Chapter 5
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Several minutes later, Etrius sat on a log with the bodies of the two assassins in front of it. Jordan and Lim had asked it to move the bodies, but in reality, Etrius knew that they were going to talk about what they should do with it. Given the fact that Etrius easily killed two fully grown men who claimed to be assassins, it was fairly obvious that they would wonder if Etrius was safe to be around.

No matter what they decided however, Etrius would be fine with the outcome. It’s hunger for the time being at least, was satisfied and it would likely be able to make it to a town since it was on a road.

That aside, Etrius searched the two assassins. It didn’t recognize them from the guild, but given their belongings, the two were members for a long time. Etrius sighed at this. Despite being assassins, they were still unprepared for any sneak attacks. They, as always, didn’t expect others to use their tactics against them. With a reluctance to evolve, it was no surprise that they were failing.

Searching their pockets, it gathered what money they had taken, and then some. It also decided to keep the knife for itself. Although proving that it didn’t need it, a knife was still good for killing and also cutting ropes.

Looking up at the sky, it wondered if Jordan and Lim had finished their talk yet. It didn’t want to interrupt them, but if they were finished, Etrius didn’t want them to think that it ran off. To be safe, it gave it a few more minutes. In this time, it tried it’s magic, but again, it was no use, negotiations with the unionizers were still ongoing. With that over, Etrius headed back to the carriage ready for the worst, but hopeful for the best.

Walking back, it saw the two standing there waiting. Jordan was still shaking, and Lim was only slightly better. Internally sighing, Etrius figured what they wanted to say, so it decided to save them the trouble.


“Sorry about what had happened.” Etrius apologized. “Here's what money that they took, and thank you for taking care of me.”

“Wha-” Jordan started.

“I won’t bother you anymore. Again, thanks for taking care of me, and it was nice meeting you.” Etrius said turning away.

“Wait just one moment!” Jordan said.

“?” Etrius looked at her.

“We should be the ones thanking you, not the other way around.” Jordan said, still shaking.


Pausing to collect herself, she took a deep breath and, along with Lim, the two bowed.


“Thank you for saving us.” The two said.

“What?” Etrius asked slightly surprised.

“Thank you for saving us from the assassins.” Jordan said.

“You did see me kill them, right?” It asked. “That guy I blinded and the guy I gutted like a pig?“

“Yes, and what you did was frightening, but the alternative would have been worse.” She said.

“And I thank you.” Lim said. “Not only for protecting my lady, but also me.”

“Okay, well you helped me earlier, so I was only returning the favor.” Etrius said.

“What you did was much more than returning the favor.” Lim pointed out.

“I agree, we must repay you.” Jordan said.

“You already fed me.” Etrius pointed out.

“That was worth much more than a simple meal.” Lim said.

“Yes.” Jordan nodded. “And it wouldn’t feel right leaving a young boy(?) girl(?) out here by herself.”

“So, you’re going to take me to the next town?” It asked.

“So, you’re a girl?” Lim asked.

“No.” Etrius said.

“In that case, you are a boy?” Jordan asked.

“No.” Etrius said.

“Wait…” Lim said, thinking.

“If you aren't a boy or a girl, what are you?” Jordan asked.

“I’m Etrius.” Etrius said.

“Etrius, are you a boy or a girl?” Lim asked.

“No.” Etrius said.

“...” Jordan and Lim looked at each other.

“Okay…” Jordan said, confused. “I’ll just assume that you are a girl.”

“Wrong.” Etrius said.

“So a boy?” Lim asked.

“Still wrong.” Etrius said.

“Should we call you a boy or a girl?” Jordan asked.

“Call me what you will, but know that it is not the truth.” Etrius said.

“Okay… Etrius sounds like a boy’s name, so let's go with a boy?” She said.

“Fine by me.” It shrugged.

“But look at her.” Lim said. “She looks like a girl.”

“He does, but what sounds more likely. A ten year old girl killing two grown men, or a ten year old boy?” Jordan asked.

“Neither of those sound likely.” Lim said.

“I think I’m thirteen.” Etrius said.

“Oh that's right, you have amnesia.” Jordan suddenly remembered. “Could it be that you don’t remember your gender?”

