Bandit Camp and Intuition.
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The rain continued to fall from the sky, creating a gentle and pleasant sound that blended with the wind to create a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. But for Fang Xue, the rainy night only reminded her of the tragedy that had occurred in the village, with the bodies of innocent villagers scattered around her.

With the bandits' space rings in her possession, Fang Xue began to search through each one of them for information. Low-grade Qi stones, healing pills, and some common items were the first objects she found.

Fang Xue regretted not leaving a bandit alive to lead her to their base, but then she came across a map, which sparked a glimmer of hope in her heart.

The map showed the forest, Cloud City, and some nearby villages. And somewhere near the village she was in, there was a red circle. Fang Xue didn't need to think twice to understand that this was the location of the bandits' base.

With the map in hand and renewed determination, she set off with Li Qiang in her arms towards the criminals' camp.

"Li'er, could you tell me a little more about the Heart Demons?" Fang Xue asked, curious about the subject.

"Sure," replied Li Qiang. "They are born from fears, doubts, traumas, insecurities, and other negative emotions. They can be considered a race, especially when they manage to take over a person's body.

"Despite having "Demons" in their name, they are separated from the demonic race, as even they can have Heart Demons. When these Heart Demons are born and take over someone's body, their mission is to corrupt people and spread chaos throughout the world.

"When someone starts to create a Heart Demon, they subtly affect the person's mind so that the cultivator either dies or, luckily, takes over the cultivator's body. The only way to win against these Heart Demons is to overcome the fear, trauma, or other negative emotion from which the Demon was born, but this is not easy.

"However, if someone has a Heart Demon and manages to overcome it, they will notice some benefits. The person's soul will receive a cleansing, becoming purer, which is great for later cultivation realms. In addition, the mind will become clearer and the person will become more attuned to their own emotions, increasing the cultivator's understanding of Techniques, Skills, and Laws," Li Qiang explained, marveling Fang Xue with the information.

Fang Xue understood that in the future, she would have to be always prepared to deal with Heart Demons. She knew that the next Heart Demon she encountered would be more difficult to handle, but now she had a better idea of what to expect.


In the middle of a dense forest, about 500 miles from the village where Fang Xue was, the full moon shone brightly over a cluster of houses. The place appeared magical at first glance, but the reality was far from it. It was a den of violence and cruelty.

Two men were conversing, ignoring the moans and screams coming from the surrounding houses. One of them was a chubby man, with a poorly groomed beard and yellow teeth, while the other was large and muscular.

"As soon as Boss Yun reaches the Half-Step Qi Sense Realm, nothing can stop us," the chubby man said in a loud, rough tone.

"Don't worry about Boss Yun so much; Boss Bai has been attempting to enter the Qi Sense Realm for some time, and if he succeeds, we will be even more daring in our attacks," the muscular man replied with a sinister laugh.

They exchanged jokes and laughs, completely indifferent to the screams of pain that were echoing through the surrounding houses. It didn't seem like they had any compassion for the women who were being forced to submit to their wills.

"I can't wait to try that girl they say is a divine beauty," the chubby man spoke with lust in his voice.

"Don't try anything," the muscular man said in a warning tone, although a perverse gleam in his eyes indicated that he was also eager to have his turn.

The fat man quickly changed the subject, talking about the need to switch guard shifts in order to avoid risking the Chief's anger.

Before the muscular man could respond, he saw the world spin and his consciousness slowly fade into darkness, but he still managed to catch a glimpse of a pair of gray and cold eyes, filled with a murderous intent that sent a deep fear into his soul, even in his next life.


Fang Xue ran for two hours until she got close to the bandits' camp, which looked more like a small village. As she approached, she noticed two men guarding the place. She focused all her Asura Energy and her ears to listen better, but as she did so, her face became emotionless.

Fang Xue heard cries of pain and moans coming from the houses and didn't need to think much to understand what was happening, which increased her disgust for the bandits.

However, she heard something that made her hesitate for a moment: the leaders were breaking through to the next cultivation realm. One was entering the Mid-Step of the Qi Sense Realm and the other was entering the Qi Sense Realm!

Although she had confidence in her strength, Fang Xue knew she wouldn't stand a chance against someone in the Mid-Step of the Qi Sense Realm, let alone someone in the Qi Sense Realm. She was hesitating, but her intuition told her that there could be great benefits to facing this seemingly impossible situation.

'You can go,' said Li Qiang in a proud tone, calming Fang Xue's nerves. 'Sometimes we have to follow our intuitions; reason can't explain everything. Besides, you seem to forget about me. I can't kill someone in the Qi Sense Realm, but I can make you run away from one.'

Fang Xue thought for a moment and decided to follow her intuition. She quietly took out her saber and sword from her spatial ring and used her Asura Star Power and Asura Energy to swiftly cut off the heads of the two guards.

With a red glow in her eyes, the red star in her soul trembled slightly, spreading energy throughout her soul. A semi-transparent book form started to be created in Fang Xue's soul.

'It's time to kill,' thought Fang Xue with determination shining in her eyes.

I'm sorry for the delay of chapters, but I've recently been in a gigantic sadness and unwillingness, and for a moment, I thought about deleting the whole Novel, however, I decided against it and continue with the Novel and all that because of some people who always supportive in some way and who want to continue reading what I write, thank you all so much.