Chapter 9: Unprepared
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Right after Rieal enter the cave, she immediately had an encounter with the monster she face up yesterday but unlike last time, Rieal believe she could beat this monster after investing her stats points as well as owning new skills, not to mention that this monster did not longer had it buff by the game event.

The monster who noticed Rieal's presence immediately become hostile towards her and charged toward her.

"Let's test out this new skill, should we?" 

"Speed enchantment!" 

After activating one of the enchantment skills, Rieal body begins surrounded by a blue aura and she could feel her body become much lighter compared to before she run all the way here.


"Not this time!"

Rieal dodges the monster's attack by moving to the side causing the monster plunging to the cave wall.

"Uhh... that sound so nasty and it's right on the head." Said Rieal who is currently amused with the monster who failed its charge.

The monster slowly stands up after it hurts its head into the cave wall and seemingly wanted to launch another charge toward Rieal who currently still standing but this time it's Rieal turn to do the damage.

"Mana Beam!

An explosion caused by Mana beam after investing some stats points into the intelligence makes far greater damage than it normally does making the area around the magic skill land at the monster filled with black smoke from the explosion which makes Rieal immediately cover her face.

"...Did it work?"

Rieal who covered her face with her hands after the explosion look at the current state of the monster and she could only see a cracking floor where the monster was last time standing after Rieal magic skill hit the monster.

"I... I did it!"

Rieal who easily killed the monster that throw her around like a ragdoll finally have her revenge and she couldn't help but scream for victory after successfully doing it.

"I guess this what people call.... payback time?"


"What's that sound?"

Rieal hears a "pop" sounds from the cracking floor where the monster was killed and she is curious about the noise to approach it and she sees a weird item appear from thin air.

"What's this... an animal skin?" Said Rieal while inspecting the item trying to figure out where it came from.

"Does the monster drop this?... I do hear Angie say that a monster could drop such a thing but this is the first time I ever saw it." 

She understands why the monster drop such an item since she does remember what Angie tell her story when playing a similar game back then, what she couldn't understand is why the last monsters she has killed before like the horned rabbits didn't drop such things even though she already killed those things much time from yesterday even on her way here an hour ago.

"...Why do I even wonder about this in the first place?" Said Rieal remembering that she doesn't know anything about video game and think it's just a rare thing to happen.

After done inspect the item, Rieal put it into her inventory and finds out the item is called "Orge skin" and feels a little disgusted that what she just touched is a dead monster skin.

"What to do next..." Said Rieal while looking around the cave to think of her next plan.

Rieal gather all info she could remember and after thinking for a while she decided to risk it and feeling confident there shouldn't be any problems since her magic skill could make a quick kill on the monster she just killed earlier if she encounter it again and not to mention that the monster buff from yesterday event is no longer here which making the monster in this cave are even weaker.

"Let's enter this cave even deeper, if anything I might discover something interesting If I go deeper." Said Rieal confidently.

Fill with new confidence, Rieal goes deeper into the cave, and just like she thought the same monster appear again she gets blasted by her magic skill and uses her speed enchantment skill to avoid and confused the monster.

"Oh! Another item drop!"

Just like last time, the monster drop variety item and this time she already has 13x Orge skin, 3x Orge horn, and 1x Orge teeth, and similar to last time, Rieal feels disgusted with it.

1 hour later...

"Mana blast..."

Rieal use her magic skill on the same monster but unlike before she feels bored seeing the same monster over and over again and the item drops which she disgusted with becoming increasingly in hundreds of digits in her inventory.

"This again... Aughh... this time it's sticky..." Said Rieal while putting it into her inventory.

Normally, Rieal doesn't even get close to such things but she just couldn't help but wonder if such a thing could be used for future investment since Angie also said that she always takes any item drop since it could be useful in the future and Rieal also have take note of this.

"If this perhaps how the monster seeks revenge on me?... that's not possible right?"

Rieal feel unmotivated by the same things again and again but she has also already leveled up 6 times after killing those monsters over time.

"I think... I'm going to log off from this game if I see the same monster again..." Said Rieal feeling down with the current event.

Rieal already walks very deep into the cave although not much has changed from before, she does feel like it's getting hot when she walks deeper into the cave.

"Although this heat is bearable... it feels uncomfortable with this sweet around me..." Said Rieal while wiping her sweet on her forehead.

Rieal keep walking on the straight path and she noticed that there aren't any more monsters after walking where normally she could jump or encounter them every minute she try to walk.

"Something is not right..." Said Rieal scanning the area around her to look for signs of monsters.

While walking and scanning the area, she step on something that was like a button on her feet and she pull it up, a bright light engulfed her body before she could react to what have happen.

"What the" Said Rieal before everything when black and she felt like couldn't feel anything around her.


".....Aughh... where..." 

Rieal who feels like just been through a wild dream finds herself in an unfamiliar place and looks like inside of ruined temple.

"Does the light... some kind of teleportation trap?" Said Rieal while holding her head which still feels dizzy.



Rieal slipped down after a huge commotion happens in that place and she immediately looks at the source of the sound.

"Die, human!" Said a huge monster welding a lance trying to kill a player.

The Player dodge the attack effortlessly and counter the monster with their magic skill that left a burning mark on the monster's face.

"Ahhhhh!" The monster screams in pain and drops its weapon to the ground enduring the pain.

"So weak...." Said the player who seems disappointed with their enemies.

The monster tries to pick up their weapon but the pain unallow them to do so.

Rieal who sees the current event watches with awe how strong the player who effortlessly beat the strong-looking monster.

"Woah... I wonder how they could finish it out..."

The Player who looks at the monster immediately look in Rieal direction although their face is unclear, their smile face seems from Rieal's location.

Rieal who sees them smiling feels confused about why they do that and before she could process her brain, the player shouts something to her.

"I leave this one to you!" Shout the player to Rieal before running out into the room behind the monster's back.

"Huh?!" Scream Rieal and stand up from her hiding to demean the player's answer.

"Eghh?!.... another human?!" The monster who saw Rieal appear from her hiding immediately pick up their weapon and targeted Rieal as their new foe.

Rieal who is targeted by the monster feels unprepared for such a thing.

"Hahaha... I swear if I beat this thing... I will get my hand off that player..." 

              Chapter 9 ended