“In that case, you can just look.” Lim pointed out.

“Yes, I could.” Etrius said clearly not going to do it.

“Okay, well let’s leave this matter alone and clean up this mess.” Jordan said, seeing that they were getting nowhere.

“Agreed.” Lim said.


Etrius nodded and did its best to help out in the clean up. Of course it didn’t know where everything went, but with Jordan and Lim in a rush to get to the safety of a town, their things were mostly placed where they would fit. Once everything was cleaned up, Lim took the reins and led the horses down the road. Etrius was sitting up in front in between Jordan and Lim, not that it knew why. The seat was small and the three had to squeeze in. To Etrius, this made no sense as there was clearly enough room in the back. Little did it know, the two of them were still trying to figure out if Etrius was a boy or girl. Despite their best guesses, they were unable to figure out.

After several hours of riding, mostly in silence, they finally entered the town. It looked around, eyes constantly moving through the crowd, looking for someone. Despite how hard it looked, it, thankfully, couldn't find Lucy or anyone dressed like her. Etrius didn't want to be captured and threatened with death as this had happened far too much in these past few days.

Wandering the town for a bit, they unfortunately were unable to find any available room in the inn. Their plan was to camp just outside of town. Once the horses were fed and watered, they headed into the streets. Walking the streets, Etrius kept its eyes moving searching for Lucy or any other rangers


“Etrius…?” Jordan asked looking in the distance.

“Yes?” Etrius replied.

“Are you hungry?” She asked.

“Didn't we eat not long ago?” Lim asked.

“That was hours ago.” Jordan said. “So are you hungry?”

“I can eat.” It stated a fact.

“Then it's decided.” Jordan said happily.


Without hesitation she grabbed both Lim and Etrius's hands and walked to a nearby store. Before entering however, she stopped and looked distressed. Reaching down, she felt her stomach and looked at Etrius.


“Do you think I'm too big?” Jordan asked.

“I think you're fine just the way you are.” Etrius said.

“W-what are you saying?!” She exclaimed, red in the face.

“You really are trying to win her heart aren’t you?” Lim smiled.

“No, I was only saying what I thought.” It said. “Did I say something weird?”

“Could you just not?” Jordan asked.

“Not what?” It asked.

“Could you not do what you're currently doing?” She said. “It's unsettling. I don’t know how I should feel.”

“No, please keep doing it.” Lim smiled. “It's entertaining.”

“I don't know what you mean.” It feigned ignorance.

“Just be yourself.” Lim said.

“Don't say anything that may embarrass me.” Jordan said.

“And what would embarrass you?” It asked.

“Saying things like you just said!” She said. “Don't ever say that again! In fact, don't say that kind of thing to any women so suddenly!”

“Does the truth bother you that much?” It asked. “In that case I will refrain.”

“That's not what I meant!” She said.

“Lady Hunt, I don't mean to intrude, but people are staring.” Lim said.


Looking at the nearby crowd, they found that it was true. People were in fact staring at them. An elderly couple smiled at them, and another girl with her friend seemed interested in them. Although, given the looks on their faces, it was not hard to assume that they were thinking of immoral acts. There were of course many others, who smiled, but they looked confused as they tried to decide if Etrius was a boy or a girl. Regardless, how it actually was, many assumed that they were family in the way they interacted. Perhaps siblings or even mother and child.

Looking at Jordan, her face was very red as her eyes darted about. In the end, she grabbed Etrius’ hand and pulled it inside the restaurant without saying a thing. It took several minutes for her to calm down after that, but the buffet style restaurant worked wonders for her heart and stomach.

Several minutes later, and once Jordan had started talking to it again, it was decided that they would search the town for anyone that recognized Etrius. They wouldn’t have any luck as Etrius very much knew that there was no one around here who would possibly recognize it. Given the fact that it knew that, it decided to stop by a few stores in hopes of finding any new clothes. Unfortunately all of the clerks directed Etrius to the women's clothing. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem but the lack of pockets and bright clothing conflicted with it’s desire for dark, and non eye catching clothing.

