Chapter 0
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Sitting in an empty room a boy, or perhaps a girl sat alone at a table. Looking at him, or her, it wasn’t obvious if it was a boy or girl. It, at thirteen(?), had shoulder length black hair and dark brown eyes. It wore a brown jacket, gray pants, and brown boots. It looked like a normal boy, or maybe girl, one that you could find walking the streets or maybe even helping out in the stables. Unfortunately, it was suspected of being otherwise.

For what felt like several minutes, it waited in it’s chair, in this interrogation room. The reason for this was because they had the idea that it was an assassin that participated in the attempted kidnapping of the crowned princess. It certainly was a shame that they were correct, not that they could prove that. It was also a shame that things were much more complicated than that.

The door at the far end of the room opened up and three of its captors walked in. The first was a tall, older woman with short brown hair. She was named Athena, and as far as Etrius was concerned, she was the other two’s keeper. Her dark green uniform had little in the way of decorations, only a silver fox head emblem showing her rank. Her light green eyes looked at it with sympathy for its predicament. The next was a similarly dressed, and overly familiar girl. She, with her long blond hair and hazel eyes refused to look at it, very clearly annoyed. This was Lucy, the twenty year old girl whose mission it was to capture it. The third was a similarly aged tall blond haired boy with green eyes. This was Duncan, Lucy’s “partner”.


“So Etrius, here's the deal.” The tall woman said, placing a large paper in front of it. “We might have a way to get you back your memory, but there are some things you need to agree with.”


To reclaim it’s memory. This is what they wanted. A way to prove that it is an assassin. And with its memory, they can prove it. What they didn’t know was that it did in fact already have it’s memory. In truth, it never lost it, it had just lied because it didn’t want to be imprisoned or executed. Imagine that. Lucy knew this, but given her reputation, there was no one who believed her, and even if they did, they had no way to prove it. Etrius just needed to play its cards right and it would be free to go. But Lucy was making things difficult.

Looking at this scene, one would wonder how things became like this. Why was a thirteen year old accused of being an assassin and attempting to kidnap the princess? Funny story that is…