1.09 – Akiza’s “First” Time [R18]
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Part 2

Even after she arrived at Kanata’s apartment, Akiza was still thinking about Akeno's proposal. She only allowed the idea to drift once she’d finally fished out her key to the apartment and let herself in. She didn’t have to worry about him showing up and spoiling the surprise since Kanata often worked long hours.

That left Akiza with enough time to get everything ready for him. A nice, quiet evening with the nicest, kindest, young man.

A true gentleman.

By the time the door rustled open, Akiza had already set up the apartment for their night together. She heard Kanata let out a breath of relief one moment after he crossed the threshold.

"Hello Kanata."

💜 "Hey, babe." 💜 

Akiza appreciated how her boyfriend’s eyes trailed up before practically popping out of their sockets when he saw her standing in the living room.


"Akiza? You, look beautiful."

The poor thing. He seemed more akin to a deer caught in some headlights. The way he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Caught in her headlights. It was so cute.

So adorable.

"How was your day?"

 Akiza got off the couch before striking a lovingly cute pose for her favorite man.

"It was…wow…"


💜"You really do look…perfect."💜

She did a tiny twirl, giving him a full view of what she would one day reward him with, if he chose her. "Aw, thank you."

"But, what’s the occasion?"

"Does a girl need a reason to spoil her man?" Akiza hooked her arm into his and pressed her breasts up against him. Men were so easy to please.

"This is just what I need tonight", he replied confidently.

"That’s what makes this a surprise. Surprise!"

 She leaned in to plant a long, deep kiss on Kanata’s face. He reciprocated, taking the lead as he usually did. Kanata’s tongue slipped into Akiza’s mouth, inviting hers to a dance. They remained that way for a few moments before she finally pulled back.

Her libido was screaming at her to speed up.

"How was your day?"

💜"It will be better once I have some more of that."💜

"Hehe. My pleasure." Kanata led Akiza past the table she’d set for them and straight into the bedroom. "Wait, don’t you want to eat first?" The smell from the table was intoxicating. Akiza knew she wasn’t half bad in the kitchen. Being raised by a traditionalist like Yukie, it was only natural.

💜"I think you'll have your mouth full with this for now.”💜 He said back, reaching down and snatching at his crotch before squeezing.

"You won’t hear me objecting."

"You better not! Now then…" Kanata made his way to his closet. He spent a few moments with his back turned away from Akiza before returning, tossing an assortment of toys and costumes onto the bed.

"New collection?"

💜"There are some oldies here to0."💜

"I can tell."

Kanata purposely kept Akiza waiting in favor of inspecting his collection. He finally paused next to a long, black rubber horse dildo. He worsened Akiza’s arousal by bending down and giving it a deep sniff. "I haven't washed it since the last time I put this in you." Kanata smiled coyly at her. “It’s my favorite."

"It's my favorite too."

It wasn’t really her favorite, but it still had a really soft spot in Akiza’s heart…and her pussy. In fact, she remembered that dildo. It was the first toy Kanata ever bought for her. Since he’d never seen what she looked like down there, he thus had no idea what size to get. Still, it was alright. She appreciated the thought.

💜"Oooh, I like this one.”💜 Kanata mused, picking up a red ball gag. He went on to measure it around her face. 💜"I can see me rocking your world while you scream into this sexy thing."💜

"Is that so, well then…" Akiza reached for some bonds on the bed. "I think this will go very nicely with that."

Kanata yanked her into his embrace and squeezed tightly. His body was so warm to the touch that she just wanted to rest her head against his chest forever.

💜"Thank you."💜 His words were soft and caring. Kanata’s body felt a little stiff. Akiza could tell that it had been one of those days at work. Their bodies swayed rhythmically to the sound of inaudible music playing in the background.

"You are welcome. Always." Akiza wrapped her arms around Kanata’s body. She allowed him to guide them to the melody of the non-existent melody. She wanted him to tell her why he was so tense. She wanted him to share that stress with her. She wanted him distracted so he could feel better. She wanted so many things. She wanted to tell him what she was feeling. She wanted him to listen to her problems. She wanted him to tell her what to do to make it easier. She wanted everything to work out--for both of them.

After cuddling in each other’s arms for a few more minutes, Akiza finally broke the embrace to step back.

"I really need to blow off some steam tonight."

"Hm?" Akiza's curiosity perked up.

💜"Never mind. I want you to forget I said anything."💜

Akiza's expressions shifted again, going from taken aback to instantly happy.

"What were you saying?" She asked politely.


"Okay then, are you ready for this?” Akiza happily struck another pose, cuter this time.

“Very.” She could tell that much by how hard little Kanata was down there. He removed his pants and the sight of Kanata’s member ultimately broke Akiza’s walls. She couldn’t take her eyes off that long thing swinging between her man's legs. Likewise, she couldn’t wait to cum from it.

