26. The Ring
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Viki stood with her back turned to the imposing door that led to the alchemist guild's main building, unable to comprehend the shocking revelations she had just received. Bruno, her companion, had fled upon discovering Nathan's survival, while Orfeo had uncovered evidence linking the young boy to a poison that had nearly claimed their boss's life. Emotions coursed through her, causing her hands to tremble and tears to cascade down her cheeks. The gusty winds of the day swiftly whisked away the moisture, leaving behind faint tracks on her skin. A shiver ran down her spine, induced not only by the cold but also by the grip of a panic attack.

Her throat constricted, robbing her of precious breath. Gasping desperately, she sank to her knees, finally managing to draw in the life-giving oxygen. Yet, the overwhelming distress was too much for her stomach, forcing her to empty its contents in a vile expulsion of bile, despite having consumed nothing throughout the whole day.

And then, amidst the turmoil, her eyes fell upon a ring lying discarded on the ground. It was a simple band, crafted from iron, with a small amber tear that had cracked in its center—a ring that Bruno had promised to give her. With a trembling hand, she reached out to claim it, but before she could grasp it, a stranger swooped in and snatched it up.

"What a nice piece," he remarked with a smirk, clearly a local laborer who happened to pass by. His attire betrayed his station, as did the stale stench of sweat that clung to him.

"It's mine!" Viki immediately protested, her voice ringing with defiance.

The man laughed in her face, belittling her claim. "We shall see about that. There's a nice alley nearby," he pointed toward the direction of Bruno's laboratory. "Maybe you can earn it if you are good enough."

Amidst her fury, Viki gritted her teeth and swiftly drew forth a concealed knife from her shoe. In one swift motion, she plunged the blade into the man's calf, eliciting a piercing scream of pain, while simultaneously seizing the coveted ring from his grasp, scratching his arm in the process. With a burst of adrenaline, she sprinted away without looking back, her feet carrying her until she reached the docks, where she swiftly vanished into a dimly lit alley, seeking refuge and a moment to catch her breath.

Her chest heaved, the weight of her exertion and fear evident in her labored panting. Opening her palm, she gazed upon the ring, its details obscured by the limited light. Nevertheless, there was no mistaking its identity—it was the very trinket Bruno had promised her. A simple iron band with a small amber tear cracked in the middle. Notably, she had discovered it right outside the guild's main building, leaving little doubt as to its origin.

Something was not right. Viki's intuition prickled, alerting her to the fact that Bruno wouldn't simply vanish without a word. He would trust her enough to confide in her, knowing she would safeguard his secret. With this conviction, she directed her steps towards the abandoned wine warehouse, now transformed into Nathan's stronghold.

Initially, she scanned her surroundings with cautious eyes, fearing she might be pursued and exposed. Yet, finding no sign of any such threat, her focus shifted to the ring clutched tightly in her palm.

Tears welled up once more, cascading down her cheeks, while her trembling chin betrayed her overwhelming sorrow. She wept, tears flowing steadily until she reached the hideout. Only then did she gather herself, wiping her face on the sleeve of her shirt.

As she approached the entrance, the door swung open, revealing Tom.

"Where have you been?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. "I've searched everywhere for you."

"Why do you care?" she retorted.

"Why do I care? I care because Nathan can no longer lead us, all thanks to that foolish kid," he responded, despite being younger than Bruno. "He needs time to recover, and we need a new leader. The strongest will lead. I need your support."

In response, she slapped him across the face.

"He is older than you, so stop calling him a boy! He has done so much for you, yet you show him no respect!" she snapped, her anger palpable.

Tom attempted to say something, his hand tenderly touching the cheek that had received her blow, but before he could utter a word, she struck him again, her palm meeting his face with a resounding impact. With determination in her eyes, she turned on her heel and stormed away, retracing her steps.

"Stupid wench," he muttered through gritted teeth before hastily retreating.

Viki marched forward for a while, her path devoid of any clear destination, clutching the ring firmly in her hand. She seethed with anger towards Tom, her mind consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts. Suddenly, she halted, a spark of realization igniting within her.

If they were willing to fight for leadership, then she would fight too, and she would emerge victorious. Bruno had imparted a valuable lesson—to utilize the resources at hand. Rather than charging headlong into the conflict, she would strategize and employ the tools available to her. He had left her with one such tool.

Without delay, she sprinted towards the shore where ships were moored, a gamble to find Raul awaiting her. And luck was on her side as she hit the jackpot.

With his father gone, he had shouldered the burden of labor at the bustling port, aiding in the ceaseless task of unloading and loading cargo from ships. However, the disarrayed schedule, irregular vessel arrivals, and occasional bureaucratic hurdles often resulted in delays or even canceled work for the day. His employment was tied to a specific company, limiting his responsibilities to certain ships.

