49. The House Of Mamun
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Bruno and the mysterious Mamun made their way through the city of Meshek in solemn silence. The boy knew that the old man would eventually provide answers, and he didn't want to agitate him with a barrage of questions before it happened, to risk irritating him.

As they walked, the architecture underwent a subtle transformation, evolving into a more majestic display. The buildings grew taller and larger, stretching to two or even three stories. Some structures boasted stunning gardens, adding a touch of natural splendor to the surroundings. Even the people on the streets seemed to change, transitioning from the working class to affluent members of society, evident solely by their opulent attire.

Colors shifted from muted bronze and beige, tinged with faint yellows, to vibrant hues. Blues, greens, and reds dominated the palette, accentuating the attire and adornments of the city's inhabitants. Bruno couldn't help but notice the increasing amount of jewelry adorning their bodies.

With each step, more and more individuals recognized the old man, bowing deeply in deference as the two passed by. Mamun paid no heed to these displays of respect, his demeanor remaining indifferent.

Finally, they arrived at a massive gate forged from twisted metal, situated within a towering fence composed of iron and bricks. Beyond the gate lay an expansive garden, a winding path meandering through its heart, leading to a grand estate. Bruno's eyes could only catch a glimpse of the rooftop and the twin towers flanking it.

As they approached, the gate swung open as if recognizing its master. Mamun didn't even pause; the sight impressed Bruno, though he kept his emotions concealed. Instead, he followed silently, absorbing every detail with keen attention.

They continued their trek toward the estate, and with each passing step, the grandeur of the building unfolded before them. It stood at least three floors tall, excluding the towers, which undoubtedly reached even greater heights. The edifice boasted numerous large windows, each adorned with flawless crystal glass arranged in small squares, forming a mesmerizing grid pattern unfamiliar to the young boy.

The walls, nearly white with a tinge of gray, extended seamlessly to the roof, adorned with deep blue tiles. The sheer expense required to construct such a magnificent structure, considering the prices of materials the young alchemist was familiar with, must have been astronomical.

At the entrance, a weighty black door embellished with climbing ivy greeted them. Fashioned entirely from gold, it sat atop a trio of short steps. Effortlessly, the door swung open before the master of the house, unveiling an extraordinary interior.

The ceiling soared to impressive heights, allowing the sunlight to flood the space through tall windows. Polished white marble, streaked with darker veins, adorned the floors, while the walls shared the same pristine hue. Paintings adorned every available inch of wall space, showcasing a diverse array of artistry. The furniture, crafted by skilled hands, exuded exquisite craftsmanship. Countless small tables displayed sculptures, vases, and pots bursting with vibrant, colorful flowers, a testament to the mastery of numerous artisans.

Within the grand estate, wardrobes crafted from sturdy, dark wood stood scattered throughout the space. Animal skins adorned certain areas, where larger tables, typically accompanied by a couple of chairs, were strategically placed. It seemed as though these arrangements were intended for hosting elaborate parties in honor of esteemed guests.

Amidst the expanse, Bruno's eyes caught sight of stairs and numerous other doors, although they remained too distant to discern any specific details, save for the glimmer of golden handrails, the continued presence of marble, and the recurring theme of dark wood.

Taking in the surroundings as they briskly made their way forward, their destination became evident—a brown door adorned with oversized black hinges. This time, the old man employed his hands to unveil the path, exposing a spiral staircase that descended into the depths of the mansion. Illuminated by crystals emitting a pure white light, the subterranean passage was reasonably well-lit.

Without uttering a word, the old man initiated his descent, and the boy obediently followed suit. They soon arrived at what appeared to be a basement—an elongated corridor hewn from stone and bathed in the gentle radiance of those same crystals. The passageway extended further, delving deeper into the mansion, evidently intertwining with other corridors and converging upon a central chamber that remained just out of Bruno's reach. All he could discern at this juncture was that it served as an open space of sorts.

Compared to the scorching heat outside, the environment within the basement offered a welcome respite—a refreshing coolness that embraced the young alchemist, soothing his senses. As they drew nearer, the boy's initial inkling was confirmed. They arrived at an expansive, stone-carved chamber with rough-hewn walls. Numerous passageways branched off from this central space. Largely unadorned, the chamber featured the same crystals affixed to the walls, providing the necessary illumination. On his left, a set of five unassuming doors stood in relatively close proximity, while only two doors graced his right side, separated by a considerable distance. Those on the left appeared significantly more grandiose.

The closest doors, fashioned from dark wood, bore the familiar golden ivy motif he had observed at the estate's entrance, its tendrils fastened securely to the door edges. Bruno discerned a keyhole, suggesting the presence of a lock.

The second door appeared even more peculiar. It was a solid slab of stone, perfectly carved into a rectangular shape, fitting seamlessly into the wall with minimal clearance. A metal handle and an intricately complex lock adorned its surface. Curiously, intricate carvings embellished the stone, forming an elaborate pattern that had been meticulously filled with pure silver, a detail discernible to the astute eye of the young boy.

Pointing his finger, the old man declared, "This is your room," indicating the plain, unadorned door to the left. "Follow me."

The boy's gaze briefly swept across his new living quarters, taking in the surroundings, before obediently trailing behind Mamun towards the second door on the right. With his left hand resting upon the surface, the archmage gripped the handle with his right hand. Muttering something under his breath, the words escaping Bruno's ears, Mamun exerted force, causing the stone door to emit a grating sound as it swung open, revealing a mysterious laboratory.

