Episode 37
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Brace yourself, this is a long one...well longer than usual.
And I wanted to release it to go with the previous episode.
Happy reading!

“In the biological lab, the scientists keep us up to date on the behaviors and tendencies of the demons in captivity and how the tech affects them. It’s where we learn the demon’s strengths and weaknesses to pass along to the academies and Guard.”

Iva introduces me to some of the techs at a workstation. 

"They’re building a new tracking device that will record the demon's brain waves, energy levels, and generate neuro images." I have no idea what that means but he doesn't notice I'm not keeping up. His eyes are wide with excitement. 

“The images are sent back to mission control, and we'll be able to see what the demons see. But it only works if the tracking device is secured directly onto the demon’s head.”

“Not sure if they thought that one through.” I say. The demons most dangerous weapons—their teeth, poisonous drool, fire breath—are on their heads.

Iva makes me observe the techs assembling the mechanical pieces of the tracker before they enter the coding to bring it online. Then it's my turn to add a couple of parts on the next one. But I'm all thumbs. My powers surge the more agitated I am, making my fingers tremble with pent up energy. The mechanics and chips are so small. I've bent more pieces than I've assembled.

“You need to start from the inside out.” Iva is restless next to me. 

His hands fly out to take over before he snaps them back to his sides. I hold a microchip tight between the forceps he gave me when a snap sounds. Iva’s long groan is like a signal to the techs to bring more parts. I release the forceps and the chip clatters to the table in three jagged pieces.

I finally manage to insert the mechanics and now I have to enter the coding. I can’t look at Iva when the tracker starts to smoke and fizzle.

“Huh. Never saw anything like that before, Oren. It’s not even hooked to the power supply yet.”

Then he starts laughing so hard he has to hold on to the workstation. I walk away when the techs start to gather and call others over to gasp at what I did. My jaw hurts from clenching. Why can’t I get it? 

There are quite a few things I'm struggling with. I was so ahead in my physical training at the academy there was nothing left for me to master. But here in Centrum, I have a chance to go beyond what I ever thought possible. To learn more and expand my capabilities. Except I'm not staying, I can't stay. Iva comes into the hall where I wait, wiping tears from his eyes. 

“They said you’re not allowed to touch anything in there—ever.” Iva chuckles as he leads me next door to the biological department.

The air has a familiar dampness to it as we approach the bio lab entrance. Iva waves his wrist device over the keypad to open the doors this time instead of keying in a code. The metallic door clanks, followed by the hiss of escaping air. Scientists bustle around, lab coats billowing behind them. Some sit hunched over microscopes while others pour varies colored liquid and substances into containers. The whir of machines sounds all around.

A wall of thick clear glass separates a room on the left side where scientists work beneath bright yellow protective suits and helmets. A layer of fog permeates the sealed room. Traps and weapons are splayed across workstations as the scientists fill them with neon green ooze, the same color of the high-tech weapons in the vault.

My skin breaks out in goosebumps and it’s not from the cool air conditioner. My powers rise and I have to pinch my thigh roughly to keep the surge of energy back. I’m being watched, tracked. I peer into the far back entrance of the bio lab where it opens up into a massive warehouse full of caged demons. 

My abilities rage forward. I double over the counter in front of me from the pain in my chest, and my hair falls over my eyes. I’ve never been this close to so many demons before, there must be thousands. The rush of tangy copper fills my mouth from where I bit my tongue and my legs quake with the energy surge. 

I exhale a calming breath. Iva’s talking, but it sounds as if I’m underwater. My heartbeat bangs loud in my ears. I focus on the whoosh, whoosh of my breaths going in and out. Iva is still talking but facing the demons. He hasn’t noticed my freak out and the scientists are so wrapped up in their work they pay no attention to us.

“If I could . . .” He's coming in clear now. My control is back.

“I’d spend all day in here.” He says looking back and I’m upright again. 

I push the hair out of my eyes and keep my attention on him, fighting to ignore the demon's chuffs and grunts.

“The work these guys do is amazing.” Iva's hands broadcast his passion as he continues. “We learned how to build the tech that stops a Flick from dissipating and mutes the demon’s abilities by the experiments done right here.”

“You really love this stuff. Is this where you think you’ll spend your career after active duty?” 

Iva’s eyes shutter and his arms fall limp to his sides. He turns back to the warehouse and gives a small huff of a forced laugh.

“Yeah right.” He says, looking back at me.

