20. Unwanted Visitor
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For a couple of days, Bruno dedicated himself to organizing his new space with the assistance of Viki and a few other individuals from Nathan's crew that she managed to recruit. He compensated them modestly for their help using the earnings he generated from his successful product sales.

During this time, the young alchemist divided his efforts between working independently and learning from Batraz, who surprisingly appeared delighted to impart knowledge to the young boy. Bruno swiftly realized the old man's deep passion for alchemy and demonstrated to him that he was no ordinary child. As his workers finally arrived, all of them youthful, ranging between twelve and fifteen years old, he wasted no time and took charge of fulfilling the orders commissioned by the grandpa, practically single-handedly producing 'Fix.'

He established a routine for himself. In the morning, he engaged in a few exercises to invigorate his body and awaken his senses, followed by breakfast and preparations for production, which he pursued diligently until midday. Then, he would break for lunch and deliver a list of required items to Orfeo. If Batraz had some free time, Bruno would seize the opportunity to learn from the experienced alchemist before returning to his workshop to ensure his workers stayed on track. Subsequently, he would tackle any outsourced tasks assigned by Orfeo, returning for dinner. In the final hours of the day, he would immerse himself in reading, expanding his knowledge of the field.

A full week passed in this manner. Viki dropped by several times to check on the progress and handle the delivery of 'Fix' to the various taverns throughout the city.

Just as Bruno completed his work and prepared to return to the main building for a meal, he was halted by a familiar figure standing in the alley, directly in front of his workspace entrance. It was Raul.

"You promised me something," Raul began as soon as Bruno emerged from the building.

"Promised?" The young alchemist inquired.

"Yes, we had a deal. I was going to do what you wanted, and you were supposed to help me with my father," Raul uttered through gritted teeth.

"But you didn't hold up your end of the bargain," the boy retorted.

"That's not my fault. You found someone else to take my place," Raul responded.

Bruno, upon hearing those words, immediately evaluated whether it was worthwhile to keep this kid around or simply tell him to leave. Although Raul was presently just a boy, his physique hinted at promising physical capabilities in the future, and having some muscle on hand was always advantageous. However, his troublesome attitude raised concerns.

He decided to test the tall boy and gauge his reaction first. Without uttering a word, he began advancing straight toward his interlocutor. With only a few steps between them, Bruno meticulously counted each one, and at the precise moment, he tilted his head slightly to the side and narrowed his eyes. It was a calculated move intended to intimidate Raul and assess whether the previous events still lingered in his memory.

The young scoundrel instinctively took a step back, attempting to maintain a tough facade, but Bruno's action was enough to solidify his decision.

"Viki will visit you tomorrow," he stated and then continued walking toward the main building to have lunch.

He finished his meal alongside the other alchemists, some of whom still lacked families and relied on Batraz's provided sustenance. Unfortunately for Bruno, they all considered teaching such a young boy beneath them, though occasionally they would make small requests of him.

With a satisfied stomach, he prepared to return to his workshop, but before he could, he spotted Nathan across the street. Leaning against a building wall, chewing his usual tobacco. The thug wouldn't be there if he didn't want to talk, but Bruno wasn't particularly eager for such a conversation. He attempted to ignore the leader of the young thieves.

Observing that the kid noticed him but made no change in direction or pace, Nathan pushed himself off the wall, his face contorted with anger. He was about to head directly toward Bruno, prompting the alchemist to meet him halfway. Bruno let out a sigh and decided to walk toward Nathan, who halted upon realizing the boy's approach.

"I see that you've grown quite full of yourself, kid," the thug remarked.

"What do you want, Nathan?" Bruno retorted.

"You need to do something for me."

"I need to?"

"Yes, you do," Nathan said, spitting a bit as his anger got the better of him.

The young alchemist let out another sigh and rolled his eyes.

"Tell me what you need, and then I'll decide."

"I need poison," Nathan drawled through clenched teeth.

A vein on his chin protruded and twitched slightly as blood pulsed through it. The pressure must have been substantial for such a reaction, which nearly brought a smile to Bruno's face.

"I need something to sprinkle on food that will make whoever eats it sick. Days of vomiting," he explained, noticing the boy's quizzical expression.

"You're growing fancier with each request. Are you sure you're not a spoiled noble girl?" the young alchemist quipped.

"Just get me what I need," the thug barked.

"I don't work for you anymore."

"You work for Billy."

"I work with Billy, not for him. And he understands that, but you clearly don't. Nonetheless, I'll make what you need, rest assured. But that's the last favor I'll do for you, so don't ever come here again."

"My boys are the ones who deliver your product. They might stop doing that."

Bruno let out a loud snort. The thug was utterly clueless.

"They're doing that because Billy insisted, not because I need them. So your leverage doesn't exist. I'm done here. I'll contact you when the poison is ready."

With those words, he spun around and walked away.

Nathan had become an annoyance that could no longer be ignored, and Bruno was certain he wouldn't simply stop showing up. The time had come to get rid of him. The only question was how to do it without angering Billy 'The Razor' Fisher.