Chapter 2 – Adventurers’ Guild
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As Lin Feng walked through the town, he couldn't help but marvel at the sights around him. The buildings were made of stone and had intricate carvings and decorations, and the people were of all shapes and sizes, wearing different clothes and speaking different languages.

He decided to take a closer look at some of the shops, hoping to learn more about this new world. The first shop he entered was a weapon store, where he saw all kinds of swords, axes, and other weapons hanging on the walls.

"Wow, these are some impressive weapons," Lin Feng said to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper, a middle-aged man with a bushy beard, grinned. "Aye, they are. Are ye lookin' to buy somethin', lad?"

Lin Feng shook his head. "No, I'm just curious. I'm new to this town and trying to learn more about it."

The shopkeeper's grin faded a bit. "Ah, I see. Well, ye should know that this ain't no ordinary town. There be creatures out there that could tear ye apart in seconds if ye ain't careful."

Lin Feng nodded, taking the warning seriously. "Thanks for the advice. By the way, do you know anything about adventurers in this town?"

The shopkeeper brightened up again. "Aye, I do. The Adventurers Guild is where ye'll find 'em. They're the ones who take on quests and protect the people from the dangerous creatures out there. If ye're lookin' to become an adventurer yerself, that's where ye'll need to register."

Lin Feng's interest was piqued. "That sounds like something I'd like to do. Where can I find this Adventurers Guild?"

The shopkeeper gave him directions, and Lin Feng set off towards the guild, eager to start his new journey.

As he approached the guild, he saw a large building with the words "Adventurers Guild" written in bold letters above the entrance. Lin Feng took a deep breath and walked inside.

The guild was bustling with activity, with adventurers of all shapes and sizes milling about. Lin Feng walked up to the reception desk, where a woman with short blonde hair and a stern expression sat.

"Hello, I'd like to register as an adventurer," Lin Feng said.

The receptionist looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "Do you have any experience or qualifications?"

Lin Feng shook his head. "No, I'm new to this town. But I'm eager to learn and start my journey as an adventurer."

The receptionist sighed. "Very well, I'll register you. But before you can take on any quests, you'll need to pass the adventurer exam."

"The adventurer exam?" Lin Feng asked, intrigued.

"Yes. It's a series of tests that assess your abilities and determine if you're fit to be an adventurer. The exam is held once a month, and the next one is tomorrow," the receptionist explained.

Lin Feng felt a surge of excitement. "I'll take the exam tomorrow."

"Very well. Here's your registration card. You'll need it to take the exam," the receptionist said, handing him a card.

Lin Feng thanked her and left the guild, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the exam.

As he walked through the town, he realized that he needed a place to stay for the night. He didn't have much money, but he remembered passing a cheap inn on his way to the guild.

He made his way to the inn and approached the owner, a stout man with a bald head.

"Excuse me, sir. Do you have any rooms available?" Lin Feng asked.

The innkeeper looked him up and down. "We have a few rooms left. But they're not free, you know."

Lin Feng swallowed nervously. "How much is a room?"

"Five silver coins per night," the innkeeper said.

Lin Feng's heart sank. He only had a few copper coins on him, nowhere near enough to afford a night's stay.

"Is there any way I can work for a room?" Lin Feng asked.

The innkeeper rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Well, we do need some help around here. If you're willing to work for a few hours, I'll let you stay for the night."

Lin Feng nodded eagerly. "Thank you, sir. I'll do whatever you need me to."

The innkeeper put him to work cleaning tables and sweeping the floors, and Lin Feng worked hard until late into the night. Finally, the innkeeper gave him a small room with a bed and a single candle.

Lin Feng collapsed onto the bed, exhausted but grateful. He had a big day tomorrow, and he needed to be ready for the adventurer exam.