Chapter 58
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Though it had no real plans for the day Etrius entered the inn that the scuccbi were residing in. Due to the time being just after breakfast, the dining room which served as a welcoming room was empty. The innkeeper, who was kind enough to let it use the kitchen, was wiping down tables. Seeing it, she smiled and waved, thankful for treats for the staff last night.


"Ah! Sir Washington." Iris called out.


Walking up to the door, and subsequently Etrius, Iris smiled as he kids followed close behind. Given the fact that they had a rare treat last night, the four were more than a little happy, despite their circumstances. Before Etrius could even greet them, Iris once more spoke out.


"What's the plan for today?" She asked.

"That depends, is there anything you need to do?" Etrius asked.

"No, nothing in this town at least." She said.

"Then, shall we head to the next town?" Etrius asked.

"If that's what you want to do." She said.

"Then pack up, we can leave as soon as you're ready." It said.

"Okay!" She nodded enthusiastically.


Apparently, cake did more than just a little to help their moods. That was something to keep in mind if they ever got depressed. Iris, and her children, rushed up to their room to pack up what they had. As they did so, the innkeeper approached it.


"So, those are your kids?" She asked.

"No, I'm just helping them out." Etrius said.

"You're a generous one, you know that right?" She asked.

"I'm not as generous as you might think." It said.

"Well, those kids are lucky to have you." She said. "Take care of them."

"That is the plan." It said.

"And if you ever come back to town, feel free to stop by. We'll keep a room open for you." She said.

"I'll keep that in mind." Etrius said.

"You can even stay in mine if you want." She smiled.

"That's quite the offer." It said.


Not quite sure if she succeeded or not, she went back to her job before any customers, or potential customers arrived. Not long after, the children made their way back down the stairs, and to Etrius. Thanking the innkeeper, they left the building, and she sent a playful wink towards Etrius.

Making their way through the not too crowded town, the group quickly arrived at the stable. As the children mounted their horses, Etrius hesitated and let out a silent sigh.


"Change of plans." Etrius said, turning towards them.

"Oh, are we staying here?" Iris asked, having lifted Lily onto her horse.

"No." Etrius said. "You go on ahead and leave town. There are some things that I need to buy."

"We can wait for you if you want." Iris said.

"Don't worry, it won't take long." Etrius said. "I'll meet you right outside the gates."

"Oh- okay." She said hesitantly.

"It won't take long. I promise." It said.

"Okay. Stay safe." She said.

"Try not to talk to any strange people." It said.


Seeing them off, Etrius exited the stable and headed towards the guild. Now, Etrius had no plans of entering the guild or even participating with it, but there was something important that it needed to do there. As the building came into view, a familiar figure came into view holding a box like contraption.


"Washington!" Alister called out.

"Haywood." Etrius said, not at all surprised. "Need something?"

"Yes, smile for me." He said holding up the box.


Etrius did not smile. Etrius was wearing a helmet. With a flash of light, a slip of paper emerged from the box, with a developing photo.


"Any reason for that?" Etrius asked.

"Well, since we have no real way to contact you, and that you neglected to tell us the name of the 'rookie party' you're helping, we needed some way to identify you." He said.

"That seems reasonable." Etrius said.

"You are very difficult to talk to." He said.

"That is not the first time I heard that." It said.

"Then why not try and change?" He asked.

"I'm just here for work." It said.

"Right, well good luck with those kids." He said. "If there's anything we can do to help, we'll send word your way."

"That's good." It said. "Thank you for that."

"Just show up at any guild if you need anything. Oh and I can introduce you to the local guild master if you wish." He suggested.

"Unfortunately I'm a bit busy at the moment. So some other time." It said.

"I see." He said. "Well good day to you."

"And you." It said.


Parting ways with Alister, Etrius turned into an ally and teleported back to the stable. Maul, surprised by its sudden appearance, neighed in greeting. With only horses to bear witness Etrius transformed its appearance. Instead of having its somewhat modern looking clothing and armor, Etrius changed into a somewhat average height elvish woman with silver hair, gray eyes, and a young looking face. As for its clothing, a gray shirt, brown pants, a black leather jerkin, and a moss green cloak. At its side was a set of two knives, one large and one small, and on its back was a quiver with a set of black arrows and dark longbow.

Smiling at the surprised Maul, Etrius stroked his mane to calm him. Maul, for better or worse, recognized its master.


"Sorry for the surprise bud, be we got to go." Etrius said, flipping its hood up, it’s hair turning black. "Through rather unorthodox means."

"…" Maul looked at it as if it wanted an explanation.


Not bothering to do so in the slightest, Etrius teleported itself and Maul outside the city out of the eyes of others. Maul was obviously greatly surprised not only because the two were in a new place entirely, but because he now had a saddle on his back. Maul now neighed angrily and demanded an explanation. Seeing that there was no other way, Etrius shrugged and used its 'get out of jail free card'.


"It's magic." Etrius smiled mischievously.

"…" Maul looked at Etrius with disappointment.

"Look, I disappoint myself, but there's going to be a lot more of that in the future, so try not to get too worked up about it." Etrius said. "Now, let's go meet up with the kids."


