Chapter 3: First blood
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A player currently having a standoff with a monster in the middle of the empty green field. 

Normally the player will understand what them gonna do in such as situation and that is to defeat the foe in front of them but seems like the player currently in here are not other than Rieal, who never play any kind of video game minus some basic from her friend, Angie.

"(How did I get into this situation, to begin with?!)" 

"(I was currently on my way to the cave... but why did I even want to go there in the first place?!)"

Shortly after Lis log off, Rieal decided to head to the place that Lis told her before without really knowing what she meant by leveling up. Rieal doesn't understand what is she even doing.

While Rieal was going in the direction she begin told before, she then came across a monster that look like a rabbit with a horn, and seems like the rabbit didn't seems friendly toward Rieal.

"Errr... Mr. Rabbit, I know both of us don't need to get hurt, I just gonna pass here and everything could settle without the need for anyone to get hurt... right?" 

Said Rieal with a lack of confidence.

As expected the rabbit didn't understand what Rieal are saying but instead it caused the rabbit to become more hostile.


Rieal currently still thinking about how she gonna get out of this situation but seems like her time is up and the rabbit started to charge toward her at insane speed readily stabbing her with their sharp horn.


Rieal who left unprepared then was sent flying due to the impact and she could feel the pain sensation through it.

"Ahh... why you...."

Rieal who was sent flying earlier while holding her stomach gets up and she seems like wanted to repay the pain she just got.

"Egghhh!" The rabbit making a threatening noise.

"...." Rieal stared at the rabbit full of anger.

After the pain in her stomach is gone, Rieal seems doing stretching from top to the bottom and of course, the rabbit become confused by it. After doing so, Rieal slowly approached the rabbit and responding to the approach, the rabbit was ready it attack again.


The rabbit once again charges toward Rieal but this time, Rieal also charges the rabbit although much slower compared to the rabbit, seems Rieal doing that, the rabbit decided to increase its speed but doing so is a fatal mistake.



Rieal immediately dodged the rabbit and in that dodge, she chop the head of the rabbit into the ground causing its horn to stick to it.


The rabbit tries to get its horn out from the ground but it's like the horn went all the way into the ground.

"Hehe... look like someone get their horn stuck... c'mon get your things out from it and stab me with it again."

Rieal taunts the rabbit while enjoying the rabbit suffering from having its horn stuck into the ground.

"Now then, let's see how you like that fur of the stomach of your hold on..."

 Rieal punches her fist into her other hand signing as a death threat against the rabbit.


"Now say your prayer..."

The scream of the rabbit begins to beat up by Rieal using her fist could be heard across the field and the scream of pain the rabbit caused other players in that area to feel a chill for the rest of day fearing some kind of monster eating something alive in a painful matter.

5 minutes later~


"Take that, your stomach-stabbing mouse!"

The rabbit suffers huge damage around its stomach and it's so bad that it will make anyone wonder who could do such a thing to it.

After a while, the rabbit suddenly disappears from the ground and Rieal is usually surprised by such a thing as she always does.



Rieal then sees a blue window similar to Lis before appearing telling her that she has leveled up from level 1 to 2.

"I see... this is how you level up huh?"

Rieal seems much understand how the level-up system works now and now she finally understands why Lis told her to level up in the cave she mention earlier by killing monsters in it.


"Eh?... what's this?"

First Blood

"After stepping out from the city, you Finally claim your first life and this mark the start of your journey, it's doesn't matter if your first kill from attacking other or simply for self-defense, you already show us that you finally start your journey from this day!

Reward: +5 stats to all points.

Rieal was confused with what is she currently seeing but from what she understood, she get an achievement for doing something.

"Hmm... I understand what this thing trying to say but... I still really didn't get it yet at the same time..."

"Wait... now that I think of it... I'm supposed to be able to use magic right?!"

Rieal tries to get the blue window open again and after trying to call for some time it appears.

"Let's see... this is my stats huh?, but that is not what I'm looking for.... where can I see it... Ha!, found you!"

Rieal found the option where she could look for her inventory and there she found the book she have chosen Shortly after she started playing the game a minute ago.

"Now how I gonna take it out... oh?!"

After Rieal presses the book icon, the book suddenly appears from the thin air, and due to instinct, Rieal caught the book in her hands.

"That surprised me... but I guess with this... I could use some kind of magic right?"

Rieal opens the book and what she found are some kind of words on it regarding a spell or something like that on it.

"Although I shouldn't understand what language this is... for some reason I can... maybe it's due to the game I guess?"

Again Rieal is impressed with the game system.

"Let's see... "Mana beam?"... what's that?"

Rieal read the content of the book thoroughly and it was about what kind of skill she could use right now. 

"If the book was right then... I just say Mana beam and it will-"

Suddenly a white light appears from under the book and Rieal who is unable to react to it is caught in an explosion due to it.

"Ahh... my head..."

Rieal was sent flying again but this time due to her doing.

"I didn't know it was gonna explode like that... jeez.."

Rieal gets up from it but unlike before, the damage she felt is much worse than before.

"I never thought I'd hurt myself like this... what luck I'm having here..."


Mana Beam

A simple magic skill that strikes their foe from a safe distance and its long-range abilities make it good at starting a first strike.

Many novice magicians learn this skill as their first magic skill in their journey.

Effect: Lunching 2 beams toward enemies in a range between 5-30 meters.

Cooldown: 5 seconds

"Does that mean... I got this skill already... that's rather quick huh?"

Rieal who never play any game before feels satisfied with what she just got despite its pretty basic skill.

"I would like to try it let's see... oh?!"

Rieal sees a two-horned rabbit that is similar to the rabbit she just kills before with her bare hand and seeing it makes Rieal find it a test subject for her magic.

"Seems like both of them didn't see me yet... the range also in the range my skill..."

Rieal takes a breath in and out and pulls her hand out into the rabbits in front of her.


A white beam surged from Rieal hand and it was flying directly toward the unprepared rabbits.


When the rabbits heard something and both of them start looking around and what they see is a white light appearing in front of them which kills both of the rabbits.

"...woah... that's pretty... strong"

Rieal just kills the rabbits with ease using her magic thinking it's much easier than using her fist.

"Maybe... I could play this game that Angie always begs me to play before... maybe this could be fun..."

Rieal who is happy with the current event decided to continue her way to the cave with confidence and what awaits her there isn't something she would expect at all...

Chapter 3 end