💜"What persona do you want to adopt tonight?”💜 Kanata asked. His question prompted Akiza to recall just how much he enjoyed role play.

“I don’t know. I can be sultry...or submissive if you like." She made sure to change her tone at each suggestion. "How about...tsundere. It's been a while since we did that one."

💜"Sure. Go for it..."💜

Akiza hesitated briefly. There was an unwelcome fog in her mind attempting to spoil her mood. She quickly pushed it to the back of her brain before stepping forward and putting her hands on her hips, tilting her body slightly. "Don’t just stand there with that dumb look on your face! Get your butt over here and let’s start already! I don’t have all freaking day!"

She couldn’t help but snicker when Kanata’s body jolted just from hearing her go off on him like that.

💜"Hey! Don’t tell me what to do.”💜 He said back, equally as playfully agitated.

"Hmph. I should be the one saying that to you." Akiza struck a different pose, choosing instead to mockingly fold her arms together before putting on the puffiest, annoyed expression she could manage.

💜"You’ve got a really big mouth on you, eh?”💜 Kanata gripped his member, stroking it in plain view. Akiza could’ve sworn the thing grew two inches in those two seconds. 💜"Why don’t you start us off by using that head to give me some head?"💜 Kanata playfully aimed his cock right at her.

"Whatever. But don’t get a big head! I’m not doing this because I want to." That wasn’t true at all. Akiza could hardly deny how much her pussy was begging to be drowned in cum juice. "I will suck you off, but don’t think this means I’m giving you permission to finish inside my mouth! If I taste so much as a drop of your cum, I’ll chop your balls off! Got it!?"

Kanata replied in grin and nod format before approaching. At the same time, Akiza got onto her knees whilst the salty musk emanating from her boyfriend’s cock massaged her nose. She had no other term for the scent of strong, manly sex other than ‘delicious’.

"Ew, come on Kanata! Your cock stinks! How about you try washing this damn thing?! You’re about to do it with a cute girl."

💜"Nah, it feels better in your mouth when I still have your juices on it from the last time you blew me."💜

"Well, you can forget about putting that filthy, disgusting thing in my mouth! I am a lady with dig—aaaaah!" Kanata yanked her towards him, penetrating all the way inside her mouth hole.

💜"Now, now, be a nice girl and suck your Companion's cock."💜

Akiza begrudgingly nodded before the cock popped out of her mouth. She leaned in again and wrapped her petite lips around Kanata’s massive member.


There was so much pre-cum oozing out, such a strong taste, leaking into her mouth. Akiza proceeded to suck, mixing in Kanata’s juices with her saliva, all the while savoring the flavor while her head bobbed forwards and back.

She suddenly recalled her current role and swiftly pulled a disgusted face at Kanata.

💜"Ah! That stupid expression makes the sadist in me feel really good babe."💜

She loved the feeling of taking Kanata’s meat into her mouth.

"Ughfuhh~ Nguhh~ Sllllrp!!"

I’m enjoying this taste so much!

“Haah, haaa, you're really good at that! It feels too good!”

It should.

Akiza was used to handling this member. There wasn’t a weak spot she hadn’t manipulated to her advantage before. Akiza took turns rolling her tongue over Kanata’s cock, making sure to play with the slit in the middle. She recalled how good Kanata felt when she did that. The nervous, uncontrolled twitching in her mouth was a giveaway.

Kanata’s cock spasmed in her mouth, followed by a big wave of pre-cum that flew out of his dick.

The more she drank, the hornier her body felt. The further back the fog in her mind retreated. Akiza’s pussy was catching fire. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt this way. Akiza’s body twitched with anticipation as juices trickled down her thighs even as she continued to suck.

She traced her tongue along Kanata’s shaft while slurping down more of his juices.

💜“Aki! I’m gonna…”💜

Kanata pleasurable cries alerted her, as did his shuddering body. That was her cue. Akiza increased her pace and lapped her tongue faster. The throbbing of Kanata’s member went on for a few more seconds before it finally chose to be emptied.

Wave after wave of semen flooded into Akiza’s mouth.



She gurgled Kanata’s cum down her throat, appreciating the taste.

When it finally came time, she was able to just barely tear her mouth away from her boyfriend’s tool and meet his eye.

💜"Tell me you enjoyed that, babe?"💜

I have to remember my role.

"The hell I did! I told you your cock stinks! And what did I tell you about cumming in my mouth!?"

Kanata ignored the pretend outburst. He ventured into the other room, bringing back a stylized chain with a collar at the end—a leash.

💜"Here, put this one.”💜

“Forget it!”

Akiza didn’t fight back. She allowed Kanata to tie the collar around her neck, but decided to show her pretend reluctance when it came time to be led. Kanata stopped in the living room, where he paused in order to take out a blindfold.

