarah, I'm here to drop off my sister Titania.”

     “Ah yes, I see your name here. Thank you for your patience and welcome.” 

     There was a beep and the gates began to swing inwards. Sarah put her car back in gear and started driving down the tree-lined driveway.

     “How did you even get me in here it seems so fancy?”

     “Maybe compared to your old school, though Lizzy helped. Her parents were very supportive once they heard what happened to you. Slightly modified of course.”

     “I hope that I don't embarrass myself here…” 

     “You’ll be fine so long as you remember what Lizzy taught you. Now have a good day, I’ll come to pick you up after school.”

     Titania gave her sister a kiss and grabbed her bag before getting out. She followed the other girls who were making their way to the auditorium. Some groups of girls were chatting while they walked, no one really paid much attention to her as she followed silently. She was starting to feel nervous when she looked up and saw Boreas looking down at her. He waved which made her smile. 

     “Mother I’ll be here if you need me.” He said and she mouthed thanks in return. 

     When she reached the auditorium it was about half full. She stood near the back, a few girls looked over at her. One girl was staring at her wide-eyed. She had been worried her appearance would be too attractive. Her sister suggested dying her hair which worked, for about fifteen minutes before it went back to normal. It was the same with cutting it, when she tried to cut it shorter than the middle of her back it just grew back in a few hours. 

     “Welcome students,” cried a voice over the speakers as the doors closed behind them. “I am the headmistress, Clarise Wonderdyne. You have joined this prestigious academy. Founded nearly two hundred years ago by Brindt Howen. He dedicated this academy to his wife Alessa Howen, who he said was like a saint. She cared for those less fortunate than her, protected the innocent, and always lent a helping hand to others in need.”

     She had apparently given this speech often as some of the older girls were busy looking at their phones. She seemed not to care though as she continued speaking.

     “You will be instilled with those same values so that you made go out and exhibit the same saintly behavior. Now if you will please line up according to your name and wait in line, you’ll receive your class schedule as well as your uniforms. Starting tomorrow you will be expected to wear them. Part of your grade will be maintaining your appearance so make sure you keep yourself in order.”

     Without any warning she turned and walked off the stage, some people clapped but most simply went to their lines. 

     Boreas floated through the wall and came over to her. “Hey Mom, there's something weird about this school. Whenever you can I’d like to show you. I don't think it's dangerous though so you don't have to worry.”

     She nodded, once again wishing she could speak to him without anyone else noticing. She could go into spirit form but people were sure to notice her just disappear. As the lines grew smaller the auditorium grew more silent. The girls after receiving their class schedules left to them. Finally, it was Titania’s turn, as she stepped forward the person behind the table started to ask her name but stopped upon seeing her. She stared deeply into Tia’s eyes before shaking her head as if to clear it.  

     “Name please,” she said somewhat dreamily.

     “Titania Neyri,” she replied giving her new name.

     “Ah yes here you are,” she said as she ruffled through some papers. “Take these to the student store and you’ll be given your books and uniform. Your locker number is written on your schedule.”

     “Is there a padlock or do I need to bring one?”

     “They will give you one at the school store.”

     “Thank you,” she replied then turned and left. As she walked she saw people turn to stare at her. It was gonna take her a while to get used to this.

     “Hello,” started a cheery voice from behind her.