65. The Last Lesson
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As Bruno stepped out into the garden, the morning sun's radiance assaulted his vision, compelling him to shield his eyes. The intense heat enveloped the surroundings, but the refreshing sea breeze brushed against his skin, offering solace. However, he could only appreciate this respite fleetingly, for his mind was burdened with a multitude of thoughts. The knot around his neck tightened with each passing moment, a physical manifestation of the mounting pressure.

Previously, the maids had discreetly monitored Bruno's activities, occasionally venturing outside to keep a watchful eye. But now, their gaze was unabashedly fixed upon him. The young alchemist immediately associated their scrutiny with the weighty conversation he had shared with Mamun the previous day.

"Are you okay?" Javohir inquired, concern etched on his face.

"I'm fine," Bruno replied, finally daring to drop his hand and fully open his eyes. Though they still stung from the brightness, he could now discern his surroundings.

"Get yourself composed, and then we'll begin with stretching," Mamadou instructed, his demeanor exuding casualness as always. Yet, he subtly acknowledged the presence of additional onlookers, shadows flitting within the mansion's windows. The instructor maintained a facade of indifference, playing it off as if nothing were amiss.

After a few moments of gentle exploration, allowing his eyes to adjust to the luminosity, Bruno joined Mamadou and Javohir in their customary routine. Stretching gradually transitioned into light exercises, slowly intensifying in difficulty. Upon completing their regimen, the time for their customary run had arrived.

Mamadou led the way, with Bruno following closely behind, and Javohir bringing up the rear. Initially, silence enveloped the trio as they distanced themselves from the main building, traversing a pathway adorned with blooming bushes, vibrant flowers, and picturesque rockeries.

"We have the padlocks," Javohir eventually disclosed.

"Take them back," Bruno whispered, aware that he was under heightened scrutiny that day, a premonition of even more intense scrutiny to come.

"Has something happened?" Mamadou inquired, his voice calm. He didn’t even bother to turn his head.

"Yes, but I can't discuss it," the boy explained, feeling a tingling sensation coursing through his collar as a silent reminder. "I believe our training sessions might soon be prohibited."

"And so it comes to an end," Mamadou remarked with unwavering composure, as though he had never expected anything more from his association with the young alchemist.

"It's a complication, yes. But it's not like I can't deal with it," Bruno asserted, pausing briefly before resuming. "I will just need you to deliver a message for me to the pirates. It needs to reach Billy 'The Razor' Fisher. He must know that I, Bruno, am waiting for him here in Meshek. He will come."

"Are you sure about that?" Mamadou inquired, stealing a quick glance over his shoulder.

"Yes. He will be too curious to ignore me. He will want to know what happened to me because right now he thinks I'm dead. Make sure he knows to dock here in the port, in two months' time. That should be sufficient for the message to reach him and for him to arrive here," the boy explained.

"Since I've started this, I might as well see it through to the end," declared the trainer, his gaze fixed ahead, never looking back.

Javohir remained silent throughout their conversation, maintaining a steady pace while keenly observing their surroundings.

Their exchange concluded with Mamadou's resolve, and silence prevailed until the trio reached the end of the garden. After a brief respite, they regrouped and embarked on their return journey, falling into their familiar formation.

"It would be wise to have a secret hideout within the city, just in case," Bruno suggested as they resumed their run.

"You do have a lot of requests these days," Mamadou remarked with a hint of amusement.

The boy didn't offer a response, choosing to remain silent.

The remainder of their route was covered in an air of stillness, unbroken by conversation. Shortly thereafter, Bruno descended back underground for his lesson with Mamun. While navigating the halls of the building, he couldn't help but notice the maids' continued vigilant observation, a reality he had grown accustomed to.

After replenishing himself with a refreshing drink of water, he proceeded directly to the classroom, where the archmage awaited him.

"This might be our final lesson for a while," the old man informed the young alchemist as soon as Bruno took his seat. "There have been some developments I cannot ignore."

As the hairs on the back of the boy’s neck stood on end, an unsettling knot began to form in his stomach, borne from a deep-seated fear.

"However, you have a solid foundation to continue practicing on your own, so it shouldn't pose too much of an issue. I will be departing in a few weeks, and it would be best if you suspend your training in the garden for the time being. You may resume when I return," Mamun proposed.

"I would argue, but it seems I have no grounds to do so, do I?" the boy queried, raising his eyebrows.

"No, you don't," Mamun confirmed. "Now... let us pick up where we left off."

The lesson commenced, but Bruno found it increasingly difficult to concentrate. Although he mechanically took notes, his mind wandered elsewhere. Time slipped away, grains of sand trickling through an hourglass, and he was acutely aware of the ticking clock.

All the pieces were within his reach; he simply needed to assemble them, unlock the accursed laboratory door, and forge ahead. As this notion consumed his thoughts, the collar delivered an unpleasant sensation to his neck. It proved to be a constant annoyance, compelling Bruno to maintain a tight grip on his own thoughts and make sure they wouldn’t lead him down a treacherous path. After all, his life was at stake, and he was unwilling to pay such a hefty price.

Simultaneously, an ever-growing sense of excitement surged through his veins, fueled by recent developments. He was tantalizingly close to a breakthrough. Just one damn thing left to decipher, and everything else would fall into place, paving the way to his long-awaited freedom.