💜"We’ve come this far, we might as well go all the way.”💜 He announced giddily. Akiza grinned too before realizing that she was still meant to be in-character.

"If you don’t make me feel really good, I will never forgive you." It was such a stereotypical thing to say. She heard it all the time in anime, said by girls who couldn’t make up their mind. And if Kanata’s widening smile was anything to go by, he certainly appreciated her touching on the trope. His sweet smile was the final thing she saw before being blindfolded. Akiza freely gave over control, stretching out her arms. The next sensation she felt, more keenly alert this time due to her sight being gone, was Kanata tying her body up to something and pulling on the rope so she couldn’t move even a little.

 "Don’t get the wrong idea though!” She admitted, still pretending to be mad. “Even if my pussy is sopping wet right now, I am not enjoying being treated like this!"

This is so good!

I am so close to cumming and he hasn’t even touched me yet!

💜"Whatever you say.”💜 Kanata answered lackadaisically. She could feel his fingers all over her body. She could sense him stalking her like a lion, waiting for the opportune moment to pounce. These soft touches sent all kinds of pleasurable jolts coursing throughout Akiza’s body. The next sensation was of her tits being squeezed up against something flat. She was on her knees, bent over, most probably on a table. 💜"Here we go…"💜

Akiza felt something force her mouth open. She allowed Kanata to slip the ball gag in there and waited for him to tie it around her head.


💜"Oh shut your trap, already. We have plenty of time."💜

This is amazing!

The anticipation was growing.

Kanata's dick is about to penetrate my pussy!

Building like a volcano about to erupt.

I'm about to cu—

It came and went like a flash of lighting; something cutting off her train of thought.

Just for a second.

A new strange sensation quickly formed, replacing her growing need from a second ago. It rapidly grew before spreading and taking over her entire body. It was alien but quickly became recognizable. Akiza barely had time to name it before she became aware of thick, hot cum leaking out of her pussy.

Are you kidding me?

Did Kanata shoot his load early?


There was something else...

*slap* *slap*

Something warm and hard was gently hitting her in the face.

So annoying.

Why is my body so hot?

Akiza’s body felt so flushed with sexual pleasure. Like she had just orgasmed. She was practically glowing with sexual satisfaction.

What in the world?

She tried to speak but the ball gag was still in my mouth.

There was this annoyingly satisfying, infuriatingly fantastic feeling buried somewhere between her belly button and her spine. She waited a moment for Kanata to untie her and remove the ball gag. Akiza looked back and saw her Companion grinning at her. Her pussy felt like it had just gone twelve rounds with the biggest cock in the country.

"I don't understand..." She confessed out of confusion. The feeling of sex was carefully being replaced by deep puzzlement.

💜"Well, that was nice. You really went all the way tonight."💜


Standing up, Akiza took note of how sore her breasts felt. As though someone had just put them through a meat grinder or used them to play whack-a-mole with the table. Most likely the latter. Only that didn’t happen.

Thick, warm, creamy cum leaked out of her, trickling down her thigh.

💜"Thanks babe.”💜 Kanata said again, grinning satisfyingly. 💜“That was great."💜

 "Kanata? Did we just have sex?"

His expression adjusted accordingly.


"No, I'm serious! I can't remember if I came?" Almost on cue, a thick, hot gooey spurt of cum burped out of her pussy loud enough for both to hear it.

💜"Does that answer your question?"💜

He was right. Her body was on shaking with satisfaction. Her insides were raw with ecstasy that she couldn’t remember. It definitely felt like she’d cum. She just couldn’t remember how or when.

💜"Akiza, are you okay?"💜

She dug out some of Kanata’s cum and spent a moment playing with it in her fingers. It was definitely cum.

"I'm not sure,” she responded meekly. “Everything is a complete blank."

💜"I'll take that as a compliment.”💜

He shouldn’t.

💜“It's not every day your cock literally fucks your girlfriend senseless."💜 Kanata couldn't help but laugh and Akiza felt pressured to join in. But laughing about it didn’t erase how strange she felt inside. She couldn’t even begin to describe how outlandish it was to have a body bathed in the afterglow of what felt like a really amazing orgasm...and not remember how you got it.

"I should clean up. You left a mess inside me."

💜"Yup. You really gave me a workout tonight. But you should probably forget about what happened tonight."💜 Akiza raised a confused eyebrow at her Companion.

"Forget about what?" Akiza had no idea what her Kanata was referring to.

This is the first part of my new Light Novel “My Life as an Ero-Magi Sucks! All Roads Lead to Perversion!!”. I will be posting updates periodically on here, as well as on my Patreon and WebNovel.

It has been a huge joy to work on this series and I’ve been careful to balance all the elements that make up great Light Novels: Fun, interesting characters, a nice-enough mystery and of course an excellent premise. 

If you can't wait to find out what happens next, you can grab Volume 1 for just $5.99 from