12. Unexpected Guest
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The news of the two dead guards and the prisoners' escape spread through the city like wildfire in a dry forest. Conversations in the 'Salty Sturgeon' tavern revolved around the daring feat, and Bruno knew that Viki had succeeded, even without her explicitly sharing the news with him.

He suspected she was laying low until the situation calmed down. Perhaps she feared being recognized by other guards or simply exercised an extra level of caution. Bruno focused on his work, attempting to quell his futile musings. The tavern provided the perfect backdrop for conversations over mugs of beer and delectable meals.

Amidst the bustling kitchen, Bruno moved like a phantom among the arguing women, anticipating their needs before they even voiced them. Peeling potatoes, and onions, fetching fresh water from the well, gutting fish—everything materialized on the table just as the cooks required them.

It was a busy and exhausting day, yet for the boy, it did not end with the approach of the evening when he could finally head home. There were still numerous tasks awaiting him in the realm of alchemy.

Though sunlight still lingered outside, the grim and windy day, coupled with the late hour, afforded Bruno little time before darkness enveloped the streets.

"Too bad she didn't bring me that equipment," he mused to himself as he embarked on the walk to the slums.

His gaze soon caught an intriguing sight—a tall, grinning man with a ponytail, leaning against the wall of a nearby building, casually chewing on something. Though Bruno had never met him, he recognized Nathan from the stories he had heard. Nonetheless, he pretended not to notice, maintaining his pace without a second glance.

"There's a word on the street that you're skilled with potions," the thief called out as the boy drew nearer.

"Hello, Nathan," Bruno greeted him, continuing to walk.

Viki's employer pushed himself off the wall and started trailing behind the wannabe alchemist, closing the distance with a few lengthy strides.

"What do you want?" Bruno inquired.

"I've heard you're involved in some intriguing business. I'd like to lend a helping hand. I'm quite generous to friends of my friends," Nathan remarked, spitting the tobacco he had been chewing onto the ground.

"We both know that's a lie. You've heard about the poison, likely from Tom, and that's why you're here—you need some of it," Bruno stated firmly.

Nathan let out a chuckle, amused by the youngster's sharpness. "You're right, boy. I do need some of it, but I'm also intrigued by your business idea."

Bruno replied confidently, "Creating what I want to make will be a slow process, requiring significant investment from you. I need books, equipment, ingredients, space, and time. Can you provide that?"

Nathan asked in response, "Can you provide me with what I want?"

Two thoughts raced through the young alchemist's mind. The first centered around the resources the gang of thieves could offer, along with new connections, distribution networks, and opportunities for testing. It would be the perfect foundation for a strong start, yielding promising results.

The second thought revolved around the skepticism he had developed toward Nathan, considering the tales of his selfishness that Viki had shared, along with his alleged connections to Edward Samson, known as One-Eyed Shark, a legendary pirate and right-hand man to the Pirate King, Hugo Wagner. Bruno dismissed it as mere embellishment, doubting that the leader of a small band of child thieves could truly know such a renowned figure. Though Nathan undoubtedly had connections, they were more likely tied to Samson's captains rather than the man himself.

The decision between the two paths became clear to Bruno.

He came to a halt, causing Nathan to stop as well, and extended his hand toward the thief. Nathan grasped it firmly, sporting a wicked smile.

"Is Viki alright?" Bruno inquired, not breaking the handshake.

"She's fine," Nathan replied. "She couldn't stop talking about you and your plan, but she was exhausted, so I sent her to get some rest. She's probably sleeping now."

"Good. Like I said, I'll need a space for my work," the boy stated.

"We have some in our basement," the thief offered.

"Very well. Send Viki with some of your boys to my shack. I have some things to move," the young alchemist instructed.

Nathan chuckled once more. They released their grip simultaneously and went their separate ways. Bruno, feeling quite hungry and knowing it would take some time for the young thieves to arrive at his shack, headed straight to Mrs. Griselda's place.

Dinner awaited him, and the other boys were already eating. He joined them, silently consuming the food. The tall kid stole glances at him over his meal, but the others paid no mind. Raul's face showed signs of improvement, but his hand still remained useless.

Too bad his father was already out of the city; otherwise, Bruno was confident he could create the first samples of his product in the upcoming days. With Raul’s father, the drunkard, present, he would be able to test them right away. However, since he was absent, Nathan's crew would have to find suitable people and convince them to drink the effects of his experiments.

After dinner, Bruno headed straight to his father's shack. A group of kids had already gathered there, their presence visible even with the night descending. They had a cart, and one of them wore a cloak with a hood. From a distance, Bruno was certain it was Viki.

Although most shutters in the vicinity were closed, he knew people were secretly observing through cracks and small openings. They were all curious about the trouble the young boy had gotten himself into but didn't want to involve themselves.

As he approached, the kids laughed, but he paid them no mind and simply opened the door to his shack.

"Come. I will show you what to take and what to leave," he instructed with a confident tone. "Be careful. If you break something, you'll have to replace it from your own pockets."

All eyes turned to Viki, and she signaled for them to proceed. Bruno then directed them on which items to take. Everything was loaded onto the cart and covered with an old rug. Since he had no plans to return to this place, he even had them pack his bedding.

Together, they set off toward the old wine warehouse. Bruno and Viki lagged behind the rest, maintaining a few steps of distance to engage in conversation.

"Thank you," the girl began. "I didn't know what to do, and you came up with a plan right away, even in the middle of the night."

Her face remained obscured by shadows and her hood, but Bruno sensed her blushing through the tone of her voice and posture. She deliberately positioned herself to prevent him from stealing even half a glance at her face as she spoke.

"I'm here for you whenever you need me. We're friends, and we support each other no matter what," he reassured. "Besides, I didn't do much. You did all the hard work. It was your courage and determination that made the plan successful."

She didn't respond, and when he attempted to catch a glimpse of her face, she shifted to evade him. This confirmed his suspicion that she was currently in love with him.

They continued their journey until they reached the warehouse, where Nathan and a group of other thieves were already waiting. Opening a large wooden gate at the back of the building, they made way for the cart to enter.

"Welcome home," said the leader of the young thugs.

"It's not my home," Bruno replied, dismissively, as he moved forward to inspect the place.

The interior was dimly lit, with candles and oil lamps adorning the tables scattered throughout the main space. Giant barrels lay on their sides, supported by wooden constructions, their lids destroyed to create makeshift rooms where the kids could sleep.

Bruno walked past the tables, making his way towards the stairs located beside the wall, leading down to the basement. As he passed, he noticed remnants of food, playing cards, dice, knives, and various trinkets. The stairs were enveloped in darkness, but as he descended, the corridor was better illuminated by torches mounted on the walls. It was a short corridor, with four closed doors leading to rooms on the left and a single door at the end.

Nathan followed closely behind and quickly provided an explanation. "The first room is mine, and the second belongs to Viki. I couldn't let her sleep with those dirty bastards upstairs, could I? She is a girl, after all. Your place is ahead."

Bruno nodded and proceeded to open the door assigned to him. The chamber was spacious and relatively bare, brightly lit by the torches within. This was advantageous, as it would allow him to continue working even after dark. The room contained a large table, two bookshelves, and little else.

"Perfect," the boy declared. "Place my things here, and I will take care of the rest. I will need a few items, but we can discuss that tomorrow."

Nathan smirked and left the room. Soon after, the other kids began bringing in the items from the cart, filling the chamber with Bruno's belongings.