Unable to find anything, and with quite some time passed, it decided to go back to the carriage where the three decided to meet up. Those plans however very quickly fell apart. Just a few steps later, and it saw a face that haunted its mind like a ghost does a graveyard. It was Lucy the two made eye contact for just a second, but that's all it took for her to recognize her target. She glared at Etrius with her cold and unforgiving eyes.

Etrius immediately turned and walked away from her, hoping that she wouldn't give chase. Giving one look back, it didn’t take long to realize that she did. With no other choice, it ran. Maybe it could find somewhere to hide, or lose her in the streets. Running by the many stores, two girls walked out, and were startled as it passed. Etrius didn't give it much thought, as it was more focused on not being murdered in the streets.


Walking out of the store, Jordan and Lim carried a pair of matching jackets when a familiar and maybe a bit troubled face moved past them.


“Etrius?” Jordan asked looking down the streets. “Was that Etrius?”

“I believe it was.” Lim said. “Why was she? He? Why was Washington running?”


Before the two could ask any more questions, however, another girl ran past them, knocking Jordan down as she went. Without so much as a glance in their direction, she sprinted down the streets


“Lady Hunt!?” Lim exclaimed, reaching for her. “Are you okay?”

“I'm fine, just startled is all.” She said, grabbing Lim's hand. “How rude of her.”

“Yes, quite rude.” Lim said glaring in her direction.

“Well let's forget about her for now.” She said. “Etrius ran off that way correct?”

“Yes.” Lim said. “Same with the mad women.”

“Lets go and make sure that he(?) isn't in any trouble.” She said.

“Yes, lets.” Lim replied.

Making several twists and turns in the streets, Etrius ran as fast as it could. The whole time it ran, it didn't bother looking back, so for all it knew, it could have already lost her. The first time it bothered to check was when it ran itself into a dead end. Out of breath, Etrius turned and saw the devil herself.

She approached him panting, her eyes wide and crazed, and her hair was all over the place making her look even more insane. Not only that, she smiled as she pulled out a knife.


“You thought you could run you little shit!?” Lucy asked.

“Not going to lie, I totally did.” Etrius said. “So, what do you want?”

“I've been searching for you for two days now!” She said pointing her knife. “I'm not letting you escape this time!”

“Look, I know we may have started on the wrong hand with you trying to capture me and all, but you don't need to anymore.” It explained. “You see, I-”

“Oh no, you're mistaken.” She said walking towards him. “I learned from my mistake, and have decided that I'm not going to capture you!”

“That is a very good thing. Can I go now?” It asked backing itself into a wall.

“I'm going to kill you!” She said moving closer.

“Previous statement redacted.” It said, putting its hands up.

“Prepare to die!” She said charging him.

“Escape prioritized.” It said rolling under the knife.


With no words, Lucy swung at Etrius giving it no time to escape. Once again, Etrius barely managed to dodge it, the knife cutting through its shirt. Startled by how close the blade got, it was surprised by a kick in the gut. It fell on its back, and was winded when Lucy jumped on it. She raised her knife above her head, and swung it down at it’s chest. With barely any time to react, Etrius managed to stop the blade mere inches from its target.


“Any last words?” Lucy asked, pushing the knife closer.


“Yes! Just three!” Etrius thought.

“Now is not the time for that!” Etrius replied. “Any ideas?”

“Accept death.” One came in.

“That’s a horrible idea.” Etrius countered.
“Call for help.” Another came in.

“Why didn’t I think of that?” Etrius asked.

“Maybe because we are idiots?” Etrius suggested.

“Or maybe because some bastards are more concerned with protesting then getting fucking stabbed!” Etrius said.

“Maybe.” Etrius muttered.


Etriuis cleared its throat, and Lucy, thinking it was about to beg for its life, decided to humor it.


“HELP!” Etrius called out.

“Huh?” Lucy asked, not at all expecting someone close to death to call out for help.


In that moment, her grip on her knife loosened. Etrius noticed this and used the last of its strength to throw the knife out of reach.


“Haha, you have fallen for my brilliant deception.” Etrius said rather smugly.

“...” Lucy, unamused, proceeded to pull out a knife from her boot.

“Previous statement retracted…” Etrius sighed.

“Is that all?” Lucy asked.