Hopping onto the saddle, Etrius directed Maul towards the road. Luckily there were no issues or reports of "suspicious" individuals emerging from the forest, as hunters and guild members did so often. Etrius, by the looks of it, was one of many by those accounts. Although considering that it had nothing on it, it looked to be an unsuccessful hunt.

On the road, not far from the gates, were Iris and her children. They were looking back at the gates in worry and not at all paying attention to Etrius. Thinking that it would be fun to sneak up behind them and scare them, it thought better and instead called out to them. The four of them, surprised, looked at it cautiously. Though considering the fact that they didn't run away or ignore it, it was good. Riding up besides them, Etrius reintroduced itself.


"Hey, it's me, Etrius." Etrius said.

"I'm sorry?" Iris asked, confused.

"""…""" Lily, Rose, and Violet looked at it with suspicion.

"I'm a robot." Etrius said. "I can change how I look."

"…" Iris looked a bit creeped out.

"Hang on." Etrius said.


Opening up its cloak Etrius pulled out it’s helmet, put it on and changed its voice.


"Recognize me now?" It asked.

"Sir Washington!?" Iris exclaimed.

"Yeah," It said, removing the helmet and changing its voice. "I didn't explain it but as a robot, I can change my appearance whenever I want. This one in particular is one that I haven't used in a while."

"Wait, are you actually a woman?" She asked.

"Nope." Etrius said. "I can be one if I need to but usually not."

"So…" She started.


Iris took a moment as her eyes darted about as if trying to connect the dots. As Etrius read her mind, it knew that she had no explanation for this. However, looking at her kids, it was obvious that she was the only one who was trying to figure things out. They simply looked at Etrius in wonder, and Lily held her arms out as if wanting a gift. Taking out the creature Lily referred to as "Pepper", Etrius handed it over and looked to Iris.


"Sorry to interrupt you, but we should get going." Etrius said, patting her shoulder. "It's going to be a three day trip to the next town."

"R-right…" Iris said. "What town are we going to anyway?"

"Some place called Klean." Etrius said. "It looks to be the fastest path towards the city."

"Klean?" Iris asked. "What's up with the name?"

"That would be funny if it was dirty." Rose said.

"Isn't that a bad place?" Violet asked.

"What do you mean by ' bad place’?" Etrius asked.

"Now that you mention it," Iris said, placing a hand on her chin, "They say that people that hear of it don't come back alive."

"What if they hear about it when they aren't there?" Etrius asked.

"Well…" Iris paused.

"I heard that perverts go there." Violet said.

"If perverts go there, then is it filled with perverts?" Rose asked.

"But when people go there they don't come back alive." Iris said.

"What if they stay there?" Rose asked.

"Then it might be filled with perverts?" Iris said.

"What if the reason that people don't come back is because they don't like perverts and they get arrested or something?" Etrius suggested.

"Must have a big prison." Iris nodded.

"What's a pervert?" Lily asked, petting Pepper.

"Someone who does obscene things in public?" Iris said.

"What's obscene?" Lily asked.

"When you do something weird like eat worms." Violet said.

"Am I a pervert?" Rose asked.

"No." Iris quickly said. "We are not perverts. Perverts are people that have fetishes."

"What's a fetish?" Lily asked.

"It's like-" Iris hesitated. "It's…"

"Do you have a fetish?" Violet asked.

"No!" Iris said rather quickly.

"Do you?" Rose asked Etrius.

"I’m a robot." Etrius said.

"Okay." Rose said.


With the difficult questions done for the time, the group continued along their way and eventually at sunset on their third day entered a town full of nothing but maids.

Waiting for them along the path into town and in front of what looked to be an elevated sign with the town name on it, was a line of seven maids. Organized with the shortest on either end and the tallest in the center, their leader, a lovely tall woman with shining golden hair in a neat bun, and bright green eyes with a soft smile greeted them


"Welcome masters." She said kindly.


As her black and white dress and head dress fluttered in the wind, she bowed. As she did so, one couldn't help but notice her chest which was barely held at bay with some rather sturdy buttons and help from her apron which looked to be a bit too tight. Lowering herself to waist level, the maids at her side followed her example with a smile.


"""Welcome masters!""" The maids greeted enthusiastically.


As she began to rise, suddenly lost balance and fell over.


“Weh!?” She made a pathetic sound.


Landing face first, remained motionless. The maids behind her kept smiling, acting as if nothing happened. Quickly standing up, she smiled at them. A lock of her hair was parted from the rest and covered her eye. With a graceful motion, she tucked it behind her ear. Though in all honesty, Etrius, Iris, and her kids' eyes locked on her chest. Those buttons that held them back met with a terrible fate. Noticing this, she covered herself with her arms.


"Masters. Would you like a meal? A bath? Or perhaps… Fufufu" She covered her mouth with one of her hands, giving them a glimpse of what she was holding back.


Glancing at Iris, Etrius saw that she was speechless at this spectacle. It almost wanted to take a picture to remember this moment. Etrius looked back at the maids, who were awaiting their answer.


"I…" Iris started.

"…" Etrius looked at her.

"I don't like this place…" Iris managed to spit out.