I stare back, not getting the joke. It’s obvious he’s passionate about the labs and the work they do. His brows furrow, puzzled. 

“Sometimes I forget who you are.” He rubs at the slight brown stubble along his jaw.

“Look, I know nothing has been easy for you. But trust me when I say, you’re the luckiest member of the founding families there is.” His shoulders slump and he's lost in that defeated faraway trance from the vault.

“Warriors born in to a founding family have a sacred, inescapable duty to fulfill. But not you. No one cares what you do.”

His words are like a mallet to my gut. No one cares. It’s not news, but I wasn’t prepared to hear it. Iva is clueless of the blow he delivered. His eyes are hard with a longing that passes as quick as it came.

“Ah, Iva.” The crazy haired, doctor waves a clipboard at us. 

He’s standing between the lab and the warehouse, waving us over. I follow slow behind Iva, wishing he was as broad as Kane. Dr. Anton Quinn is embroidered on the doctor’s wrinkled lab coat. Dr. Quinn places his glasses on his face. His smile widens, and he clutches the clipboard to his chest at our approach.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Iva my boy!” He says.

“Hey Doc.” Iva pats the old man on the shoulder. “Sorry for the delay. It’s my turn babysitting the recruit today.”

He inclines his head to me. I’m not sure of the proper protocol for greeting the doctor. Before I can raise my hand to offer a handshake, the doctor jumps up in place.

Oh, Rain Oren!” His voice echoes around us.

My eyes dart across the lab, hoping no one heard my name. His eyebrows raise high as he rushes me. I take a step back and Iva holds a hand to the doctor’s chest to slow him down.

“Whoa doc. Don’t want to scare the fresh meat now.” The doctor fidgets with his glasses.

“No, of course.” Dr. Quinn mutters. 

His head moves up and down, examining me like I imagine he would a species in his collection.

“How wonderful! An Oren, finally here in Centrum.” He flips a few sheets over on his clipboard.

“Now, now Doc. We’re not experimenting on Oren." Iva puts a hand to cover the clipboard. “At least, not today.” He leans in to fake whisper in the doctor’s ear. 

They both smile at me and I shift in my shoes, ready to run for it. That’s a little too close to my nightmares to consider funny.

“I am truly honored to meet you.” He reaches for my now deflated hand, shaking it vigorously. He's nice, excitable, but nice enough.

“Your father saved my life once, but you’d be hard pressed to find anyone in Centrum Building that couldn’t say the same. Well, not about your father specifically, but about the Orens.”

Before I can comprehend what he said about my family or shake the shock to respond, he’s gone, leading Iva away.

“Hang there for a second, Oren.” Iva calls over his shoulder as they round the corner into the warehouse.

They’re met by the nervous female technician with the oversized glasses that assists Dr Quinn. Papers shuffle between them as Iva listens to the doctor’s animated speak. I can’t risk letting my abilities loose to eavesdrop with so many demons around. I don’t think I could rein them in again. So, I stand and wait where I was told. The doctor rushes off and Iva’s walking back to me with the tech assistant following.

“You'll get used to him.” Iva says looking in the direction the doctor took off in.

“We're excited when Iva has time to visit. I mean, he's excited. Dr. Quinn is the one that gets excited.” Her soft, timid voice trails off. 

Iva takes a step to the side to reveal the tall, thin assistant who’s turning a bright shade of red. Thick square framed glasses magnify blue eyes. Her light brown hair is coming loose from her bun and falling in her face. She’s almost as disheveled as Dr. Quinn.

“Jane, this is Rain Oren, the newest member of our squad.” Iva smiles at her.

She’ll be purple soon if he keeps that up. I’d seen most of the girls at the academy have this reaction around Cole. I nod a hello when she tears her eyes off Iva.

“Oren?” She says reaching up to adjust her glasses. 

Her mouth drops open in a small “o” as she steps closer to me. She doesn’t stop until we’re almost nose to nose. Her eyes move rapidly back-and-forth across mine. She’s so close, I can count the freckles across her nose.

“Uh, Jane?” Iva calls from my side.

“Oh!” She jumps back. "Sorry." 

"She does that sometimes." Iva says. 

Jane gives a small laugh and leans towards me. “It’s just . . . I could’ve sworn your eyes glowed blue for a moment. It reminded me of the color of your warrior weapon, Iva.”

I laugh her off and take a step back. Had my powers flared up without me feeling it. This is not good.