“My god!” A familiar and terrified voice cried out.


Lucy looked up in surprise and saw a well dressed girl and her maid. They looked on in horror as Lucy held her knife.


“Guards!” The maid shouted. “Help!”

“Wait!” Lucy said. “This is just a-”

“Get back you fiend!” The well dressed girl said, throwing her jacket.

“No, stop!” Lucy said. “You don't understand she's a-”


She stopped mid sentence as a crowd gathered, and began throwing rocks of various sizes. None of them actually hit, but it was enough to scare Lucy. She looked at the crowd, then back to Etrius.


“I'll get you next time!” Lucy said, sounding like a villain, and jumping off it.

“Hey Lucy.” Etrius said quiet enough that only she heard.

“?” She turned to look at him.

“Bitch.” It said.


Anger surged through Lucy, so much so, that she kicked Etrius in the face. The crowd gasped at this ruthless display as they had not heard Etrius’ provocation.


“Weh!” Etrius let out a rather pathetic cry and covered it’s face.


Realizing what she had done, Lucy panicked and decided to flee the scene. Even if she did explain that she was a ranger, that would do no good. This region, like few others, held little to no respect for her organization. And if she told them who she was, the rangers as a whole would suffer. Making haste, she jumped onto the wall and quickly climbed out of reach. Not even looking back, she ran off, and away from the crowd.

Only with Lucy gone, did Jordan and Lim feel brave enough to rush forwards. Propping Etrius against a wall, the two looked at it in worry. Moving away its hands, they saw its tear stricken face and bloodied nose. Quickly pulling out her handkerchief, Jordan did her best to stop the bleeding. This time however, Etrius didn't need to fake tears due to a pain it was unused to feeling. Realizing what state it was in, Etrius pulled its clothes together in an attempt to cover itself. This move made the male onlookers turn away. Seeing this, Lim used her jacket to cover it, or as it was decided at that moment, to cover “her”.


“Etrius are you okay?” Jordan asked worriedly.

“I’m okay.” Etrius said, attempting to get up.

“It’s okay, you don't need to push yourself.” Jordan said, thinking that “she” was trying to act strong.

“She didn’t do anything to you did she?” Lim asked.

“I’m fine.” It said, although from how it looked and sounded, Etrius wasn’t very convincing.


Moments later, there was a commotion in the crowd. Looking over, Etrius panicked as it saw two armored guards moving in his direction. Had Lucy informed them to take Etrius in?


“Out of the way!” Once shouted.

“Move it!” The other said.


Etrius tried to flee, but Jordan and Lim kept it sitting assuming “she” was only scared. With escape impossible, it was decided that all witnesses needed to die to ensure it’s safety. That also unfortunately also included Jordan and Lim, which was a shame. Before Etrius could begin the blood bath, and much to its surprise, when the guards broke through the crowd, they knelt down at its side instead of arresting it or reaching for their weapons.


“What happened to you girl?” One of the guards asked.

“She was attacked by some crazy women!” Yelled a man from the crowd.

“Quiet down!” Said the guard looking at the crowd.

“...” The crowd fell silent.

“It’s okay, she’s gone.” The guard said. “Tell us, what happened?”

“From the start.” Said the second.


“Oh my god, they don’t know.” Etrius thought.

“What should we do?” Etrius asked.

“You know exactly what we should do.” Etrius said.

“Let’s con these suckers!” Etrius agreed.


“Well…” Etrius started. “I was waiting in the town to meet up with my friends, when suddenly I was confronted by that predator.”

“Oh my!” Lim gasped.

“We made eye contact, and I could tell from the way that she looked at me, that I was her target.” Etrius said.

“You poor thing…” Jordan said holding it close.

“I tried to run, but she was too quick!” It said teary-eyed. “She pushed me down with her brutish man hands and tried to have her sick way with me!”

“Oh Etrius…” Jordan said comforting it.

“It's okay.” The guard said. “Well find this predator.”

“Go to South Shore inn.” The other guard said. “The inn keep is an old friend of mine, tell him Maywood sent you. You’ll get a free room and dinner on the house.”

“Thank you.” Jordan said. “Etrius, let's go. It'll be safe there.”

