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As you may have noticed, I haven't updated this in a while. That's mostly because I've got a bit of a writers block on this series. I already know what's going to happen and how it's going to happen, but I can't find the motivation to write it. I keep telling myself that I'll start writing tomorrow, and I just can't. As much as I hate to do this, I'm going to let this story sit for a while. Hopefully I can come back to it soon, but I honestly don't know when I will. I don't want to force myself to write and do it badly. I know that this is short and probably doesn't explain things as well I think it does, but it's better than writing the same thing in eight different ways just to explain burnout and writers block. So, I'll cut it short.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully I'll be able to come back to this series soon.