21. Pottery
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The idea came unexpectedly to Bruno as he delved into a tale often recounted to children in the Eastern Empire—an intriguing topic in itself. The empire occupied nearly half of a vast island to the east, a land so expansive that it would easily be deemed a separate continent in any ordinary world. Yet, in this peculiar realm, it remained part of the same island.

Adjacent to the Eastern Empire was the Western Empire, with a few smaller countries sandwiched between these two formidable forces. These smaller nations often became the victims of conflicts between the larger powers.

The tale that captured Bruno's attention revolved around an influential civil servant who hatched a scheme to poison a princess, intending to heal her afterward to gain favor with the emperor and secure the noble girl's hand. As expected, the plot failed due to the interference of an audacious peasant deeply enamored with the noble girl.

The tale itself held little significance, but it was the method of poison delivery that sparked a revelation in Bruno's mind. It provided him with a plan. However, finding the time to execute it was a challenge. With pending requests from Nathan and Raul, along with his responsibilities for Batraz and his own business, the young alchemist was simply overwhelmed.

He had dispatched Viki to deal with the young bully, buying himself a few days to prepare the poison. It bought him some time, but the situation was still far from ideal. He needed assistance.

The next morning, after his customary training and breakfast, Bruno sought out Orfeo, who was already engrossed in his work within a cramped laboratory. The room was filled with equipment, and multiple racks brimmed with ingredients. Only one large table dominated the space, leaving just enough room for a single person to maneuver.

"May I interrupt you for a moment?" The boy asked, standing at the open door.

Orfeo halted his tasks and glanced at Bruno. "If you must."

"I require a favor. There's something I need to attend to in the city, but I don't want to leave the workers unattended. Could you go there and periodically check on them, just to ensure they're diligently working?"

The young man snorted and chuckled, making no attempt to conceal his disdain. "No, I couldn't. I know who you are and what you've done. Connecting the dots doesn't require a genius. You're nothing more than a filthy rat, a scoundrel. Batraz only accepted you because of Billy, but don't deceive yourself. This is no place for a poisoner," he practically spat the word out, "like you. I know you were behind the deaths of those poor guards. Now get the hell out of my laboratory."

Bruno retreated, recognizing the futility of engaging in a lost battle. It would be simpler to seek Viki out in the city and ask her for a favor instead. He made a brief stop at the manufactory in the back alley to ensure everything was running smoothly before hastening towards the docks to find the girl. Familiar with her usual haunts, locating her was a straightforward task.

Now that the coins were flowing in from the sales of his invention, Viki no longer needed to resort to stealing for money. However, she continued her thieving exploits simply for the thrill. Bruno discovered her observing the streets near the "Full Keg" tavern. Though it was too early for a lucrative score, she kept a watchful eye on the patrons entering and exiting the establishment. Spotting him from a distance, she stepped out of her alley hiding spot.

"Well, this is an unusual sight those days. What brings you here?" she inquired.

"Obviously, I need a favor. I require someone to keep an eye on the workers while I attend to other matters. Can I rely on you?" Bruno replied.

"Yeah. Where are you off to?"

"To the pottery shop. I need to create something."

"For alchemy?"


"See you soon then," she said and brushed past him, heading toward the market.

Bruno briefly glanced at her departing figure and then made his way directly to the pottery shop Nathan had shown him some time ago. Initially skeptical, the shop owner was swayed by the clinking of coins. Three copper galleons and a couple of iron frigates secured the necessary materials—a price the boy gladly paid to achieve his desired outcome.

Moving to the back of the workshop, Bruno commenced his work, shaping the clay to fashion a teapot. It proved challenging, for his skills were not yet refined, and the details from the tale were sparse. Nevertheless, armed with an understanding of the underlying principles and an abundance of patience, he persevered, attempting repeatedly to capture the desired form.

As the day waned, Bruno conceded his inability to achieve the perfect creation and decided to return. However, he assured the owner that he would return the next day with the remaining payment since he had not completed the task. With a sense of urgency, he rushed straight to the factory in the back alley to confer with Viki and assess the progress during his absence.

He discovered her perched on a broken plank of wood near the building's entrance, munching on an apple. Her watchful gaze followed the workers as they tidied up after a long day, while the sun slowly descended on the horizon.

"Everything go alright?" he inquired as he approached.

With deliberate slowness, she chewed the apple in her mouth, seemingly unbothered by the question.

"Yeah. I was bored out of my mind," she finally replied.

"Good. I need you to come back tomorrow. I didn't finish what I was making," Bruno requested.

She rolled her eyes and let out a sigh.

"Please, V. I'll pay you back," he pleaded.

"Fine! Fine... But I want something fancy. A ring. I want a ring," she negotiated.

"Alright. I'll buy you a ring," he agreed.

A victorious smile crept across her face as she rose to her feet, leaving Bruno behind. He watched her strut confidently toward the docks before tending to the remaining tasks at hand. Expressing gratitude to the boys for their hard work throughout the day, he closed up shop, concluding his responsibilities.

With those duties behind him, he finally returned to the main building, grabbed a meal, and retreated to the laboratory to swiftly concoct something for Raul. Working under the illumination of several candles, the process took longer than usual, but eventually, the poison was prepared. Bruno carefully concealed it in a corner, obscured by unused items. Finally, he could retire for the night, knowing an early start awaited him.

The following day, he practically bolted from the main building, heading straight to the pottery shop, determined to secure more time to perfect the elusive teapot. Reluctantly, he paid the owner once more for the use of the space, lacking a better alternative. Asking for assistance from the owner was out of the question, as any connection between him and Nathan could jeopardize the entire plan. Keeping the guise of crafting alchemical equipment, Bruno busied himself with side projects to maintain the ruse.

Regrettably, the second day proved equally fruitless, as his creations consistently fell short of functionality. Frustrated, he smashed the failed attempts and proceeded to the manufactory to rendezvous with Viki.

He found her wandering amidst the alchemical equipment while the boys diligently cleaned up their work area.

"One more day," he declared as she noticed his arrival.

She let out a sigh of resignation.

"And I need you to deliver something to Raul. Can you do that for me?"

"I'm not your slave, you know?" she retorted.

"Yes, but you are my friend," he countered.

His remark elicited a smile from Viki, which she quickly concealed by biting her lip.

"Fine. Just give it to me."

Reluctant to retrieve the bottle in the presence of the workers, Bruno deliberately stalled, waiting for them to depart.

"I will, but first... On my way back, I took a peek at the market. I happened to glimpse some rings. Obviously, I can't afford anything extravagant yet, but I noticed some lovely pieces with amber. Would that be to your liking?" he fabricated, banking on his limited knowledge of the city's trade goods to make it plausible.

She turned away, hiding her face, and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, that would be fine," she replied.

As the workers left the premises, Bruno wasted no time. Retrieving the bottle containing the poison from its hidden corner, he handed it to Viki.

"Tell him to add a small amount to the food or drink. It will act subtly and appear natural, but it will definitely be effective," he instructed.

"Is that...?" she began to inquire.

"Yes. I keep my promises," he lied.

She nodded slowly, hesitating for a moment, before accepting the bottle and departing.

Meanwhile, Bruno returned to the main shop to grab a bite to eat and catch a few moments of sleep, preparing for the impending third round. Throughout dinner, Orfeo's disdainful gaze fixated on him, but the exhausted boy chose to ignore it, seeking solace in a much-needed slumber.