“That monster will haunt my dreams for years to come...” Etrius muttered.


Escorted by Jordan and Lim, Etrius headed to the inn. It could not believe its luck. Not only did it get rid of Lucy, but it also got a free room, and dinner for all of them. So today was productive; it didn't find anyone that knew it, rather expected, but still productive.

For quite some time after, Jordan and Lim were right by its side, guarding it from any unseen threats, or as Jordan explained it, “sexual predators”. It was a bit uncomfortable with how close they were, but it was nothing it was unused to. Aside from that sleeping on an actual bed would be nice for a change.

The room was a small one, with two beds, a table with a chair, and a changing blind next to a small closet. It wasn't what it expected, but it was better than nothing. Currently Etrius, with a new set of clothes, was behind the blind and Jordan sat on one of the beds with Lim at her side.


“Hey… Etrius?” Jordan asked, looking at the floor.

“Yes, I am Etrius?” Etrius asked, putting on it’s new shirt.

“I'm sorry for asking, but what happened?” She asked.

“With the predator?” It asked.

“No…” She said. “I'm talking about your body.”

“My body?”

“You're burned.”

“Oh.” Etrius said looking down.


It was the truth. Much of its body was covered in burns. Only its arms and head seemed to be free of burns. These burns, it had acquired during what many in this kingdom known as The Great Fire. An event six years ago where an entire city was set about by a monstrous, cursed flame. Not many survived, but it was one of them. Not many knew what had transpired, and those that did, were unable to understand it. Often contradicting themselves or making completely false statements trying to explain that which they were unable to understand.

Etrius of course knew the truth, but it wouldn’t say it. It did after all, “have amnesia” and if it didn’t why would it bother telling others something they wouldn’t believe? Knowing this, Etrius sighed.


“Well I don’t remember.” Etrius said. “I’m sorry.”

“No, there's no need to apologize.” Jordan said. “I’m sure that even if you could, it's not something you would want to talk about.”

“I suppose so.” It said.

“Tell me, does ‘The Great Fire’ sound familiar to you?” She asked.

“The great fire?” Etrius asked.

“Yes, several years ago the city Eries burned down. Survivors said that the fire started abruptly, but this was no normal fire. The flames were said to be a deep blue and that it moved rapidly, as if it was chasing people. My father said that it was a magical disaster and that ‘the cursed flames’ followed anyone with the ability to use magic. Because of that, most of the residents had died. More than half of them left no bodies.” Jordan explained. “Even now, we have no clue how many died.”

“Is that so…” Etrius asked.

“Yes.” Jordan said. “It might be possible that you are from there.”

“Maybe.” Etrius said, finishing changing.


Stepping out from behind the blind, it saw Jordan and Lim quickly turn their heads away. Were they perhaps trying to figure out what was beneath Etrius’ pants? In truth, it wouldn’t mind if they did see, but it would likely be troublesome if they did. Pushing that out of its mind, Etrius sat on the lone chair. Its face did still hurt from being kicked, but luckily Jordan managed to stop the bleeding. Still though, it did have to be careful as it wouldn’t help anyone if the bleeding started again.

Turning back to it, Jordan smiled and clapped her hands.


“Well, now that you have finished changing, we can order food if you like.” Jordan said. “Of course we can have it sent here if you prefer it.”

“If I’m being honest, I’m kind of tired.” He said.

“In that case the beds are ready. We can go to sleep right away.” She said.

“Right.” It said looking at the two beds. “I guess I’ll sleep on the floor.”

“No need, we can share.” Jordan said.

“It may be a bit cramped, but we will be fine.” Lim smiled.

“Um, are you sure?” Etrius asked.

“Yes, me and Lim have shared a bed before.” Jordan said. “It’s nothing to worry about. Unless it is that you wish to share a bed with one of us, not that we would mind.”

“In that case, I’ll be heading to sleep.” It said climbing into the bed by itself. “Good night.”

“Good night Etrius.” Jordan said.

“Good night Lady Hunt.” Lim said. “Good night Washington.”

“I thought I said you can use my name.” It said.

“I'm afraid it's in my job description.” Lim smiled. “Now, please get some rest.”

“There's no need to tell me twice.” It said.