“Scientists man.” Iva laughs. “Everything’s up for examination, right Jane?”

Her eyes melt over him. She stays like that for several awkward seconds.

“Okay then, see ya Jane.” Iva waves. 

He pulls me by the elbow into the warehouse toward the demon enclosures, leaving Jane in her daze. The warehouse is vast, with concrete floors and metal cages as high as buildings. Some demons sleep or prowl in their cage. Others roam in an artificially wooded area with light fog to simulate their homeland. 

The glass enclosures vary in species. There are some with just one type of species and some with a mix. All the cages and enclosures glow the same neon green color as the special weapons in the vault. We stop at a paddock with a mix of demons and one higher-level demon I’ve never seen before.

Somehow my powers can sense it’s a higher level than the others. It's a humanoid shape with transparent skin like a Flick but solid, less skeletal. The head is eyeless, completely smooth where eyes would go. A jagged slit runs from side to side of its bulbous head for a mouth. The limbs and torso have muscle definition. It stands on tree stump looking legs about six feet tall. But what’s most unnerving are the two finger-like digits and opposable thumbs on each hand.

“This is where it gets fascinating.” Iva rubs his hands together. “I want you to tell me what you observe in this enclosure.”

“Is this part of my assessment?”

“Of course, trainee. Now pay attention.” He smiles and nods to the enclosure in front of us. “I’ll be right back.” He says, leaving to join Dr. Quinn a few rows away.

I study the enclosure for a good fifteen minutes. There's nothing odd or interesting to report. Not only did I fail the tech part but I failed the bio part of his specialty too. And I didn't even have to try this time. I’m just about to admit defeat when the mix of lower-level demons go still for several minutes. Then they move into some kind of formation. Moving as one, as a herd. Only same species move as herds. 

I keep pace along the length of the enclosure and follow their movements. They stop in front of the high-level demon and crouch low to the ground, like they’re preparing to pounce. Demons attack each other for food or territory, cannibalism is common. Yet the herd stays still. The high-level demon moves and I think it’s going to run, but it walks closer to the herd. It stands before them and with a slight nod of its head; the herd attacks the enclosure’s gate.

I jump back, my heart racing. I lower my head to keep the surge of power that escaped my hold from flashing in my eyes. The herd’s attack is futile with the technology muting their powers. The barrier sparks and lights in defense, but they keep giving it everything they have with brute force. 

I swing my head back to see what the high-level demon is doing. It's standing right before me and I almost choke on my own saliva when I gasp. My eyes blaze bright reflecting off the glass of the enclosure. My arms warm and tremble with the call to summon my weapons. The demon’s head is moving up and down my frame, the only sign it’s studying me.

We stay still, watching each other. I slide to my right and it follows me. I crouch down and it lowers itself to my level. I stand back up and it does too. My eyes flash again, my powers uneasy, and it cocks its head to the side before bowing at the waist. The rest of the herd has gathered behind it. They’ve stopped their attack on the enclosure, their milky eyes locked on me.

I swallow thickly as my breaths come out in pants now. The eyeless demon’s head raises and turns as if listening. It faces deeper into the warehouse before it retreats back to the far side of the paddock, taking the herd with it. Footsteps approach a few seconds later and I step away turning my back to the enclosure. I squeeze my eyes shut and calm my heart. It's just like my first day, all the demons focused on me, why?

“Well?” Iva steps up to the enclosure looking in. 

I stay turned away. 

“What’d you see?”

“Nothing for a while but then the demons started acting odd. Maybe from being in captivity?” I’m not revealing anything that has to do with me.

“In what way?” He asks.

“That high level demon changes their behavior.” I reply.

“What does it mean?” Iva walks over to me.

I turn to face him, under control again. “The higher demon has a kind of intelligence.”

“Exactly!” He nods and takes on a bit of Dr. Quinn’s wildness.

Iva belongs here. No matter what family he's born into.

“And not just intelligence, but leadership too.” He turns back to the enclosure. “That high level is the only one we’ve ever encountered. A Rex demon. It has the ability to communicate and command mixed species.”

“Why haven't we ever heard about this?” I sound shaky. 

Iva is quiet as he walks closer. Our defense and tactics rests on the warrior born being able to take out mindless, base instinct demons. How would we stand against a coordinated, strategic attack? Mixed species working together could end us. Iva stands before me, placing a hand on top of my shoulder. 

“Now you’re asking the right questions, careful who hears them.”