She knew this all because she decided to keep an eye on him – just in case.

Resting beneath a towering stack of wooden crates awaiting transport on carts to the heart of the city, Raul jolted to his feet upon noticing someone approaching.

"What the... It's just you? What do you want?" he exclaimed.

"Come with me," she commanded.

"Why? What for?" he retorted.

"Because you owe Bruno, and he needs your help," she asserted.

Raul scoffed. "I don't owe him anything!"

Furious, Viki surged toward him, halting just centimeters away, her outstretched index finger almost grazing his nose. Her hand quivered with intensity.

"He helped you when you were injured. He got rid of your father for you, and you have the audacity to believe you owe him nothing?!" she snapped.

"He's the one who got me into this mess in the first place," Raul countered, seizing her finger in his grip.

In response, she swiftly seized him by the groin, causing the boy's eyes to widen in shock.

"Will you help me or not?" she demanded, each word punctuated with emphasis.

He nodded meekly.

"Good. Now come with me. We have a few bastards to teach a lesson," she declared. For a brief moment, she tightened her grip, asserting dominance, before releasing her hold on his precious gems. Without waiting for him, she spun on her heels and strode away, leaving Raul behind.

He hesitated for a moment, glancing back at the crates, before shaking his head and following her determined stride.

"Wait!" he shouted, then began jogging to catch up with the resolute girl.

They swiftly maneuvered through the bustling section of the docks, reaching the warehouse in no time. With a firm grip, she swung open the door and entered, with Raul trailing closely behind.

The back gate stood ajar, allowing sunlight to filter into the dim interior.

A chaotic ring had already formed within the warehouse, haphazardly constructed from tables and chairs. Tom, in the center of the makeshift arena, pummeled a smaller, younger guy whose nose was already bloodied and broken.

The rest of the crew encircled the fight, shouting and cheering. Around twenty individuals had gathered, their voices mingling with the clinking of coins. Bronte, a tall, blond troublemaker known for his penchant for cheating at cards, had taken on the role of bookkeeper. Sporting a stolen black top hat and a dark jacket with a black cloth working as a scarf tied around his neck, he sat behind the lone table that wasn’t part of the haphazard ring construction, meticulously tallying bets in his head as he could not write or read.

As Viki made her entrance, her eyes locking onto the combatants, Bronte's eyebrows arched in surprise.

In that moment, Tom felled his opponent, triumphantly raising his fist in the air. Laughter and applause erupted, revealing that the majority had placed their bets on him. However, the celebration was short-lived as the young gamblers hurried to claim their winnings from Bronte.

"What is he doing here?" Tom demanded upon spotting Viki and Raul.

"He's going to represent me. I'm also fighting for leadership," she declared with conviction.

"No, you're not!" her brother retorted.

The sudden commotion caught the attention of Fin, who appeared seemingly out of thin air, shirtless and sporting a bruised cheek—an evident participant in the fights.

"You heard me well, so don't play dumb," she retorted as Fin joined the gathering.

Their argument drew the attention of the remaining thieves, who turned to watch the heated exchange.

"He can't fight for you," Tom insisted.

"And who says that? You?" Viki scoffed. "I may be a girl, but I'll be twice the leader any of you could ever be. He's my tool, and I'll use him."

"No, you're not," Fin interjected, stepping forward.

Viki instinctively stepped back, gripping Raul's shirt sleeve tightly. He glanced at her, sighed, and took a step forward. Capitalizing on the opening, the thief lunged at him, aiming a punch at his face. However, Raul, towering and sturdier, absorbed the blow with minimal impact. In response, he delivered a forceful strike to Fin's face, instantly toppling him to the ground.

Tom, consumed by fury, lunged through the furniture, intent on tackling Raul, but his attempt failed as Raul deftly evaded. Instead, the tall boy seized Tom by the neck, forcefully pinning him to the ground.

"Enough!" Viki shouted, her voice cutting through the tension. "Anybody else thinks I can't participate?"

Silence greeted her question.

"I believe we've found our winner," Bronte announced loudly, a wide grin spreading across his face.

"No. I'm going to win fair and square!" Viki retorted, seeing through his scheme. Bronte clearly aimed to support her when she held a strong card, positioning himself favorably within the gang. Bruno would never agree to such a risk when he could easily avoid it, and right now she was constantly asking herself what he would do.

"So, who's my next opponent?!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing through the warehouse.

No one answered. The young onlookers had witnessed Raul's prowess and were unwilling to face such treatment. Just like that, Viki claimed the title as her own.