Familiar crystals adorned tall candelabrums, each capable of holding a single stone, casting their radiant glow throughout the dimly lit room. Multiple tables stood strewn about, laden with an assortment of alchemical apparatus. Bruno's attention was drawn to several blackboards mounted on wooden racks—an unfamiliar sight to him. These boards had evidently seen extensive use, their corners nearly white from the accumulation of chalk. Every surface was covered in intricate drawings, calculations, and writings.

Ritual circles with intricate patterns adorned the floor, some encircled by short stone blocks. The strangest of them all featured five towering pillars, their obsidian hue extending all the way up to the ceiling. Between these pillars, a shimmering field enveloped a central metallic structure, resembling a peculiar stretcher with a single thread vertically suspended between two arms.

Another circle housed a colossal crystal pulsating with vibrant energy, its pointed tips adorned with dangling metal collars. This crystal was encompassed by further enigmatic inscriptions, intricately carved into the floor, forming a circular pattern.

Unfazed, Mamun strode into the laboratory without hesitation, beckoning Bruno to follow suit. It soon became apparent that their destination was the stretcher encircled by the pillars. As they drew nearer, the boy noticed the same shimmering forcefield stretching overhead, bridging the gap between the dark ceiling and the pillars.

"Get behind the barrier and place your hand next to the thread, but don't touch it," the archmage instructed, his voice firm.

Curiosity burning within him, Bruno couldn't resist seeking an explanation. "What is it?" he inquired before complying with the command.

"It's a highly precise device used to measure the magical energy of anything that approaches it," Mamun explained. "That's why there's a barrier around it—to block external sources of magical energy, including myself and the various magic-utilizing devices in this chamber. Now, stop asking questions and start following orders," the old man asserted.

The boy hesitated, uncertain of the truth behind Mamun's words. However, with few alternatives at his disposal, he reluctantly passed through the barrier, feeling a peculiar, uncomfortable tingling sensation ripple through his entire body. As he emerged on the other side, the sensation abruptly ceased.

Approaching the stretcher as instructed, Bruno positioned his hand next to the suspended thread. To his disappointment, nothing occurred. Mamun's inquiry broke the silence. "So? What happened?" he asked.

Unsure of the expected outcome, the young alchemist responded with a question of his own. "What should happen?" he inquired, his gaze now fixed upon the mage.

"Don't toy with me, boy. Tell me what happened with the thread," the old man's voice carried a tinge of anger, revealing the precarious line that Bruno was treading.

Reluctantly abandoning any semblance of deceit, the boy admitted, "Nothing happened. The thread didn't move." To his surprise, the old man's lips curled into a smile.

"You're full of surprises, boy. Good surprises, thus far. Let's hope it continues," Mamun remarked, swiftly shifting his attention to the enigmatic crystal.

As Bruno stepped out from behind the barrier, wrestling with the lingering tingling sensation, the archmage deftly grasped one of the collars dangling from the crystal's pointed apex. Anticipating the next course of action, the boy approached the old man.

"Put this on," Mamun ordered, extending the collar to him. Closing the distance, the young alchemist accepted the collar, aware that negotiation had no place in this situation. Opening it, he secured it around his neck, the mechanism clicking into place. Although the lock possessed a simple design, he suspected there was a deeper purpose behind its construction.

To his astonishment, an immediate force pulled him towards the crystal, compelling him to walk with unexpected strength. Just as quickly as it had materialized, the force dissipated, allowing Bruno to regain his balance with relative ease.

"Now you belong to me," Mamun declared. "Come this way." The mage led the way to another section of the laboratory, his impatience evident as he scarcely waited for the boy's compliance.

"Can you read?" He queried several steps into their journey.

"Yes, but I'm uncertain if I'm familiar with the script used in this part of the world," Bruno replied.

"A gift that keeps on giving," the old man muttered, reaching a table cluttered with papers. Swiftly sifting through them, he selected a few pages. "You mentioned being a novice in an alchemy guild, didn't you? Well, it's time to put you to work. I hope you continue to surprise me, boy," the archmage stated, turning to face Bruno as he handed over the papers. Without further ado, he resumed his brisk pace, heading towards the exit.

"By the end of the week, I expect a bottle of each. If possible, two," he added, his voice echoing through the empty corridor.

The boy followed obediently as they exited the laboratory, making their way to the door adjacent to his new room. With a twist of the knob, Mamun revealed a modest yet comfortable space, adorned with a single gleaming crystal fixed to the left wall.

"Tomorrow, you'll find everything you need for your work prepared here," the old man explained, resuming his stride and passing by the next door. As he reached the fourth door, his fingertips grazed its surface. "This is your dining area. And the next one is a small library, which you may explore for the remainder of today since you know how to read. But tomorrow, focus solely on your new duties," he emphasized, pivoting to face Bruno, his eyes flashing with an intensity that commanded attention.

"I forbid you from going upstairs without permission, and I forbid you from attempting to escape," Mamun asserted with an underlying power concealed within his words. The collar on Bruno's neck reacted to the command, generating a strange tingling sensation akin to the one experienced when crossing the barrier.

"Good day to you, boy. Someone will bring food to the dining area later," the old man added before simply walking away, leaving the young alchemist to his own devices.